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Breaking The Habit
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Ashmoor Citizen
Malcolm Morris
Malcolm Morris
Breaking The Habit DN6yB78
Breaking The Habit 7bfdfe980368613395abf4ab26619fea

Character sheet
Age: 21 Y/O
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Thief
PEACE IS OVERRATED, IT'S THE FIGHTERS WHO SURVIVE @Elliot Gallio Malcolm let him self fall down against the three. With a deep sigh he relaxed his muscles. He had been up all night, scavenging through Port Silverstone. Everyday seemed to be the same at the moment. He was basically looking for his next meal 24 hours a day. Once the weather started getting worse life would have some diversity than it had now. There was more thrill to it. During the coldest months he'd spend most of his time in the water. Staying on land was no use anyways with the constant rain and snow. He always struggled to find an appreciation for his ability. There was still constant gnawing feeling of vulnerability that he never managed to shake of. He was anxious all the time. Watching the sky every couple of minutes to make sure there was no rain coming. Never feeling safe enough to expose more skin than just his face when being in the city. He covered himself behind his leather jacket that he used as a shield for the water. There was nothing he could change about it really. This was his life now, he didn't have a choice to change it much. And he had to try and accept that.
Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:03 am
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