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[FOF] Dancing and the Dreaming
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Lemuria Citizen
Ether Rizal
Ether Rizal
[FOF] Dancing and the Dreaming I4pgPY7
[FOF] Dancing and the Dreaming UeZYXVC

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Diviner
champagne, cocaine, gasoline & most things inbetween
It was later in the night. Hours had gone by since he'd arrived. It seemed like the ball had passed it's peak; there were no longer new people entering, as far as Ether could tell. Though, no one would be leaving yet, as a Festival King and Queen still had to be named. It wouldn't be much longer until that would be happening, as it would soon be midnight. Still, there was some time left for an adventure. As he was thinking about what to do next, the musicians started playing a fast-paced song which caught his attention. His brain discarded any of the ideas it had come up with and his eyes started scanning for bright-looking women in his vicinity that he could dance with. After a few seconds his eyes landed on a young girl, probably around eighteen years old: she had a beaming smile on her face, clapping along to the music. Yes, she would probably be a fun dance partner. He approached her, took her hand, and danced.

The music continued on and he kept dancing, switching dance partners in between songs, but always ending up back with the same girl. She was giggling the whole time, happy that someone had picked her to dance. They had talked a little whenever their dance brought them close to each other, so he knew she hadn't really danced like this before. She was a natural, though. After a while the music slowed, and Ether took that as his que to go get a drink. He thanked the girl, giving her a quick bow and a wide grin, after which he made his way over to one of the gorgeously adorned tables. He grabbed a cup of red wine, took a sip, spilled a little from the corner of his mouth and managed to catch the drop before it would fall onto his white shirt. He scanned the crowd, searching for someone to talk to. It didn't take him long to find someone interesting. A familiair face, though he didn't knew her personally. From back home - because that was what Moonbright was to him now, home. He no longer associated Ishgard with that word. Ether made his way over to the woman, who he knew as Vasilisa Aerendyl, a member of Lemuria's Council. "Good evening, my lady," he said politely, as he slightly raised his cup. "Are you enjoying the festivities as much as I am?"

This shirt with a white cloak hanging from one shoulder, a v-shaped corset that manages to snag the waist but still show of the shirt's design, wine red pants and gay boots
@Nerys Trygg
© yuno
Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:17 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
[FOF] Dancing and the Dreaming FryYapa
[FOF] Dancing and the Dreaming F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member
Long live all the magic we made
Bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
The festivities were in full swing. At one point during the evening, Vasilisa had lost her fiancé among the crowd, as well as her family. So she stood by herself, watching all the beautifully dressed people in silence. Even though she was so very excellent at socializing, it could become quite tedious at times. It was rather serene, she had to admit, to find a moment that was just hers.

Her moment of soundness did not last very long. In front of her eyes a most uniquely dressed man appeared, one she recognised. Though they had not spoken before, she knew Ether Rizal from passing. And, of course, his extravagant reputation. She had to admit he did not disappoint today. "Lord Ether," she greeted him kindly as she offered him a polite nod of her head. "Even though I have never been to Ravaryn before, my first time is proving to be quite worthwhile." She told him. "How does it feel to be back here? Have you missed it?" She asked him. As she did, she realised she did not know if he was, in fact, from Ishgard. A blush appeared on her cheeks as she thought of the possible mistake, and the elf hoped dearly she had not guessed incorrectly.

Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:52 pm
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