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the heart is an arrow pt2
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Rhy Castedras
Rhy Castedras
the heart is an arrow pt2 Photo-1488866022504-f2584929ca5f?ixlib=rb-1.2
the heart is an arrow pt2 Jesper-fahey-shadow-and-bone

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Guard for the Ylindar family
Rhy was walking very slowly towards the chambers. He didn’t even know if he was going the right way. Another guard had just vaguely explained how to get there and that was it. He had no idea if he was supposed to be here. In fact, he might loose his job altogether doing this. But he didn’t care, he needed to talk.

He had thought out the conversation in a million ways in his mind already. But now that the doors of Vox’ chambers came into view they somehow all disappeared. Maybe he should just… turn around, abandon mission, forget about it. Rhy reached for the ring on his hand out of habit, only to feel disappointed once his fingers grasped nothing. As if he needed reminding of another thing he lost.

Before he knocked on the door, he wondered one more time if he shouldn’t just leave. Maybe Vox wasn’t waiting for him at all, maybe he was just living his life and it was weird that Rhy showed up at his chambers to tell him he had returned to Ishgard. But he knocked while he was lost in thought, because even his unconsciousness knew he wanted this.
Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:43 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
the heart is an arrow pt2 HdukYTo
the heart is an arrow pt2 Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

Free Reign.

Today was boring. Just like all the other days that he was in the castle. The full moon had passed, he felt well rested again and he had the urge to run away. That urge usually came when the worst of his moon anxieties had passed. But where would he go this time? All he could do was stay in Ravaryn, maybe go to the edge. But he needed to be back in a month again. This whole back and forth was killing him.

And then there was a knock on his door. What would it be? Eternal damnation or salvation? Or maybe it was just lunch. Either way, Vox wasn't really feeling it to open. But he probably was obligated to. What if something bad had happened? Oh! Maybe his nephew finally returned from what soul searching trip or something. He was taking too long with that anyway. With a groan he slumped off the bed, flopped on the ground and then crawled up. "Yeah, yeah. Coming," he muttered to let the other on the other side know he was on his way.

With a deep sigh he opened the door, about to turn the other away because he was doing.... stuff. But then he looked up and he recognised the face. And of fuck did he recognise him.

"Oh shit."
Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:23 pm
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