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Sorin Hunter
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Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter JRalQ48
Sorin Hunter Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

Sorin Hunter
There are still monsters out there, I should know.
Gender Male
Age 40
Species Lycanthrope
Magic None
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Monster hunter
P.O.B Silvercrest
Residence Silvercrest
Height 1.85
Build Fit
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Wavy
Eye Color Blue-green
Skin Tone Fair


Sorin is a slender and fit monster hunter that has more than one scar due to his profession. He is generally dirty, as he travels often and far. He tends to his appearence sparcely yet has traditional handsome features for a low born commoner.
Constellation The Twins
Alignment Chaotic Good

Sorin is a loner at heart, but does seek the company of people from time to time on the road. After his contracting of the lycanthropy curse he has found it hard to connect with people deeply, making him seem cold. In truth he wants nothing more than to make meaningful attachments, but he fears that he is a danger to people as a whole. This prompts him not to linger to long and hide behind a cold mask of professionalism.
Family Tree


father Harold Hunter
mother Clair Hunter


Brother None
Sister None


Aunts & Uncles Unknown
Cousins Unknown
Born simply Sorin in the town of Silvercrest, Sorin’s early life would be marked with commoner banality. Life in Silvercrest was peaceful, despite the specter of Ashmoor’s invasion of Lemuria in the previous century still looming over the populace. Sorin was a commoner and raised to take his father’s place as hunter, however Sorin never took to this lot that life presented him and wished for a life beyond their homestead in the outskirts of Silvercrest.
His wish for a different and less mundane life would come true in the cruelest manner imaginable. When he was a young man, on occasion, his father and himself would go out at night to hunt nocturnal creatures to shore up their provisions. However, when they returned they found their homestead ransacked and nigh destroyed. Inside, Sorin’s mother lay bisected and her blood still pooling warm. Whatever had killed her was still close by. Monstrous tracks led out into the fields beyond their humble homestead. In a frenzy of unbridled fury, Sorin’s father gave chase to the creature with bow in hand and Sorin in tow. A mistake he would not live long enough to regret.
The beast, a monstrous lycanthrope, lay in waiting. With its ambush sprung, it swiftly slew Sorin’s father and forced Sorin to the bank of Lake Celestia. With his back to lake and wounded from the monster’s initial assault, Sorin had no choice but to face the monster. Having no faith in his archery, a skill he was sorely lacking as a hunter’s son, Sorin could only shoot at the monster’s frame in an effort to slow it down. The monster lunged and sunk its teeth deep into Sorin’s shoulder. Fighting back the sinking feeling in his heart, Sorin drew his hunter’s dagger and thrusted it deep into the creature’s chest. His dagger found its mark, allowing the momentum of the monster to impale itself, but the damage to Sorin was done. In one short night Sorin lost his parents and himself. Even as the monster lay dying on the lake shore, slowly turning back to its more feeble human form, Sorin could feel the lycanthropic curse surging through him.
The monster appeared to be a young girl from the village, no older than 16. Perhaps she was an innocent infected, like he himself now was. He vowed then and there to rid the world of monsters and to protect the innocent, even if he himself was now a monster. If it would take a monster to slay monsters, he would be that monster. However, he would roam the land and sequester himself around the full moon. This curse’s line of destruction would end with him.
That was 25 years ago. Since then, Sorin trained in the sword as it suited him far better than any bow, hunted monsters and traveled far from his little homestead on the outskirts of Silvercrest. Many moons have passed since then, but much still needs to be done. Many monsters still lurk in the wild corners of the world and Sorin’s travels have only just begun.
- Enjoys the outdoors, especially at night.
- Like the busyness of town centers when he can just gaze at people passing by.
- Enjoys the smell of wet grass and rain, though nothing beats the smell of steak pie.
- An avid pipe smoker, though also enjoys ciggars.
- Likes spicy food.
- Hates hypocrits and monsters.
- Still adjusting to having the council rather than having a king.
- Near the full moon Sorin will start craving fresher/raw meats.
- Was raised to hate the conquerors, but has never interacted with them.
- Prefers to let people be, unless they need help.
- Sorin is quite protective of the innocent, especially children.
Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:33 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Sorin Hunter XuTWurPc_o
Sorin Hunter MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:15 pm
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