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John Smith
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Lemuria Citizen
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith 53zL75vk_o
John Smith TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 34
Race: Mage
Occupation: Doctor

John Smith
“You want weapons? We’re in a library! The best weapons in the world!”
Gender Male
Age 34
Species Mage
Magic Moon
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Doctor
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Lythrania
Height 1m85
Build Slim
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Wavy
Eye Color Brown
Skin Tone Pale


John is a relatively tall man with a slim build. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is well groomed and dresses well, prefering natural colors and long coats.
Constellation The Raven
Alignment Chaotic Good

John is a very driven, intense man. He is a perfectionist and a control-freak, who feels low self-worth when everything doesn't go exactly as he wanted. However, you wouldn't be able to tell; he comes across as very confident, sometimes even arrogant, which is probably a trait he gained by being born in a high-class family. He is charming and social, a total heartbreaker. He doesn't like to stay still for too long and always has to have something going on, whether it's something new he is learning or somewhere new he is visiting. Standing still feels like going backwards. This makes him seem chaotic, even though he always keeps a strong sense of control over everything he does, and he can feel over-enthousiastic or overly passionate to more calmer minded people.
Family Tree


father Matt Smith
mother Olivia Smith
Magic type Moon Magic
Expertise Healing

John started studying moon magic, more specifically healing, when he was about 25. This means he has not yet ten years of learning; and although he is very bright and a quick learner, he is all the more aware of how much he doesn't know yet. He is always curious to learn new things and sometimes a little too enthousiastic to use things he has only just learned. This has backfired before, where the spell he tried to use manifests in an unforeseen way, often having the opposite effect. However, with age he grows more careful and more knowledgeable. He uses his magic to help his work where he can, although he still has to rely on his non-magic knowledge of the body to do most of his work.
John Smith grew up in Moonbright. He comes from a relatively wealthy family of doctors, who took great care in their studies of the body and its various illnesses. However, over the generations, this study was done more for wealth and prestige or the pressure of the elders than for the joy of learning or the duty to help the people, as it had started. John's father was a particularly greedy man, who instilled in his son the importance of money over all else. John was always eager to learn and although he didn't always agree with his father's opinion, he listened and trusted him implicitly. Funded by his family, John studied at a good school and got a degree in medicine with the highest marks. He worked in the family clinic, which had been in the family for centuries and was visited mostly by other rich or affluential families in Moonbright. However, when John was 23, his mother fell deathly ill. Even though the whole family was doctors and they all gathered all of their knowledge as much as they could, they could not save her. John moved out of the house after her death and moved to Lythrania, where he began to work in a hospital. Suddenly thrust right into the heat of medicine, away from his family's calm practice for the rich, he gained a deeper understanding of the body and everything that could go wrong with it. He also started to see the spiritual side to it, and his belief in the deity Lythrana was deepened. At 25, he felt like the only way he could learn more was to dive deeper into this religious side, and he started the journey to become a mage. Driven by a desire to save people others thought were beyond saving, he studied with even more vigor than he had given to his university studies. He pore over books, visited other mages and elves, built up a whole network of people who knew anything at all about moon magic and how to use it for healing. The first time he managed to heal something by himself, just a simple burn on his hand from a dripping candle, was - pun intended - magical.
(I'll think of some eventually I'm sure)
Basic Dagger
A basic dagger.
Quill of Truth
A quill that forces you to write down your honest thoughts while you're holding it. Even the illiterate are able to write with this enchanted quill.

Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:43 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
John Smith XuTWurPc_o
John Smith MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Let faith decide
Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:00 pm
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