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Lemuria Citizen
Rhy Castedras
Rhy Castedras
Help me out Photo-1488866022504-f2584929ca5f?ixlib=rb-1.2
Help me out Jesper-fahey-shadow-and-bone

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Guard for the Ylindar family
Rhy had been trying his very best to be the best guard he could be, but that didn’t mean that he was perfect. Far from it actually, he messed up more times than he cared to admit.

Maybe it was because he still needed to get used to his current situation. Yes he’d been a personal guard before, but no, not for an entire royal family. It was hard to forgive himself for taking the job. He wondered what his parents would say about his decision. He doubted they’d be very happy.

As he made his way outside of the forest back to the city, he told himself that him having a bad day like this was just his parents punishing him for his decision. And somehow, that had made him feel better. Not that that fixed his current situation. Rhy was grabbing his arm tightly, trying to stop the wound from bleeding. It wasn’t really bad if he was being honest, it was looking much worse than it actually was. Just a minor inconvenience. He would go see the healer in the castle and it would be all fixed again. It was fine.

Rhy was almost back in the city when a rustling sound startled him. He stopped in his tracks and looked around. His wound completely forgotten, he drew his sword. “Who’s there?” he called out when he didn’t see anyone, ignoring the ache in his arm.
Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
Help me out 53zL75vk_o
Help me out TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer
Aurora sighed. Her short time in the forest hadn’t been very fruitful. It wasn’t easy living in a cold environment and being a druid. Her magic power was extracting from plants and brewing them into potions, but that was a hard task to do when most of the plants were already dead or just barely hanging out. She had to get creative most of the times and although she could still fix her healing potions because she was quite skilled at it, it drained her every time how much work she had to put into it. Right now she was returning from the forest, going back to the city.

She wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet, which apparently was reason enough for the man in front of her to act startled. Aurora took a step back when he drew his sword, but she didn’t try to shield her body or to run away. That would only draw suspicion and she didn’t even know why she would do that for. She wasn’t in the wrong, anyway. ”Easy there,” she told him, emerging from the shadows. Her gaze went to his arm almost immediately and she approached him a bit more urgently, holding her hands a bit in the air to show him she didn’t have any weapons on her. As always she had forgotten her bow at home. She was a healer after all, not a killer.

”Do you mind if I’ll take a look at your arm? I’m a healer,” she told him, slowly approaching him. It looked bad from her perspective, but she knew that heavy bleedings wounds could often appear far more worse than they actually were. If it was a minor gash, she could give him a potion for it. If not, she could at least take him home and give him some stitches. It would all depend on if he would let her take a look at him or not.
Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:36 pm
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