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[FOF] No u.
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
[FOF] No u.  Marias10
[FOF] No u.  5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

[FOF] No u.  Rf6I0HJ

Though politics ruled their Families to be tight nit- Marius could not say he knew the Norwyn Noblewoman too well. Her more...brute family did not often turn it's gaze upon the capital and in most cases Marius had viewed their rulers to be dreadfully stern and dull. However- when he walked through one of the many greenhouses of the royal garden and heard her anger filled voice echo throughout it, he paused his steps. Unwilling to pass such a chance on entertainment on to another. And with a grinn slathered onto his face he neared the pair, venturing throughout the lush glass house. Kept warm by one of the many hot water springs within the capital.

Resting her eyes upon her- the prince could tell she was not someone to mess with. Or atleast not someone to mess with if you did not have a royal title protecting you. Though, it had not protected all of them..The prince digged his finger nails into the demaged tissue of his palms upon the thought. Damn it. Now was not the time- entertainment waited ahead. Especially since it seemed like the not so noble lady was about to win. Her hauntingly pale blue eyes nailed onto the poor man that had crossed her. Marius smiled when he fled.

"I sure hope you leave some of our staff unharmed Nerys" he revealed himself with a cocky grinn on his playfull face. His demaged hands hidden within his fur-lined pockets "Would be a shame if they couldn't perform their duties anymore because you traumatized them beyond repair"  Images flashed before his dark eyes. Red shapes laid upon the ground, distant screams echoed thoughout the forest- he pressed forward- back to her, back to here now he still could.  "What has gotten you so cross lady?"

+ Nerys
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:31 pm
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