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And still we sleep
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IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
And still we sleep Marias10
And still we sleep 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

And still we sleep Rf6I0HJ

A cold breeze pushed past the prince as he wandered away from the comforts of the secure castle walls. Many of people from Raveryn would argue it wasnt even that cold given the climate of the rest of the land. Yet the prince had barely traveled enough in his life to fully grasp how cold the north could get if not under the spell of it's magical tree. Thus, he pushed up his collar as he continued on his way towards the small tavern up ahead.

It was a luxury he could barely afford ever since his older brother regulus had not only gone missing, but also had turned up  to have been murdered that unfatefull day. As ever since then,  the prince had lost his grab on the world again- even hurting his best friend in the process. A sight that still lingered around his mess of a head, it were red shapes that would never leave his sight no matter how hard he closed his eyes.

These days though, the prince managed to leave the eyeless safety of his room, even wandering further than the walls of the castle itself with guards following behind him. Exchanging the limits of his freedom all the way up to the first inner wall of the city. And right before it the tavern stood, at a 10 minute walk away from the castle. A quint little place that had been the designated drinking spot for royal and noble youth for generations before him.  However, on his way there, this royal youngster's way got cut off by the appearance of a grand figure, the picture of a true northern. A stark contrast to the prince whose summer skin had been mostly unharmed apart from the scarring on his hands. "Lost, good sir?" he asked with a playfull expresion on his face. People like him came from the north, like the north north. Norwyn or something else barren and cold.

+ Valhir

And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:31 pm
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