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Xaila Citizen
Sinaï Qahdirah
Sinaï Qahdirah
Leech Yg6JhKE
Leech 884b0d42ed41c6426041ebed4ecd32a2

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Merchant (smuggler)
racking up white diamonds & swear the sun shining
They had agreed to meet at nightfall, in the outskirts of the big city of Al-Qahil. Most of her meetings were at night, as the people she met with were often shady people.. Like herself, she supposed. Though her instincts told her something was off about the woman she was meeting tonight, Sinaï didn't stand her up. They had met a few times before, after all, and those meetings went well enough; Kore gave her valuable goods, in exchange for a trip to Ashmoor someday. Though the other woman did keep on bugging her to finally actually take her there, Sinaï had been able to postpone it up until now. And she hoped to postpone it once more tonight. Taking some shady character with her on a ship stuffed with valuables wasn't very high up on her bucketlist. The chances of her getting caught by Ashmoor authorities also went up significantly if she brought live cargo. Anyways, Sinaï hoped to leech some more valuable items off Kore before she realised she was getting played and would never see the shores of Ashmoor with a merchant's help.
© yuno
Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:57 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Leech Kameel10
Leech 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

As always she had gotten lost in her own head during training. Most of her days were spend either training her fire magic until she couldn't stand on her feet or spend hours in the saddle until her tailbone started hurting. Persephone always went to the extremes with the things she loved. There was no way she did things for only fifty percent. She always wanted to give and experience the full hundred.

With her mother her necklace -an old one- shoved deep into one of the million pockets her dress had. It didn't look like it had pockets, but Persephone had it specially made to have them. It made the dress heavier, but it was filled with small things she found on her way. Stones, plants or flowers, anything she could get her hands on really.

"Sinaï!" Persephone panted, running to the woman she was supposed to be meeting. The princess came to a stop and leaned foreward, her hands on her knees, catching her breath. She had a scarf wrapped around her head and face, exposing only her eyes to the woman in front of her. "Sorry," she said, still out of breath. "Give me- give me a second to catch my breath"

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Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:33 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sinaï Qahdirah
Sinaï Qahdirah
Leech Yg6JhKE
Leech 884b0d42ed41c6426041ebed4ecd32a2

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Merchant (smuggler)
racking up white diamonds & swear the sun shining
Patience was one of the few virtues Sinaï posessed. It didn't matter too much to her personally that the girl was late. More so that from a business perspective, it was both unprofessional and untrustworthy. But it wasn't a dealbreaker. Not when her business partner was as rich as Kore was. "You're late." she said, though, because she couldn't just let it slide that easily. She crossed her arms as the other woman took her time regulating her breathing. "What have you brought me?" she asked after a little while, curiosity glinting in her eyes. She'd made big bucks from the previous items Kore had given her, so she was expectant about what was next.  
© yuno
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:03 am
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Leech Kameel10
Leech 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

After finally catching her breath Persephone took her time to study her surroundings. "Patience is key, love." The woman grinned. Of course she was aware that she was late, but being late was on time, no? And by the way, if she knew who she was she wouldn't be complaining about her timing at all. Persephone was just in this for the traveling she promised her. Not the money. Just the fun. "I'll show you when you finally tell me when I'm coming to Ashmoor with you." Persephone replied, her brown eyes fixed on the woman in front of her. Her hands slid in to the pockets of her dress and she wrapped her fingers around the pendant, tracing it slowly with her thumb. It was a necklace one of her mother's old boyfiends had gifted her. After they split up her mother never so much as glanced at the necklace again though so why not sell it?

× @tag ×
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:14 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sinaï Qahdirah
Sinaï Qahdirah
Leech Yg6JhKE
Leech 884b0d42ed41c6426041ebed4ecd32a2

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Merchant (smuggler)
racking up white diamonds & swear the sun shining
She rolled her eyes at the other's remark. Stupid girl with stupid words. Not everyone was as friendly as Sinaï was. She knew people killed for less. "Have it your way. Don't come crying when someone else isn't as patient as me." With these words, she ended the conversation about the other woman's tardiness. She didn't like petty fights about nothing that would lead nowhere. But the other started being ballsy with her cargo, which did piss Sin off. "Not this time. I have special work to do in Lemuria." She didn't feel like specifying what special work meant; the other had no right to know. She would probably ask, though. Curious as she was, and lacking any sort of restraint. "And also not the next time, because I'll be going to Ravaryn then. Don't want to freeze you to death," she then said, though killing Kore off became more desirable with every word that left her mouth.  
© yuno
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:22 am
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Leech Kameel10
Leech 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

Persephone huffed softly when the woman in front of her explained why she couldn't come with her, but she really wanted to come. It had been months since she promised her she could come with and now she came with excuses every time. "So I'll wear something warm to Ravaryn. I'm coming with you." Persephone replied, pulling the golden necklace out of her pocket. The pendant was dangling from the chain in the air between them. Everything about the jewlery in her hand showed that it was worth a lot of money. Everything she had given her this far had been worth a lot of money. The princess eyed watched the woman in front of her and slowly raised one of her eyebrows in her direction. What she meant with her silence was clear. She would be coming with her to either Ravaryn or Lemuria on the next trip or she wouldn't get anything to sell from her anymore.

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Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:22 pm
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