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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
When he arrived in Ishgard himself, he went immediately to the house that was owned by the Trygg family. Luckily for him there were some attendants that kept the house in shape in their absence. He could simply unpack his stuff and hand off his steed for them to do the rest. He refreshed himself a bit, changed his clothes and left the house again. The people at the estate were quite surprised to see him, as Ve was usually accompanied by other people. But not today. he had felt the urge to leave and go out on his own. Not as a rebellious statement, but more as a... I really need to go out. In a household that was just filled with women there was little he could do beside just try and survive. And, you know, Norwyn was fine but you know. It was just fine. He had seen everything about the city, all the ins and outs, and knew about all the secrets that it harbored. Now Ishgard was a completely different story and it intrigued him.

As he walked down the streets of the capitol, his eyes went over some shops. There was no snow in the city and it felt a bit warmer around here than where he came from. Regardless of that he still pulled his hood up, as he did not want to be recognized by anyone. There would be no mistaken that someone from high standing would know who was right away. But what were the chances of him encountering someone like that just on the streets? Right. The chance were close to zero if you asked him.
Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:56 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Never before had she dared to disobey her mother's will, until today. Bottled up feelings had pushed the young fortune teller over the edge of her own fears. For the longest of times she had dreamed of going outside on her own, seeing the world and going on adventures. How long was she supposed to be locked up in the estate, only allowed to go outside with a guard by her side? Today was the day she finally dared to act upon those desires, if only for one afternoon. She had managed to sneak away from the guard during their city stroll while running errands. She'd be back before dark, but for once she wanted to overcome her fears and explore the capital city by herself.

And there she went, strolling through the city streets on her own for the first time in her life. She had pulled the hood of her cape over het head tightly, and quickly gazed across the street every few minutes, scared of being regocnized. To those surrounding her, she must have looked like a lost puppy. Her anxiety slowly seemed to fade a little, until she managed to bump into a stranger. Alyssia let out a startled gasp as she fell to the ground, the hood of her cape falling from her head. With her signature silver hair now revealed, she anxiously stared the stranger in the eyes for a few seconds, before quickly trying to pull the hood back over her head again. The young man she had bumped into looked quite intimidating, with a scar running across his face. She wanted to run, she needed to run. But she froze in place, not even able to get up from the ground. Was this the fate she deserved for disobeying her mother?
@ Ve Trygg
Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:52 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
His mind was wandering to places that he hadn't explored in a while. Questions that had been on the back of his mind finally saw some daylight as he muled them over again. Issues regarding his future, regarding the Tryggs... And as of recent; the passing of father. He didn't have to work, didn't have to provide for anything. The Trygg family was in power all over Ravaryn. Money wasn't an issue whatsoever, neither was the wealth in other areas. But for Ve it was a matter of feeling useful. Sitting at home all day, only really showing your face for formal reasons and such... Was not something he wanted. He wanted more from his life. He wanted to make a difference... Somehow, somewhere... For someone.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the petite girl. As they bumped into eachother, he had to set a step back. His leg ached a bit in pain, as it was still overworked from his days being lost in the woods. He gasped for air as he wobbled a bit, eventuelly putting a hand against the wall next to him to find stability. His bright eyes glanced towards the person responsible for the collision. She had silver hair and two different colored eyes. His face, that had a bit of a frown from the pain, softened a little. Anyone with a bit of knowledge knew who this was. And for him, it wasn't that far gone in his memories. He had met her before.

"Apologies my lady, are you alright?" He said as he moved a bit, leaning forward to hold out a hand. "Please allow me," He nodded as he kept his arm out for her to take. Even though he wasn't quite strong, he could offer her stability to get back to her feet. He averted his gaze for a moment, checking the people around them, before looking back at her. A soft smile appeared on his normally stern looking face. "Don't worry, I don't think anyone saw," He had noticed how she had pulled her hood over her head at a fast pace. She was trying to be somewhat undercover... Or something. If that was the case, then Ve wasn't gonna ruin that for her.
Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

The young fortune teller felt a lot of feelings all at once, two of the most relevant ones being both fear and regret. All she wanted was to explore the city by herself for once. While she appreciated her guard, she wanted one afternoon spent without someone's gaze focused on her at all times. While being comfortable in her safety, she also craved a life of her own. A life withour restrictions. Being her own person.  

Like a deer in the headlights, she stared at him with big eyes for what felt like an eternity. Not being able to move a muscle. It was when the stranger's face softened a little, that she was being able to breathe again. Perhaps this man wasn't out to harm her. That statement only strengthened itself as the stranger held out his hand. After a few seconds of doubt, Alyssia made use of his offer and carefully grabbed his hand. "Y-yes," was all she managed to get out. "Thank you," while soft, her voice sounded genuine. Her racing heartbeat started to calm down a little, as it became clearer that the man meant no threat. I-I'm sorry for being careless." She bowed her head shortly in excuse. "A-are you okay?" The young Rizal followed, hoping she hadn't hurt him. Maybe it was her imagination, but he seemed a little wobbly on his legs. Perhaps her mother was right, and she wasn't ready to face the outside world yet.

As she turned her face to the ground, the stranger's next few words made her head quickly turn towards him again, meeting his gaze with the same, startled eyes as before. Did he regocnize her? In those brief seconds? As a reaction, she pulled her hood over a head a little tighter. Not knowing how to reply. "..Please don't tell mother." She spoke softly, still looking him in the eyes from under her hood. She couldn't help but to focus on his scar mostly, silently wondering what had caused it while waiting for his reply.
@ Ve Trygg
Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
It took a few seconds for her to finally grab his hand and use it as a way to get up. He offered her as much support as he could while she confirmed that she was fine. She thanked him and he nodded towards her. It was only normal in his eyes that he offered this up to her. She was a lady and he was raised to be a gentleman. Being of high standing family like the Tryggs it was only expected to act like this. And ofcourse he wasn't always like this. He was always in some kind of mood, rarely in a good one, but that didn't mean he wasn't gonna offer his help to someone in need.

She offered her apologies to him and he nodded again as she bowed her head a little. This was followed up by a question. He nodded again. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it," Even though he wasn't quite stable on his legs, the whole situation did not result in him actually falling. He was fine, she was rather small, so the collision didn't do much. He was used to feeling an almost constant pain in his leg, so he didn't really care too much if it acted up a little.

His next comment seemed to trigger something. As he analyzed her face slowly, she pulled her hood a bit more over her silver hair. In the whole two minutes that he was talking to her he noticed that she seemed a bit... Shy? Anxious? Reserved? No, those weren't the right words. Maybe warry was a better one. Her next words confirmed it, he hit bullseye. "Only if you promise not to tell my sister," he said with a small smile as he leaned a bit forwared in a bowing kind of way, putting a single finger in front of his lips, gesturing a silent 'sh'.

He shook his head quickly after and let out a soft smile. "My apologies, ofcourse I won't tell her," he said as he nodded and straightened his back a little. "It's been a while, my lady. How have you been?" He wondered if she even recongized him. It had been a few years and he wasn't really someone with important and flashy key features like her. Well, that was until the attack from a few weeks ago. The scar on his face was sure to become part of him... And he absolutely hated that fact.
Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:20 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

The young fortune teller felt relieved when the stranger told her that he was fine. The last thing she wanted to do on her little adventure was to hurt someone. She would never intentionally hurt someone, ever. Her tensed muscles relaxed a little, as did her grip on the hood pulled over her face. Her nails no longer digged themselves within the cloth, and slowly her arms returned to the side of her body, before she anxiously crossed them for a sense of protection. In a situation like this, she even started to miss Kenji's presence.

The remark about his sister surprised her. Was he also sneaking out against the rules? Was it a common thing for people not to be able to go outside without a guard or companion? "I won't. I promise," she replied softly. How could she? She didn't even know him, nor his sister. Even though the man looked strangely familiar. Perhaps just a local. Right? Her strain of thoughts was proven false with his next question, however. It's been a while? What has been a while? Had they met before?

"I-im sorry, I don't think we met before, have we?" She was careful with her words, not trying to come across as rude or uninterested. The Rizal estate had seen many faces since she was a little girl, no way that she could have remembered them all. Unless.. The youngest Rizal took a moment to observe his face a little better. Perhaps the man had visited the estate before, could have been for a reading. "Are you a customer?"  She continued as careful as before. While she couldn't remember reading his future, the strangely familiar feeling lingered. She just hoped she had not insulted him.
@ Ve Trygg
Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
She seemed to relax a bit after he said he was fine. Her whole body language screamed a sort of anxiety that he couldn't quite pinpoint. It wasn't something that he saw a lot with royals or high standing families, as a lot of them were raised to have atleast some confidence. And in a way, they were justified to do so, as their name alone had power. For him, that wasn't always the case. He wasn't seen as anything to look up to, as he was the runt of the Trygg family. The name was the only pride he had to him and he hated himself for that.

She promised him that she wouldn't tell his sister about this. He smiled a bit as she seemed a bit confused. She clearly did not know who he was and it amused him a little. Until the realisation hit that his marked face was to blame for that. He averted his gaze for a moment as his face went back to his stern expression. He held his breath for a moment, let the feeling of absolute hate sink in... And sighed. As he looked back up to her, a new smile appeared. But it was empty with not much promise; forced in a way that he clearly used to.

She didn't remember and asked as he was a customer. As he tilted his head a little he frowned. His parents had asked for divinations before, but he never knew what it was about. He himself had never asked a Rizal to look into his future. If anything, he wanted the future to stay blank for himself. He already knew that whatever future he was headed for, it wasn't gonnan be pretty or fun. "My apologies, my lady," he said with a nod. "The name is Ve, Ve Trygg, it's a pleasure to meet you," He said as he nodded again, almost in a more bow like manner. "We have met before on some occasions, but that was quite a while back and on rather... big social events," He wasn't a fan of big social events or just social events in general. His dad would always scold him to keep his mouth shut about his situation, so he always did. No-one had to know about how weak he actually was.

As he looked back up to her, he examined her again. "You seem stressed, did something happen?" He could only assume it had something to do with her mother, as she had mentioned her before.
Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:28 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

While waiting for his answer, she studied the strangers now frowning face some more. Both his facial structure and his light hair looked oddly familiar, but if she had known someone with a scar that.. visible she must’ve remembered them instantly, right? Unless.. She didn’t want to stare, but paying more attention to the wound it seemed rather fresh.

And then it hit her.

Just as he tried to find the words to greet the old acquaintance, the young man introduced himself. ”I remember now!” she exclaimed, a bit more enthusiastic than she had meant to sound and a tad less formal than he had been. The Trygg’s were a respectable, noble family like her own. They actually had a lot in common. Her mother would often talk about them, sometimes her voice sounding rather envious while doing so. Neither families had seen each other in a while, however. The last time she had seen the young Trygg before her must have been years ago. ”You’ve grown taller,” she noticed aloud, feeling a bit more relaxed already. A Trygg would not harm her, she was certain. Luckily it was Ve she bumped into, not someone who actually meant to harm her.

His next question however, tensed her muscles again. ”Eh, no! Nothing at all.” She tried to play it off cool. “It’s just.. you never know if someone has bad intentions. Mother always warns me not to approach or talk to strangers who aren’t customers.” For now, she left out the fact that she had technically snuck away from home for the first time within her life. ”What brings you to the capital? You’re not from Ishgard, if I remember correctly.” She couldn’t exactly remember where this particular Trygg came from. Her mother once told her that the Trygg’s ruled over both Sleetspire and Norwynn. Quite the powerful nobles, now that she thought about it. She wondered which of these two cities he called home.
@ Ve Trygg
Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:15 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
Alyssia had always seemed like a nice person if he remembered correctly. But then again, all nobles and higher up families were raised to act a certain way when being outside in public. How to act with the public and how to treat others of the same status. Ve had no reason to do a little bow, as they were of the same status, almost. But he felt as he should. She was a lady and what kind of person would he be if he didn't treat her like one? Her mood seemed to shift as realization hit her. A soft smile curled on his lips as he could finally get rid of that awful feeling of being stared at. At his scar, the ugly part of his appearance. He never was quite the attractive man, just being average on best if he had to put a label on it, but the wound really messed it all up. And well, it was something that people just couldn't look away from. He knew that he either had to start living with it or wear an eyepatch of the sort. He felt a bit weird about the latter option... No, he just had to get used to the stares...

He nodded a bit as he saw how her mood seemed to spark. She commented on how he had grown taller. He laughed a bit as he nodded, what a cute comment. He honestly felt flattered by it. He wasn't very tall for a man and certainly not for the people that could be found in Norwyn. Most of them were muscular and tall. Atleast, that's all he saw. But it was also all he wanted to be, so maybe he was bit short sighted on the matter. "Indeed, it has been a while," He said with a smile. "And you've grown into quite a beautiful woman, my lady," he said as he looked at her. She was very pretty indeed. Nothing like the women that could be found in his hometown. He found that he mostly looking at her eyes. They were unique, eye-catching even. But it wasn't like his scar. No. Her eyes were really pretty and something to be shown with pride.

His next question made him frown a bit as she started to explain herself. Her mother had told her not to approach or talk to strangers, something a mother would tell her... Child. But not in the adult kind of way child, but an actual child child. It could be that she was just trying to protect her daughter, she had the full right to do so, but it was kind of odd. A lady her age would surely go around town and meet new people... Right? Not everything had to be business related. He decided not to pry into it too much, as it would exploit her private life. And... For someone who didn't really like talking about his family issues, he knew that that wasn't a can of worms he didn't wanna open.

She asked him a question and he smiled softly. He nodded. "That's correct, I was born and raised in the Trygg's hometown; Norwyn," he explained. His uncle had become the ruler of Sleetspire, but that had only been as of recently. The Tryggs, however, had ruled over the nordic city for ages. It was their base, their hometown, their safe haven. "And what... Brought me here? Hm... Nothing in particular really," he said as he lifted his shoulders a bit. He could feel the wound on his back aching as he did so. Damn. "In a way I'm here to meet some family...?" He smiled as he leaned in a bit, his voice becoming a whisper as he continued; "But don't tell anyone I'm actually here just for a vacation," he couldn't help himself and giggled a bit as he shook his head. It was true, he needed time off... And staying in Norwyn really didn't help him.

He leaned back a bit again and tilted his head. "So what brought you out and about in the city today? You're going to a customer?" If she was then he would more then love to accompany her on her way there. If not... Then well, maybe they could actually spend some time together. She really seemed like a lovely person and well... In Ravaryn, those were quite hard to come by.
Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:39 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

So far, being on her own didn't feel that bad or dangerous at all. Sure, the encounter with the "strange man" could be placed within her top three scariest moments perhaps, but it all worked out in the end. Maybe that was just the adrenaline rush talking, though. The young fortune teller didn't know whether to feel euphoric, guilty or a weird mixture of both. Never before had she dared to disobey her mother, but what harm could one afternoon on her own do? She'd be by Kenji's side and back at the estate before her mother would even notice.

The meeting with her old aquaintance, Ve, had given her the little confidence needed to keep the conversation going. Slowly, she even started to forget that she was on thin ice. Even though the strange feeling of guilt lingered. His comment, however, swapped out her confidence with a flattered, almost embarrased feeling. But in a good way, that was. A shade of pink flushed her cheeks, as she tried to hide her face behind the long sleeve of her dress while tucking away a few strands of silver hair behind her ear. "Thank you," she answered, her eyes glued to the ground beneath their feet. "That's very sweet." It wasn't often that someone other than her guard complimented her. Maybe because nobody really had a chance to talk to her beside their customers, but within the cold prescence  of her mother not many dared to open their mouths for such complements. Beside that, her mother usually gained most of the attention from the customers. The young fortune teller herself was bound to stay behind the scenes most of the time, occasionally allowed to do a reading of her own to keep up the family reputation.

She was hanging on to every word, listening to him talking about his family and explaining his reason for visiting. "Norwyn? I assume it's very cold out there," she thought aloud. The city lay all the way up north, that was about as much as she knew. Her mother had visited Norwyn before, but she was never allowed to join thusfar. Maybe now that she was of age, accompanying her mother on her next trip wouldn't be weird to offer. His next comment made her chuckle. "It's alright, I won't tell anyone," she answered with a genuine smile, offering her pinky finger to seal the deal. After all, she had a secret or two herself.

While feeling way more relaxed than before, his next question awakened her vigilance once again. She had to be careful with her words, even though talking to the young man felt as natural as could be. "No, the customers usually visit our estate," she explained. They rarely visited people themselves. Uncertainty was written in her gaze as she closed the distance between them a little more, gesturing the young man to move his head a little closer. "I'm not supposed to be here," she then whispered within his ear, after which she took a little step back to lock eyes again. She wanted to make sure she could trust him, and trusted her intuition enough to get an impression from the way he would react, especially his eyes. The eyes were windows to the soul, after all. It was hard to fake such windows of raw emotion.
@ Ve Trygg
Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:39 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
His words had honesty in them, cause like, look at her. He would be lying if he hid the fact that she was stunning. She thanked him for his compliment and he nodded for a moment, putting up a kind smile. He meant it. If she believed him would be up to her. He didn't know if she actually got a lot of compliments... From the way she was responding, he would guess that she didn't. Which was kind of a shame if you asked him. Was she this sheltered or did she not get out much? She commented that that was very sweet. He had to suppress the urge to say that he was simply stating a fact, as she had done. He just nodded for a moment as he tried to keep his tongue on saying anything more on the matter. Maybe he would have a chance later to continue this, but for now he kept quiet. He would keep it in mind, however, as seeing her this shy was quite cute.

Norwyn, she stated that it was cold up there. Ve blinked a bit and simply moved his shoulders a bit. "You get used to it really," he said, as if it was nothing. He had always lived in the cold city up north. For him it was quite weird to not be wearing his usual attire with thick animal hides and clothing so heavy it was a workout alone to put it on. He had enough with something light in the capitol and it made him feel a bit naked as he would prefer to wrap his familiar reindeer pelt around his shoulders. He knew that it would be too warm to wear the pelt, especially during the day, but maybe the night could bring more of a chill on the city to actually prompt him to wear it. "Besides, we have the best clothing when it comes to cold weather. Warm and stylish, if I do say so myself," Nothing like traditional Norwyn clothing, it was the best in the world.

He felt a bit playful and therefore joked a bit around, it made her smile, which made him smile in turn. She promised, holding out her pinky. He laughed softly as he leaned out, holding out his own pinky to wrap around hers. "Then it's a promise," he said silently as he held her gaze for a bit, before averting it and laughing softly. He hadn't felt this young in such a long time. When it home he always had to act formal and be on guard for his sisters. He was never safe when they were around. This was a nice change of pace. If anything he would like this everyday above whatever the hell he was doing now. Coming to Ishgard had been a good idea.

He leaned back a bit as he started to ask about the customers. He thought that he had just simply brought up something simple and therefore would not prompt anything, but it seemed that he... Did... She said that costumers usually would visit them, which wasn't that strange in its own regard. If anything the only people that could prompt a reading on location would most likely be a family as powerful as his own. But that was the Trygg family. It was most likely the most important named next to the Rizals and royal family in Ravaryn, so it would most likely not be a good comparison.

She gestured towards him as he blinked rapidly, as he had just been lost in thoughts. He leaned in and listened carefully to what she had to say. His eyes widened a bit in surprise as she said she wasn't supposed to be here. Not really knowing what she meant by this, he leaned back a bit. He felt an unfamiliar feeling creep over him, as an awful aftertaste of something he had already tasted before. He closed his mouth for a moment and averted his gaze. He also wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be at home, doing something to make himself useful. But there was nothing in the snow covered city to do. if anything he would rot away before he knew it. "I see," He said for a moment as he lifted his hand to go over his face for a moment. "In that case, please, allow me," He held out his hand, offering up a smile. He could not help himself as the anxious feeling still was around, but he had to do something. "Accompany me to my personal stables for a ride, my lady?" He could be overreacting. But whenever he knew he wasn't supposed to be anywhere the last thing he wanted was to be found by family. Was he projecting how he felt onto her? Maybe... But if he didn't, the anxious feeling and nasty taste wouldn't leave his mouth.
Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:03 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

For someone who had feared for her life just a few minutes ago, she felt strangely at home in the prescence of her newfound companion. What were the odds of running into your childhood aquaintance while sneaking away from her guard and her home? With the occasional flare-ups of worry, she felt quite relaxed. Hearing him talk about the city he called home fueled her curiosity. The people of Norwyn were some of the most strong-willed and robust within all of the kingdom, or at least it was told about them. She wondered what it was like all the way up north, so close to the mountains. Perhaps she could try to convince her mother to have a meeting with the Trygg's once again, within their hometown. And maybe, just maybe she could tag along.

It seemed like her intuition did not dissappoint her. Without questioning her answer further, he accepted the fact that she was not supposed to be here. Curiosity sparked within her eyes as she looked up to him, wondering what he was planning when he brushed his hand over his face, supposedly in thought. The offer that followed made her heart skip a beat. Whether it was from excitement, enthusiasm, anxiety for the unknown or the way he had called her my lady - which somehow seemed to come across more genuine than how people would normally adress her in a formal way. It sounded so exciting, she could barely fathom it. Riding an actual horse. Her mother had never let her ride by herself, deeming it was too dangerous for someone important like her. Alyssia had never understood. Her mother used to do it all the time, on every trip. But now, now was her chance. However, it meant disobeying another rule. What if she found out? Or what if something did happen? Would Ve be blamed for it?

The young fortune teller's excitement was overshadowed by hestitation, but deep inside she knew she wouldn't want to miss out on this opportunity. After holding his gaze for a few second, she accepted the offer by accepting his hand. "It would be my honor, lord Trygg," she answered with a smile, paired with a slightly overdone, formal bow. She moved a little closer, pulling her hood over her head again with her free hand. "But please, do make sure that nobody finds us," she whispered, genuinely scared of what could happen to the both of them. She didn't want to scare him away with that fear, though. Maybe if he knew what tyrant her mother could be he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. The thought alone made her sad. Perhaps, Ve could become her first, real friend beside Kenji, who was paid to get along with her.
@ Ve Trygg
Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:53 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
Why did he offer this up..? To steal away a sorcerer like this, would his sister not get angry at him? Oh, well, she was already angry at him as if, so what was one more wrongdoing to the list. He literally couldn't make it any worse as it was always at its worst. He couldn't help but feel somewhat funny at the thought. Yea, suck it Rán. One of the few times he was actually even brave enough to think it. Damn, he really was a pussy.

His eyes met her gaze and he smiled softly as he awaited her answer. Perhaps looking a bit dumb in a way, but he couldn't help himself. It took a bit, but she eventually accepted his offer by taking his hand. Her hand was small and soft. Nothing like how the ladies were up in Norwyn. Hardened by the wintercold, they were nothing like the soft lady before him. He softly pulled her a bit closer by guiding her with his hand, his fingers slowly moving over hers to give it some security. Then the words followed. He blinked in surprise to hear lord Ve. A dumbfounded smile left his lips as he looked at her. It took him some seconds to recover and find his posture. Oh, how fast he was caught off guard. He could only hope that Alyssia didn't notice. She moved in a bit closer and he guided her and started to walk as he lowered his head a bit, also pulling part of his hood over his head. His scar could attract some unwanted attention.

But as they walked, she asked him something. He looked over to her and softly squeezed her hand. "No worries my lady Lys, no-one will know and no-one will find us," He winked at her, before smiling once again. "You are in luck, for I am a master when it comes to disappearing, just ask my sisters," He laughed a bit, but shook his head. "I know a beautiful route not far from my stables, I'm sure you'll love it," At this time of year some plants would still be in bloom. And if they were in luck, they would perhaps even see some animals. Perhaps a reindeer or even a bear. As long as they were on top of the horses they would be safe from the wildlife, so admiring it all would be a delight.

He adjusted his step to hers, but thanks to his bad leg he was still a bit slow. He kept up his smile and tilted his head a little. "So, how much experience do you have with horses?" Small talk was always a good one.
Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:42 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Butterflies filled her stomach as he intertwined his fingers with hers, guiding her towards the way they had to walk. It was a while she had held hands with someone other than her mother. Sometimes, back when she was just a kid, the guards would take her by the hand whenever escorting her somewhere. This, however, felt different.

A genuine smile adorned her face as he softly squeezed her hand before reassuring her. "Thank Raanan," she began jokingly. "For I have crossed paths with this master of disappearing." Her words ended within a chuckle. Even though the fear of being caught still lingered, she felt strangely at comfort by the side of the Trygg. Perhaps, because she knew about and met his family already. A Trygg would never hurt her. "Sisters?" His answer had sparked her curiosity once again. "I always wished I had a sibling or two. What are they like?" Life within the estate with the rest of her family members had been anything but lonely. She had both her mother and Isabella by her side, and when she grew older, Kenji too. Still, growing up wish siblings by her side was always something she had missed. If you were able to even miss anything that was never there, though.

His next question was folloed by her embarassed chuckle. "None," she simply stated. "Mother would never let me ride them myself. Too dangerous, she always said." The rare occassion where she had to travel by horse, it was either together with her mother or Kenji. She had never even gotten her own horse. Her mother had to have to be somewhat right, but she still wondered why everyone around her was allowed to ride. "What's it like?" Her gaze found his again. "Riding a horse by yourself, I mean."
@ Ve Trygg
Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:56 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
He wasn't very strong, but he still held onto her hand quite tightly. Not in a painful kind of way, but more assuring. He thought that she really needed the gesture right now. She wouldn't be able to get lost as long as he held onto her... And if she felt scared of being lost and being on her own, then he would hold her hand for as long as she wanted that. The fact that she didn't seem to mind made him feel... Happy. He was doing something good for once in his life and honestly felt great.

She commented on what he said and the blonde man chuckled for a moment. Yea, he was pretty good at that. He could most likely share his tales with her when they were on the horses. Maybe she would relax a bit then. Alyssia went on about sisters and for a moment he looked at her, before focussing back on the road before them. "Honestly?" He sighed. "They are the most annoying, loud, driving-me-up-the-wall, crazy, batshit insane... People I know," He sighed again. "But it's family so you just have to deal with em," he shrugged it off as it was nothing, but they were indeed... Pretty insane. Or... 'special'. And that was from an inside Trygg. "Don... Don't tell them I said that. They will literally never let me live if they hear about this..." That was also a fact. If a Rizal knew how they really were. Oh the drama. He couldn't care less honestly.

He sighed. "I mean, I'm somewhat happy I do have them around, I care about them ya know?" Rán was someone he looked up to and Nerys was his baby sister. If anything he felt familial love towards them, but as time went on even that started to fade. However, at the end of the day he only wished the best to them. Not that they felt the same way about him.

He started to talk about horses and she replied that she had no experience, following it up by saying that her mother didn't allow it. Too dangerous. "Well, good thing I'll be with you to catch you in case something goes wrong," He smiled while looking at her. "Don't worry. It isn't that dangerous, I'll show you. We'll start slow and I'll stay with you," He wouldn't let anything happen to her. If something were to happen to the Rizal he was sure that Rán would kill him, if not the Rizals. He didn't know her mother at all, but from what he heard she... Sounded like the protective type. And he did not want to cross paths with a super angry overprotective mother. Oh Ranaan no.

She asked him what it was like and he tilted his head. "It... It's kinda like running? It gives you a sense of freedom, that's for sure," He always enjoyed horseback riding. It was one of the reasons why he had chosen not to pursue the whole sled dog stuff his uncle was so fond off. He was a dog person for sure, but just not like that. There was more freedom when being on a horse. It was also one of the activities that didn't strain his leg too much, so he could enjoy it without being in too much pain. "But there's a difference at what time of year you go out for ride," he noted. "It's quite dangerous when it has snowed, but it's also, in my opinion, the most beautiful time of year to go out for a ride," He nodded. "It's honestly beautiful at any time of the year. I couldn't really compare it with anything," And that was the truth.

His eyes went over to the stables. The Trygg estate was just a bit away from here. He could only hope they weren't home. His gaze quickly went over the house, before he softly pulled Alyssia with him towards the stables. He let loose of her hand so he could properly open up the building. His blue eye went over the dimly let inside of the building and he quickly spotted the stable boy. "Frode," The man looked up as he heard his name. "Could you get Dagr ready? I'll be taking him out for a ride along with Asta since I have company," The man nodded and moved away to prepare the stallion for him. He looked over at Alyssia and pushed the door of the building open some more. "Please, come in," The interior of the stables were well kept and they had some horses. Two were his, Asta and Dagr. Asta was the mare who taught him how to ride. He was sure that the black horse would also be a great starter for her. Dagr on the other hand was a greyish roan coloured stallion, could be quite the character. But he had for some time now and he was quite the skilled rider, so he knew it wouldn't be a problem to take him out as well.
Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:13 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

The answer about his sisters left her with a raised eyebrow, soon followed by a chuckle. "I won't, I promise," she answered, squeezing his hand as she giggled a little. Perhaps, having siblings wasn't as amazing as she had imagined it to be. Judging from his words, at least. Still, it would've been nice to share the estate with more souls. Especially now that het mother was mostly found within the main temple of Ishgard, only allowing her to visit occasionally. "I understand," she replied. "Family can be complicated." The young sorceress knew all about it after all.

The topic of conversation soon switched to horses, filling her with both excitement and a little nervousness. How much more rules was she going to disobey in one single afternoon? His comment about catching her flushed her cheeks. "Thank you," she spoke softly, her lips adroned with a smile. Naturally, she believed him. The blonde Trygg seemed to be a natual at easing her anxiety. Never before had she felt this comfortable with someone other than her family, guard or Arianna. While continuing to listen to him talking about what horseriding felt like, she was glued to his lips. It sounded amazing. "Oh, I certainly believe you, my lord," the sorceress replied, her words full of enthusiasm. "I cannot wait to experience it myself." Once again, she squeezed his hand in enthusiasm, reminding her that he was indeed still holding hers.

Arriving at the stables, the nervousness slowly started to overrule her enthusiasm as the blonde Trygg let go of her hand to open the stable doors. Listening to the conversation between him and the stable boy, she waited in anticipation, fidgeting the cloth of her cloak between her fingers. Once asked to follow him into the stables, she quickly made sure to grab onto his arm again, gazing around the huge stables with her eyes widened. "Do all of these belong to you and your family?" She asked him, referring to the many horses she had noticed. They must enjoy riding a lot. Her eyes landed upon a black mare a little further down the stables. "She's pretty," the young Rizal noticed aloud, pointing within the direction of the mare with her free hand.
@ Ve Trygg
Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
She promised that she wouldn't tell after a short chuckle. He offered her a small smile, looked like he wasn't gonna get lynched today at least. She went on to say that she understood, family could be complicated. He nodded carefully. "Tell me about it," He said with a sigh as he shook his head carefully. When his father was still alive it was also constant fighting. But he missed the fighting, the disapproval. He felt as if he missed out on the one goal he had set in his own mind; proving himself to his father. He had always wanted to make the old man proud of him. And het had failed at that one, simple task. He truly was useless and there was little he could do about it. It was his never ending punishment for being such an idiot, how joyful.

Luckily they went on to other things, like the horseback riding. He couldn't help but smile as he looked away from her when he saw her blush a little, offering a thank you for what he said. It would only be natural of him, as he had offered it to her. He was responsible for her safety and her well being from now on, that much was clear. If something were to happen to her he would not forgive himself, her family and his wouldn't either. So well, he would just be royally fucked if anything. After he described what horseback riding was like, he chuckled at how she addressed him. "Just Ve is fine, you don't have to call me lord and all that, my lady," in her presence he was simply a man offering some entertainment. He never really liked that title anyway, since he was nothing close to a lord.

When they arrived at the stables and he instructed the stableboy to get his stallion ready, he looked over to spot his trusty black mare. Alyssia asked him if all of these belonged to the family, he nodded. "Yes, although I think I'm the only one who really enjoys horseback riding and does it both for travelling and entertainment purposes," he nodded. "My uncle, lord Erek Trygg, is very fond of dog sledding. I almost pursued that, but I'm happy I decided to give horseback riding a go," He smiled purely as he stepped forward, moving towards a side room to go pick up the items he would need to get the other horse ready.

When he walked back out with the items, such as a saddle and other stuff, he could see the young Rizal pointing towards a peculiar horse. "That's Asta," He said with a smile as he nodded towards the black mare, moving closer. As he placed the saddle and bridle down he opened the stable carefully. It took him some effort, but he got it open. Asta stepped forward and carefully placed her nose against the shoulder of her master, before lowering her head. Ve brought his arm up and slowly put his hand on her head, petting her in the process. "I learned to ride on her, she was my first horse," he said with a smile as he took a step back. "And she'll be your ride today, so go say hi," he offered her some place to enter the stable. Asta was a very gentle creature, he was sure she would be perfect for the silver haired lady.
Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Apparantly, Ve wasn't a fan of the fancy titles. Letting go of them wouldn't be easy for the young sorceress, though. These titles had been ingrained into her mind, leaving her scolded by her mother whenever she forgot about them. Why didn't he value them? She nodded in agreement, but knew that she would still make the mistake of calling him by his title for a long time perhaps.

It seemed like he was the one using the horses for purposes other than travel. Were people allowed to do that? So far, this sneaky little trip has taught her so much already, even when she didn't go beyond Ishgard borders. How much more would there be to explore? Perhaps, she could convince her mother to take her on some sort of travel sometime, as her little adventure had sparked her curiosity more than ever before.

Oh, there she went again, getting lost within her own whirlwind of thoughts. Ve's voice had made it's way to the background, but she was able to hear something about his uncle and dog sledding. "Really? I love dogs," she replied enthusiastically. Her family kept a few back at the estate. Instead of a dog, though, it was now time to introduce herself to one of the horses. The pretty, black mare from before, Asta, seemed to be the one she would get to know first. The young sorceress stared with eyes widened as Ve took her out of her stable before gently petting her head. "Good afternoon, Asta," she greeted the mare. While she was filled with enthusiasm, her voice trembled a little. Was she really supposed to do this?

As Ve invited her into Asta's stable, her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground as her anxiety seemed to take over, suddenly questioning every descision she had made so far today. After a few seconds, the young Rizal managed to take a few steps forward, gently reaching out towards the bridge of the mare's nose. "D- do you really think I'll be fine?" She stuttered. While her question was meant for the boy, her gaze was fixed on the mare before her. "I'm not sure if I"m allowed to do this.."

@ Ve Trygg
Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:54 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Astray Naamloos
Astray 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
What would Rán think if she found them like this? He was sure that his sister would shut this down faster than anything else she had in his life. Luckily for him, she wasn't gonna find out about. At least not before they were done with their ride. She wasn't home right now, meaning that she could only hear about it after they would return. That could be hours from now and honestly, a problem for the future. A smile rose on his lips when Alyssia spoke about dogs and how she loved them. Something they had in common so it would seem. "You do?" He said softly as his eyebrows rose a bit. "I think you would love Ursa then," He said with a smile on his face. The big fluffy white dog loved meeting new people. It was almost as if she didn't know her own size and strength. Her enthusiasm was endearing and could be somewhat dangerous, but he had trained her well. The big dog listened to him well and was a better guard than any human could ever be. She was loyal and acted out of needs to protect him. Just like her parents had done before her, the two canines he had gotten from his own parents so many years ago.

He looked on for a moment as she spoke to the black mare, tilting his head with a smile as she spoke to the animal. Asta seemed very relaxed and had stepped forward, letting curiosity take the hand as her ears were pointed forward. She was clearly intrigued by this new individual that her owner had brought near her stable. It didn't take long after that that he invited her into the stable. As he looked at his guest, he swiftly glanced over at his horse. The animal lowered her head somewhat, but her general body language screamed curiosity. He chuckled as she saw the upper lip of the animal move a bit. Silly thing. She had always been a bit more playful than the other horses. Quite peculiar, as mares usually had an attitude. But Asta had always been gentle and easy going, allowing most people near her as long as no mal intend was present.

But Alyssia didn't move... And Ve looked back at her, a somewhat concerned frown on his face as she looked at her. Was she... Scared of the horse? Or was she having doubts about it all? He wanted to ask her... But before he could, she moved. As he followed her with his one good eye he observed how hesitant her movements were. Reaching out to the mare's head when she entered the stables. It didn't take long before his unspoken questions got answers as she spoke shortly after. She asked him if she was gonna be fine... Following up with a statement that made his heart ache a bit. Not allowed to... Do... This? He felt his heart sink deeper in his chest as he could feel himself become heavier. Those were the type of things he always asked himself, but dismissed as quickly as they came. Yet there was someone before him that took it question. Not only in her mind, but out loud. Where was her courage? Her spirits? Her desire? He slowly blinked, letting go of the stabledoor as he did.

He gently placed his hand over hers, slowly guiding it towards the nose of the animal. Pressing her hand softly against the animal. He had taken place somewhat behind her so that he could do the gesture with much ease. His fingers slowly moved in between hers as he moved his hand to guide her more, petting the creature as they did. A soft smile came on his lips. "See?" He said softly. "I'll help you," His other hand found a way to her free hand as he slowly let his fingertips go to her wrist. He noticed that he had moved his body perhaps... Somewhat close to her. He could feel his face warm up when he noticed. Was he taking it too far? Should he stop? For a moment he stopped, his movement somewhat hesitant with the sudden stop. His eyes darted to the mare in front of him. Asta slowly moved her head forward, pressing it towards their hands. The sight of the animal made him realize that, perhaps, this is what he had to do.

His other hand, his free hand, her free hand. He softly intertwined his fingers in between hers as he guided her hand upwards. As he gently pressed himself closer to her, he guided her. As their hands moved, so did they. Softly moving along the side of the horse as he slowly guided her, letting her touch Asta from her head, to her neck. Letting the thick mane of the mare fall over their hands, before letting it rest on her back. He held his breath for a moment, before letting out a chuckle. "See..." He said softly. "I got you,"
Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:29 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Astray DtUsT8E2_o
Astray 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Ursa.. that was such a cute name. The silver haired sorceress nodded with a smile. "Let's hope I ever get the chance to meet her, then," she answered. It had been a while since their families had come together for dinner. While chances were very low, the young Rizal quietly hoped that their next family-merging event would be held within Norwynn. It probably wouldn't be the case, but if Alyssia were to be good at anything, it certainly would be at dreaming big.

The mare over which her hand had been hovering for a few seconds seemed to be a calm one, turning her worries expression into a faint smile. The feelings of worry and betrayal lingered, but there was something tender about this moment. Asta seemed so sweet, so unbothered, unknowing of the 'crime' the young sorceress was comitting simply by just being here.

Just before she dared to close the distance between her hand and Asta's nose, she was surprised by the feeling of the young man's hand on top of hers, gently guiding her towards the horse. The young woman subconsciously held her breath as he did, her eyes widening for a second. Even when he came from within the kingdom's coldest city, his hands were warm and his touch was gentle. The two of them were nothing more than childhood acquaintances. Children of important families that needed new blood to keep their family name relevant. Perhaps that is why being with the boy gave her a sense of familiarity and understanding. Ve didn't feel like a stranger, while at the same time he did. The silver haired sorceress wasn't able to identify the feelings she was feeling. It scared her, but why did his voice reassure her?

The girl tried to release the tension in her muscles, leaning into him as his free hand soon found hers while gazing into Asta's eyes. Some said that horses were able to identify people's intentions, or at least she'd read about that sort of stuff. The mare before them remained to be calm, so there would be no sign of danger, right? It didn't feel that way at least, even though the betrayal of her mother's orders wouldn't leave the back of her head.

She was surprised at the abrupt stop. Did she do something wrong, or had she been too quiet? Was she expected to say something? She was about to open her mouth to say something, anything, but it seemed like the mare in front of them would to the talking as she pushed her head against their hands. Alyssia smiled. "I think she enjoys the petting," she observed aloud, her cheeks flushing as she felt his fingers intertwine with hers. She softly squeezed his hand, not wanting him to let go any time soon. It was the safest she had felt with anyone other than her mother of her guard.

The smile remained present as the young man guided her. Stroking Asta's head and neck, while slowly moving their hand towards her back. It had been the most interaction she'd ever had with a horse. Her mother usually treated their horses like transportation, having other people to take care of them. For the first time she got to experience them to be so much more. It made her less scared of the idea of riding one by herself. This mare was so sweet as well, allowing her to get comfortable within the animal's presence before eventually hopping on. Perhaps it was the warmth of Ve's body pressing against hers that forced her to release the tension within her muscles. Her smile widened after hearing Ve's chuckle, feeling his breath against her neck. "Both of you do," she answered with a smile, leaning forward as she pressed her cheek against Asta's side before turning around to face the Trygg. "Thank you," the girl continued as she freed her hand from his, only to throw her arms around his waist and pressing her body against his in a warm embrace, resting her head against his chest. She didn't know how else to thank him, but wanted him to know to be truly grateful for his gesture. Her anxiety lingered, but her mind had been eased more than she thought it would've been possible. She didn't want to turn back now. She wanted to experience this, to ride through the woods for the first time with someone trustworthy to accompany her. Someone who wasn't ordered to do so.
@ Ve Trygg
Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:18 pm
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