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[FOF] Let me be your woman
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IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
[FOF] Let me be your woman 385cyPI
[FOF] Let me be your woman En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
She was trouble,
chaos, but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
When a Princess of Xaila walked into a room, all eyes were on her. With cases like her older sister those eyes were filled with both admiration and awe, as if she was the most impressive person they had ever seen. But people looked at Nephthys in an entirely different manner. The eye of the beholder was filled with shock and longing, like she was the most scandalous figure that had ever walked the earth. Perhaps she was.

Nephthys did not particularly seem to care for all the looks that were thrown her way. No, if anything, she seemed to revel in them, as if it brought her great amusement. She had always been one to rile people up and she was about to go a little further in pushing people's beliefs. How many heart attacks would she be the cause of tonight? Her smile turned simply foxy as she neared a woman that had been by her side ever since the last festival. "Arlyana," she purred in her ear. "You look positively delicious tonight." She went on. Her slender arm wrapped around the woman's shoulders in a smooth manner that was just a little too friendly.

& Arlyana

Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:01 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
[FOF] Let me be your woman NBgpUR6N_o
[FOF] Let me be your woman GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
Love me like a desert rose
Hold me like you can't let go
Keep me safe when I come home
Inside her room, the dark-haired woman was getting ready for the ball on the last day of the frostcrown festival. Last year, she met one of the royal family members of Xaila here. And, apparently, she had deemed her worthy enough to take her back to her homeland, even if, right now, she found herself in Ravaryn again, still at the same woman’s side. How much her life had changed, but for the better, at least for the most part. She was unsure if love played a part in what was happening, even if they did seem to care about each other. Either way, she did not mind the luxuries and the company at night that was so much better than the men she used to sleep with every day. If anything, she had nothing to complain about.

It did not take her very long to get dressed, and she kept her hair simple enough, even though she still looked rather elegant. The dress, however, was perhaps a bit indecent for the northern kingdom’s standards. But she did not care too much about taking such risks because she had nothing to hide, and she knew Nephthys would not mind it either. After all, she was what she was. And well, most of the time, the princess was also known for pushing these boundaries.

When she stepped into the room, it did not take long before she found herself some company. Though, most were men, gawking at the scarce use of fabrics on her dress, if one could even call it that. Luckily enough, she did not have to spend as much time forcing smiles on her face while talking to these men as, within the crowd, she saw a familiar figure walking toward her. Her smile grew much more sincere as she waited for the princess to sneak up on her, casually standing there while keeping her in sight with a teasing side glance until she heard her purr in her ear, like a cat stalking her prey. Then, she finally turned her face to the princess to give her a good look, shamelessly letting her eyes go over the dress. ”Oh, I could say the same about you.” She said, perhaps a bit theatrically, giving the men surrounding her another look that showed clearly that she was more interested in the woman. Smirking slightly. ”If you would excuse us.” She told them as the woman wrapped her arm around her, after which they scattered with baffled faces. ”Shall we go get a drink?” Arlyana continued, looking back at Nephthys with a smile.


Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:10 pm
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