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My cabbages
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
My cabbages 1XNHQ6yO_o
My cabbages Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

With a sword hanging over her shoulder, Remy was making her way through the narrow streets of the lower ring. The sword wasn’t her own, but her father had asked to bring it towards one of his customers who had asked him to make it. An old friend of his who had been going through a rough time. He was not supposed to ask any questions, but Remy certainly did, definitely since the man’s wife had been caught for doing magic. While she understood the cause, she also wondered whether there weren’t any other possibilities aside from fighting. But she was only there to deliver, not to voice her opinion.

Her dark brown eyes darted over the many stands where people were trying to sell their wares, food that certainly didn’t look as good as it was in the middle circle. But when someone bumped against her shoulder, and she turned around to see who it was, she realized that might not have been a very good idea. The sword bumped against some cabbages on the stand, who were now rolling down the table. She could hear them fall behind her. ”No! No! Not my cabbages!” She heard the man shout behind the stand and immediately she opened her mouth in shock. Shit, well that was never her intention. ”Oh no, I’m so sorry! I’ll get them for you!” She apologized, after which she immediately dove after the cabbages rolling away over the street. Trying to fix what she had set in motion. Collecting them one by one until her arms were so full with the cabbages that she wasn’t able to pick up the last one. It had rolled right in front of the feet of a stranger, and quickly she straightened her back again to look at the woman.

Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:24 am
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