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Brick and mortar
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IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Brick and mortar Marias10
Brick and mortar 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Brick and mortar Rf6I0HJ

A dim light fell upon its cold marble walls. Each inch of it beautifully lit as if drawn that way. As if carved by someone with a great artistic eye. The moon was the best artist so it seemed, gifting the castle its ambience tonight as the prince passed through its corridors. Marius knew each and every one of them and had seen its moonlit state many times before, for he had barely left her safety for years now.

You'd think a castle this size would never bore,  wouldn't stand a chance against the brain's need for entertainment. But Marius his brain had never been known for being that easy on him. And boredom had crept up on him many times before, just as it had done now.

So it seemed to go these days. When he was here, when things made sense- they were boring. Predictable and never changing- only fixed by actively finding things of movement. Of upheaval and ever-changing. Thus, Marius knocked on her door, inviting himself in not much later. Patient the prince had never been. "Addy" he greeted his older sibling whilst moving his hand past the door he closed behind him.

If upheaval was a person, it'd be this particular sister. If arrogance was not just a personality trait but a state of being- it was Addy. Marius had always found it offputting. Though not a modest one himself, her lust for a life better than she'd been fed with a golden spoon had always struck him somewhat wrongfully. Marius was fine where he was, lucky whenever he was. "How about we go places, now- right  now" when life made sense, he had to live it for as much as he possibly could.

For he had learned to do so, knowing he'd never be safe from losing everything right before his eyes again, and again, and again. When he had something, he had to hold onto it as tight as he possibly could. His family, his world- it was here now, it was oke now. And Addy just had to deal with it, no choice. Sibling code, even if she didn't seem all too bothered with it many of times.

And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:59 pm
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