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Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
Right 53zL75vk_o
Right TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith
Although the middle ring had their own market and a lot of shops were he could basically find everything he needed, he had to admit that there was no place like Port Silverstone in the Agrarian Ring. He would often go there to sell some of his weapon parts for a far higher price than he would ask in the Middle Ring. It was an illegal business, but it was funny how desperate people could be when they needed something. And it was funny how he could manipulate them in buying several parts for a price they would normally not have to pay anywhere. Evan didn’t know if they were just dumb or desperate, but it didn’t matter. He had to earn his money one way or another and the world was vile as it was already, so he didn’t mind that he added to that just a little more on his own accord. If he wouldn’t do it, anyone else surely would.

Port Silverstone was quiet famous in Ashmoor, so Evan wasn’t surprised that it was this busy at this hour already. It annoyed him to no end that there were so many people walking around, but it would be good for his business. His grey eyes averted to the left and he looked at the vendors who were standing a bit more isolated from the rest. The harbor had a black market all on its own if you looked hard enough. Evan had brought along one of his most cheapest weapons with him: a dagger made of copper. But he would set the price for a silver blade. Those idiots wouldn’t know the difference anyway. He had made a little insigne of a dragon on the handle of the dagger to make it seem like it was some rare species, but anyone who was practiced in weapons could see that it was a fake.

As Evan was about to walk up to one of the idiots, he bumped into someone. His dagger fell out of his pocket and on the ground. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked perpetrator, he seemed to be around his age. ”Hold your distance, fool,” he scolded, then ducked down to pick his dagger from the ground. He absolutely fucking loathed this place.

@Elliot Gallio
Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:28 pm
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