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[FOF] Starfall
Time will tell
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] Starfall 9s9opHd
[FOF] Starfall Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
When the princess entered the ballroom from the top of the stairs, she felt all the eyes in the room turn toward her, and her alone. Even her father, a magnificent presence in the middle of the room, stopped speaking to the tall blonde man beside him. Every light reflected in the countless gems that had been sewn into her gown. As she walked down the stairs she must have looked like a star descended from heaven.

It did not take the princess long to be surrounded by people who wished to speak to her, all eyeing her from a safe distance and waiting to pounce on her. She gave them little chance as she walked through the room. There were many faces that she considered talking to, yet there was one person in particular she had been meaning to speak to. "There you are." Arianna spoke as she stopped behind him. "I've been looking for you." She added. Her patience found its way to her hands as she folded them together in front of her. She tilted her head back a little, eyeing him to catch his sharp gaze.

& Rashid Daetrys

Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:54 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
[FOF] Starfall MBUw8GTG_o
[FOF] Starfall 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
All this darkness
Feels like a masquerade
Who's the man behind the mask?
The prince had found himself drawn to a conversation with a couple of servants instead of talking to many nobles inside the room, even if the nobles were most certainly staring at him. It was not something one might expect of him, but he found that the best way to learn secrets about a royal family or a particular person within that family - a princess in his case, was to speak to the servants about how they were treated. Rashid knew they were often more honest than nobles themselves, but he could not find a single bad word spoken about the young woman in question, which told him a lot.

When all eyes moved away to one person descending the stairs, he could not stay behind, feeling his curiosity as he allowed his eyes to rove over the dark-haired crown princess with an eye-catching dress sparkling like the many stars in the sky. For a moment, she effortlessly kept his full, undivided attention, and if he had not been such a well-composed man, he might have even dropped his jaw at the sight. However, when she eventually made it down the stairs, he decided to bring back his whole casual charade, turning his attention back to the servant. Who had, in the meantime, left his side. Right.

Bringing back the cup of wine to his mouth, he let his eyes wander over some nobles who could now approach him, and they did once he looked at them. But it did not take long before they were robbed of the opportunity to finally talk to him, as the princess had finally found him amidst the people attending this ball. His attention quickly moved back to her as he turned his back to the nobles, the corners of his mouth curling up in that feline smile when she told him she had been looking for him. ”Well, ofcourse, you have.” He told him as if he had been expecting her to look for him, widening that smile in a cocky manner. Then he could not help himself from looking at that dress, which was quite honestly the most beautiful one he had ever seen, and this made it hard for him to pull his eyes back up to her face. ”Your Highness, may I just say you look absolutely stunning tonight.” He told her once he noticed all the nobles had scattered away, allowing his eyes to meet hers again. Immediately after his words, his hand moved up in invitation. ”Would you honor me with a dance?” The man continued.


Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:38 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] Starfall 9s9opHd
[FOF] Starfall Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
The crowd parted with every step she took. While the King of Ravaryn wore his crown, she must be the crown jewel of the kingdom. No gem looked quite as magnificent as she did in this moment. The eyes of the many guests were stuck on her; perhaps admiring or envying her as she moved past. They either wished to be her, be with her or kill her.

The princess did not pay it much attention aside from some quick greetings that ended rather quickly. She was heading straight for one figure in particular, and once she'd found him, she could not deny she noticed the way he was looking at her. His awe for the way she looked had not changed his sly charm. "Thank you," she said, not wanting to indulge in too many pleasantries straight away. But prince Rashid decided to indulge in just that, and offered her a dance. For a moment she hesitated, wondering if this was truly what she ought to be doing right now. But one look in his eyes had her take his hand carefully. "I would love to." She told him calmly as a slight smile toyed on her face. These indulgences were a perfect smokescreen for the game they were both playing.

Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:04 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
[FOF] Starfall MBUw8GTG_o
[FOF] Starfall 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince
All this darkness
Feels like a masquerade
Who's the man behind the mask?
In his own kingdom, it was often said that he had his way with women. Though, this was not actually true. He was rather charming, yes, that was true, but only a few ladies had managed to keep his attention for longer than a couple of weeks. All except for one… And they all knew about her, even if they had no idea it was not his choice to share his bed with her. Or maybe it had been a choice, in a way, since he had chosen to protect his cousin from falling into ruin. That did not mean, however, that he enjoyed the method. She had her nails dug into him, keeping him trapped. Preventing him from living the life he was supposed to be living. And even now, he kept this in mind while he asked the beautiful crown princess of Ravary to dance with him.

He gently raised the hand she gave him, escorting her to the dancefloor while leaving enough room for her to walk gracefully beside him. All very decently, compared to the looks he gave her. The sun elf did not pay much attention to the many looks they gave them, only having eyes for her. Gracefully taking the dance position by keeping the hand she gave him into his while placing his other hand just below her shoulder blade. And when the music started, he began to move his feet, sweeping her over the floor as he took the lead. ”Now, tell me, what are your dreams in life?” He asked while keeping his dark brown eyes fixed on hers. Wondering if anyone had ever asked her this question before because, most of the time, nobles would just expect things from royal figures like her, not even taking into consideration that there might be things they would want for themselves. He knew this because it often happened to him as well. But he and his friends were quite different in that aspect.


Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:06 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] Starfall 9s9opHd
[FOF] Starfall Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Many eyes shifted to two of the most important people in the room as soon as they struck up a conversation. Arianna realised her talking to Xaila's Prince would be a tale worth telling. It was a scene just waiting to be painted: the crimson prince and the princess of the cosmos. He was the darkest sunset while she posed as the brightest star in the night. Though it would seem like a fairytale to others, she could not lose touch with reality now. They were playing a very dangerous game.

The prince guided her to the dancefloor in a manner that she had expected from his extravagant self. As he pulled her closer to him and started to move to the music, she realised he must be an excellent dancer. Which was fortunate, because she was one too. As she kept her eyes solely on him, she was left a little perplexed as he posed his question. For just a moment, she let the perfectly composed look on her face slip a little. Just a little, but enough for him to notice. "Dreams are matters of the heart, Prince Rashid, I would be foolish to reveal them to you so soon." She told him straight away, her facade of perfection once more on her face. She did not feel safe revealing her inner most self to him, but not opening herself up to him could pose problems for their countries' alliance. "But I will tell you of one, hoping you'll do the same." She then said as her face softened a little. "I wish for my family to live a life worth living for after all we've lost thusfar." She said in an honest manner. For the first time, her eyes were not made of pure darkness, as she had lifted the veil of mystery just a little.

Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:22 pm
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