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[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing.
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Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. Marias10
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. Rf6I0HJ

He was not "sick" this time. Not hidden away from everyone out here attanding the feast. Though, the prince famously known for his extroverted and partyloving nature had not been as excited about the party as most would expect. Rather sticking to people he knew well than actually mingeling properly. He knew his father had prevered for him to find his suitors- the many woman he had pointed him toward. But for the first night of this seasons festival, Marius supposed the king would not mind if he pushed those daring task to the days ahead.

In truth, the thought of Marriage scared him- having tested his family's love and patience the past few years would only make inviting someone into it ever so nerve wrecking. Ofcourse, he knew not to expect love within his marriage- A prince could not always afford such luxury- but knowing he could potentialy ruin some poor wifes dream of having atleast a stable partner beside her when living within the for them unfamilar court. How could they possibly expect him to say i do to something like that?  

Marius huffed a little as he watched the many people below their balcony dance around-no, he'd much rather have fun tonight. Now that his father finally allowed him to attend again- if not within the sight of a select group of trusted individuals. He would definelty make the most of it, meaning a glass of whatever beverage within his grasp at any moment of the day. At the side of someone truely interesting. This time being his cousin Raphael.

Raphael was a bit older than him, yet shorter in height. A peculiar man with an even more odd interest in Male anatomy- if the sketches he had found in his room were much to go off on. Mariuses life stuck within the castle had been horribly boring- forgive the man for snooping wherever excitement still managed to find him. Besides what could he say? He was a man interested in the arts- occaisionally. "Hm" he hummed as he leaned on the banister that prevented them from falling off the balcony- he wondered if something like it ever had happened- provoking them to put it there.

"Look even the Vylasars emerged from their underwater Cave"  he teased, bringing the glass of warm wine to his lips "I heard they disowned one of their own for not marrrying her cousin or something- can you imagine raph?" the prince continued, his voice filled with wonder. His court life had been boring enough that even incest seemed like an exciting topic of conversation.

And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Raphael Ylindar
Raphael Ylindar
JK's wife
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. 1zeD73rr_o
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. 8173bae1f0fff30b609ba31d66dc9b38f9773bb9

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Playwright / Poet

hide your fires; let not light
see my black and deep desires
@ Marius Ylindar
It remained to be oh so amusing, watching the people below them – both literally and figuratively twirl around the ballroom and sip on their glasses of fancy, finely aged wine. To an unknowing eye it was merely that, a celebration of the northern patron’s ruling season, but those caught up in the continent’s game of nobility and politics knew what lurked beyond the surface.

Luckily, both him and his cousin had been able to escape the courting playground, if only for a while. Watching everything unfold from the safety of the balcony with a drink in hand was quite the entertaining position.

A soft chuckle rolled over his lips at his cousin’s words before he took another sip of his abundantly filled glass. ”Really?” he mused in reply, raising a brow while his gaze remained glued on the people below them. ”I wonder which one. Do you think she dared to attend the celebrations still?” His gaze scanned the ballroom below them before averting back towards his cousin. ”Perhaps we should refrain from running our mouths. Sooner or later, one of us could be marrying our way into their incestry.” Though his words came out sarcastically, who knows if one day they’d become truth. It happened to their cousin, Fauna, after all.

Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:47 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. Marias10
[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

[FOF] This cake it don’t have icing. Rf6I0HJ
If she'd been smart she wouldn't have, as Rahp questioned, attended tonight. Marius shook his head a little as his gaze moved across the many people below them. " If she is smart she is not- who knows what her inbred family might do Raphael" he lowered his voice as his gaze went darker "Inbreeding makes for aggressive dogs" he warned with a spark of playfulness in his daunting voice. And as he brought his cup toward his lips,  he would have nearly choked on the wine it contained had he not pulled it away as fast as he did when his cousin spoke again.

Coughingly he laughed as he frantically shook his head, lights darting upon his dark set of eyes " You go knock on wood this instant!" Marius demanded then, pointing at the tint tree that had been planted within a pot that was way too small for it's roots to grow- an odd decoration that was often found within the home of the rich. As they often were in need for the illusion they had rule over the nature around them. When in reality- the tree would either die or it's roots would destroy the expensive pot it was planted in. "I'd rather merry a barbaric Trygg, that could snap me in two, before I give my future children inbred blood  that fresh within their veins" he shook his head with a deep sigh "Beside i wouldn't want to cause some poor lady a scandal by not marrying into her own family raph, I'm but a poor gross human to them after all" he scoffed. Because yeh, how rude it was for them- to rather marry their own then to marry a human.
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:07 pm
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