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[FOF] Drink the poison
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
[FOF] Drink the poison MBUw8GTG_o
[FOF] Drink the poison 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
All this darkness
Feels like a masquerade
Who's the man behind the mask?
Rashid decided to spend the rest of the evening hanging around his cousins. And when he could not find Briseis anymore, he was quick to find his other cousin, Yasmin, willing to lend him some company. They talked almost the entire time about seemingly trivial things, which he did not mind, for once. It kept his mind busy from thinking. However, his eyes, every once in a while, followed the dark-haired crown princess of Ravaryn, making contact with other people present at the party. Observing her without making it seem too obvious. Yasmin did notice after a while, making a short comment about it.

”You know I love your company, cousin, but I’m tired of standing around, doing nothing. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll go find me a dance partner, unless you want to join me for a dance?” The woman eventually asked. ”Do I bore you?” He teasingly asked, making her roll her eyes at him. Ofcourse, he knew this was not the case, but if she wanted to have one dance, he could allow her a bit of fun without him. ”Go ahead, find yourself some better company.” He eventually laughed, waving with his hand for her to make herself scarce. Something she did, but not without playfully sticking her tongue out at him. He continued to watch her, picking out a handsome-looking Ravaryn gentleman to dance with before his gaze moved around the crowd again, noticing one of his sisters standing close. Taking his glass of wine with him, he stood up from his chair and moved to the crown jewel of his own family. ”Enjoying your evening?” He asked his sister, casually placing himself against one of the pillars close to her. Not allowing him to notice the mood he had been in by granting her that well-known cheeky smile on his face.


Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:24 am
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