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All because of
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ether Rizal
Ether Rizal
All because of I4pgPY7
All because of UeZYXVC

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Diviner
champagne, cocaine, gasoline & most things inbetween
It had been a day since Ether had arrived in Ishgard. And, today was the first time he would be taking a good look at the capital since he'd last seen it, all those years ago. Yesterday he had arrived later in the day, so the sun had already set by then - though he had made sure to buy some new clothes, as his Lemurian attire was obviously way too cold for the weather here. The fabric was folded neatly and placed on one of the chairs in his room that served both as decoration and as, apparently, a clothing holder for the young man.

Normally, back home, Ether would sleep in. But today he made sure he'd wake up early, as he was very curious to explore Ishgard after not seeing it for years. Would much have changed? Probably. Would he even recognize it anymore? Know how to find the house he had grown up in, or would he have to ask for directions? Not that he wanted to go there - no, if anything, he would ask how not to get there. The last thing he could use was a run in with his father. Recieving a scolding was not on his to-do list for today. Sightseeing, shopping and drinking on the other hand.. Very much so! And thus he changed into his new clothing - which felt either strange, rough or scratchy, very different from Lemurian fabrics - and headed outside.

As soon as Ether stepped out of the high-end tavern he was staying at, the cold bit at his nose. "My gods," he muttered underneath his breath, as he frowned at the sun. Was it drinking time yet? He'd certainly be less cold with a bit of alcohol into his system. With his hands stuffed in his pockets and his big fur coat tightened around his torso, he started walking towards where all the market stalls would be. As his body started getting used to the cold, his excitement grew with every step he took.

Outfit: A Dark grey cotton shirt layered underneath a tunic with lining. The tunic is in Ravaryn colors, is adorned with white stitching around the collarbones and has a clasp in the shape of a bearclaw to keep it closed at the neck. Dark lined pants are tucked into high leather boots. Around the shoulders hangs a long cloak made from white ermine fur, keeping Ether warm. Somewhat like this.
@Marius Ylindar
© yuno
Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:39 am
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