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Deus Culpa
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Deus Culpa JimtOMm
Deus Culpa F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

Meetings were necessary. But by Renestrae were they boring. Alpha mostly had put in the easy words, the agreeable ones. It was too early to poke, to start and try to mold. So for now, he kept his head down, smiled politely, as far as it was visible with his mask, and did as he was told. He didn't mind doing what he was told, it made things easy. But somewhere in the future it was going to stop. Maybe. He wasn't sure yet. His life was fickle like that.

Finally, he said the usual goodbyes, bowed, smiled, everything, and made his way out. Once outside, the man let out a deep sigh, immediately taking in the fresh air as he closed his eyes for a moment. It felt like his mind was clearing from all the useless talks he'd just been into. And it felt great. Now to go back to the usual business of things. Which firstly was walking back to the Church. Something he was actually looking forward to. With almost a pep in his step he started his descend from the manor, back to the Church. At least, he had started his way. And if he hadn't been half in his mind mulling over thoughts, he wouldn't have missed the last step. But here he was, missing the last step. Alpha felt himself tumbling forward, managing to catch himself halfway,, but still making it look like an awkward fall. Hm yes, an excellent exit if he would say so himself.
@Nyx Xiaoyu
Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
Deus Culpa 9J7lqbMa_o
Deus Culpa 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
It was her first week within the palace, but the former thief couldn't seem to adapt. Perhaps it was just in her head, but sometimes it seemed like every pair of eyes between these walls looked down on her. Did they know of her history? Could they see through the veil of lies she had tried so hard to cover heself in? Almost every soul within the castle walls made her feel this way, except for the Duke, who seemed to have an oddly amount of trust in her. Perhaps the artefact she had accidentally prevented from being stolen held a special place within his heart. If the ice cold Winter's happened to have hearts, that was.

Luckily, even personal guards had breaks sometimes. She decided to spend hers with a stroll outside the castle, just to get out of the stifling environment for a little while. Lost in thoughts, she didn't happen to notice her surroundings. Until the spotted a strange looking, masked man not too far ahead of her. What was such a figure doing behind these walls? He looked kind of shady, but not that she was the one to judge. While observing him, he suddenly seemed to miss a step of the stairs. Instinctually, the guard rushed ahead in hopes of catching his fall, but came to a halt when the stranger managed to catch himself before hitting the stone staircase. "Are you alright, sir?" She asked him carefully, not sure what kind of person this man would be. Perhaps, he looked down upon her as well, if he were to be involved with the Winter family in any way.
@ Alison Winter
Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:14 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Deus Culpa JimtOMm
Deus Culpa F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

Not even as High Priest could he prevent a fall from grace. Though this one wasn't literally, as he definitely liked to keep his position secure for a while longer. The vultures that posed themselves as followers of Renestrae hadn't gone unnoticed to him. But for now he would keep his eyes on them and not yet make a move. If he did and it was too early, his position would be compromised. No, let them come to him and then he would strike.

His knee hit the cobblestones and he felt a shot of pain going through his body. A soft grunt escaped him as he looked at his hands that had taken most of the damage. They were grazed, but it would heal easily. He was about to get up when he heard a voice, which somewhat startled him, almost making him lose his balance again. Shit. He turned his head towards the direction the voice had come from. "Ah, yes," he said, scraping his throat as he could feel hsi cheeks burn under the metal of the mask. "Don't worry, it was just a little stumble," he continued, taking the hand of the boy if he would extend it, or simply getting up himself if the other didn't. "Thank you for your concern," he offered the other a smile, one he had practiced for the past two hours or so.
@Nyx Xiaoyu
Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:29 pm
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