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Glass ceilings
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Oskar Helvig
Oskar Helvig
not me
Glass ceilings GbMh4Yx
Glass ceilings PqKUTJE

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assasin
Killing a man in chains;
is easy

With his axe strapped on his back and covered in thick layers of pelts the man moved through the streets of Ishgard. Not necessarily a place he liked to hangout. Mainly because of all the pompous asses around her that acted like they were the goddamn king himself while a grant part of them hadn’t even extended a finger to actually work a day in their life. Just living off of the fortune that their family had. No, it wasn’t something that he could wrap his mind around. But today he simply was here on business. Someone had reached out to him, someone that obviously needed the kind of service he could provide. But he had gotten here a bit early. It certainly would be the last time that he would. Certainly if it was in this city. While being in conversation with one of the locals who was asking about the wildlife up north he kept an eye on his surroundings.

Certain noises were filling the air. More voices, more altercations between bypassers. A chaotic bunch of people for sure. But in all that chaos there was something that struck out. Over the marketplace, out of nothing, a horse appeared with a rider on it’s back. No one would bat an eye. But something seemed amiss with the animal and it’s rider. However it only seemed like he had noticed it. Which made him frown briefly, but he acted quickly. While he didn’t like the city the man did know the short cuts he could make to intervene. Thus he decided to jump on his own horse and take a different direction. One where he would eventually align himself with the animal that had possibly been spooked.

After a solid few minutes the man had indeed aligned himself with the horse. Taking in on what he could do next. Either let her jump over or the other way around. Briefly he caught wind of whom he was riding next to. Ah yes, great. Off course this had to happen to him. ’Do you feel safe enough to try and jump over?’ His voice rather urgently. Knowing that there was a corner coming up.

Fighting a man;
Takes courage.

Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:49 am
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