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Ravaryn - Rán Trygg (Governess of Norwyn)
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Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Ravaryn - Rán Trygg (Governess of Norwyn) Unknown
Ravaryn - Rán Trygg (Governess of Norwyn) F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn

Rán Asta Trygg
I will not be a flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find and impossible to forget.
Gender Female
Age 29
Species Mage
Magic Dark Magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Governess
P.O.B Norwyn
Residence Norwyn
Height 1,68m
Build Compact and curvy
Hair color Blonde
Hair texture Wavy and frizzy
Eye Color Pale blue
Skin Tone Pale


Rán is a beautiful, fierce and intimidating woman to behold. She always carries herself with pride, and a bit of arrogance. She has a resting bitch face kids get nightmares about. She is a woman of average height, but she looks shorter because the has a very compact build and curvy figure. She has a very balanced and strong stance, which also makes her a very decent fighter. This is also because of her past as a shield-maiden.

Rán has a pale complexion with pale blue eyes and light blonde hair. She naturally has a bit of wavy and frizzy hair, but you rarely see it, because she always wears it in complex braids and updo's. Most of the time she will have jewelry and gems braided within her hair, to show of her riches. To accentuade that, she wears lots of jewelry around her neck, arms, fingers and in her ears. And she wears lots of rich furs: black bears, arctic foxes, wolves, anything what suits her. Underneath she wil wear woolen skirts, leather corsets and soft, velvety fabrics to look as put together as she can.

Expect when she's in battle. She will wear iron chainmail and leather armor like any other shield-maiden. Her hair will be partly let down, revealing her wild, blonde locks and she will have her war paint on.  
Constellation The Hunter
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Rán is determined. She does not shy away from the sword. They say people from Norwyn are the toughest of the Kingdom, and their governess proves it. She is straight to the point, shows no mercy, and rarely feels any remorse. This is the old way, the way of the North. You can't doubt yourself, or dawdle, or dance around the problem, because then you are dead. Rán is fierce and she shows it in everything she does. She gets what she wants, and she won't ask nicely or twice.

Some call her reckless, some call her arrogant. And there is a great portion of truth in that. She will jump into a battle or problem without thinking it completely through. She won't wait for help or listen to advice. But that is born from a perfectionist mindset: If she doesn't do it herself, it won't happen. She wants to succeed in everything she does. If she has to, she will dig the trenches herself.

Rán can be very charming. But she prefers her quick wit and sharp tongue to intimidate people. She thrives in her position as governess. She would love to pick up a sword and fight ever challenger she gets. But she knows she can win battles with words as well. Her position always made her life a lot easier and she is not used to losing. 
Family Tree


father Vikar Trygg
mother Lagertha Trygg


Brother -
Sister Nerys (?)


Aunts & Uncles -
Cousins -
Magic type Dark Magic
Expertise Acquainted
Rán is descendant from the oldest tribes of Ravaryn, that roamed the frozen Taiga and the Frozen Heights. The mages of old always roamed in the Frozen Heights. Some say only people trained in magic would have been able to survive such harsh conditions. Some say it was because of their believe in their patron, which made them able to roam the land like the black bears. But what is true, is that Norwyn aided in the War against the Dark Elves, where powerful dark mages were more common. Also in the Trygg family. Even after the purge of the Dark Elves, when Dark Magic was banished, the Trygg family did not want to discard their most powerful weapon. They taught it in secret, usually only to the men. But every generation, it became harder to be kept a secret. Family members had to be disowned or killed out of necessity, and the knowledge became more rare and diluted, enchanted items were lost.

Rán was never properly taught Dark Magic. She has a talent for it, she feels it everywhere. But she had to repress it, unable to yield that power in her position. But she is fascinated by it. She is proud that she has it. She wonders how she could use it secretly for her benefit. How easily and stealthily she could end her enemies. And how in the past, it protected their borders against the Ashmoorians.

Rán is very strong and sometimes when her emotions are very powerful, or when she is scared, bad things happen. Flowers wilt, birds fall out of the sky, and the next thing she touches, turn into vibrant colors, acuire rosy smells or turn light as a feather. Usually her own jewerly. When this happens, she will shelter herself for a while. It's the most confusing and exposed as she can feel. She is at her most vulnarable then, like her mind is not her own.
Rán's story begins centuries before her birth. She is descendant of the earliest Ravaryn Tribes that roamed the North, before the Odirians set foot on their shores. First they were hostile towards the strange people and magic they brought into their land. But over the years, they warmed up towards the Odirian people. They saw the potential of a city of their own and trading routes towards the rest of the world. So the tribe created Norwyn, and the chief of the Tribe called himself Trygg, meaning true, after the true habitants of Ravaryn.

Centuries passed,  the Dark Elves came and went, and Norwyn became a steady, dependable settlement. They still like to be called the most harsh people of Ravaryn and to be a bit intimidating. And in that era of peace, Rán was born. The Elderst daughter of the current Governor [Name McName]. She grew up as a fierce child. Always wanting to learn ice fishing with the boys and participate in dog sledding races. But she had to learn to be a woman. Soon also the patience of the teachers ran out, and she was allowed to train for shield-maiden at the age of twelve. But under agreement that she also would learn how to be a woman, did she ever want to be governess. And oh boy, thát she wanted. When she was little, she always said she wanted to be queen of everything. And also ride a dragon. But yeah, a girl can dream.

She loved training more than anything. She just hoped some Ashmoorian dickheads would show up, so she could show that she was stronger than those boys. But life never went her way, and the older she got, how more she had to tag along with boring meetings and just had to look pretty and act polite. Those were the worst years of her life, or so she thought.

Because when she came of age, the suitors came. Strong boys and men caught reindeer for her, asking her father for her hand in marriage. But they were never good enough. But they always had good eating, that's for sure. Sometimes she prayed that her father would just pick one of those boys so the endless, boring boasting would just.. stop.

There was only one boy she was interested in. But not romantically. No, she heard of a boy that could change in a bear and he was helping down at the docks. Luckily, Norwyn isn't a very grand or formal city, and it wasn't that weird for a governor's daughter to show up down at the docks. She found the boy, irritated him until he started to like her, and they became friends. Usually that contained Rán complaining about her life and him listening. And they trained together, rode out in the wild together, and he learned her a lot about nature, which bored and irritated her. But after a while Brann and her became the best of friends.

Rán felt extremely guilty when her father then got ill. She loved her parents dearly, even after all the stupid shit she had to put up for them, but they were always kind for her. In these trying times of insecurity and sadness, she finally discoverer her aptitude for magic. It happened when a bouquet of flowers started wilting in her hands. She received it as a "get well soon" present for her father. She knew he would not ever get better. She got spooked, and her father explained what was happening. In his last days, he tried to teach her what he could, being a mage himself. She damned him for never telling her sooner. But he didn't want her to be in danger, because he knew that when she was younger, she would have abused those powers. And he was right.

He was in so much pain. After her last lesson with him, he asked her to end him. So she did. It was with a trembling touch she ended his live swiftly, painless. And with that abundance of power she did not know what to do with, she accidentally cursed her father's body which turned cold as ice, unable to burn. She and her mother had to cover up the body, switch him with a double, and burn the fake in front of the city. They buried her fathers body at the bottom of the sea.

She was haunted by nightmares and sickly and barely able to stand for days. But she became governess and forced what happened to the back of her mind. She has thrived ever since. She named Brann her right hand man, as they were inseparable anyway.
- Rán braids her hair herself. It is one of the few things that calms her down.
- Rán is very religious and always will wear some trinket from Ranaan's symbol. That might be black bear pelts, or some carved bear in her jewelry.
- Rán's favourite colour is burgundy.
- Rán's favourite food is smoked pike.
Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:30 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Ravaryn - Rán Trygg (Governess of Norwyn) XuTWurPc_o
Ravaryn - Rán Trygg (Governess of Norwyn) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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