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Valhir Vorrijaard
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Ravaryn Citizen
Valhir Vorrijaard
Valhir Vorrijaard
Valhir Vorrijaard YNzJePa
Valhir Vorrijaard KGVVXcR

Character sheet
Age: 38 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: Hermit

Valhir Vorrijaard
Æn vinde var on melter jeðir. Frón kalhirr ásþisk fjerner mjaer.
Gender Male
Age 38 y/o
Species Druid
Magic Druidic Magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Hermit
P.O.B Avalon
Residence Frostcrown's Pine
Height 1.85m
Build Strong
Hair color Dirty Blonde
Hair texture Unkept
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Fair


Valhir is a strong looking bear of a man. Muscular, broad shoulders and a broad neck making him look intimidating to look at. He has dirty blonde hair, which he likes to wear in a bun, and shaved the sides. His eyes are of a piercing ice blue colour. He likes to wear simple with fur lines clothing whenever he's not in his animal form, and heavy coats when he's outside. He has some smaller scars over his body, but the the claw mark on his right shoulder and bite mark just above his left hip are the most prominent.
Constellation The Bear
Alignment True Neutral

Valhir is a man of very few words. He can be cold when you engage a conversation with him, getting only short answers and maybe a few grunts. He does not care for what's going on in the world outside of his little place in the woods, easily content with his life there. Whenever he speaks, his voice is filled with wisdom and a certain sadness. He is a very knowledgeable man, knowing a lot about the world and saddened where it's heading. He's not the worse to be around, but it's something you have to get used to. As he will disappear without a note, to patrol the woods, hunt or gather whatever he can get.
Family Tree


father A father
mother A mother


Brother One brother
Sister Two sisters


Aunts & Uncles Unknown
Cousins Unknown
Magic type Druidic
Expertise Shapeshifting

Even for a Druid, Valhir is an extremely gifted shapeshifting, being able to keep his animal form for a good week on end. His favourite form is that of a Polar Bear, in which he patrols the land that he claimed as his own to protect. But even a gifted shifter has his limits. When reaching his, Valhir has to take a few days to regain his strength. Within his animal form, he's slightly bigger than an average polar bear, making him quite massive and intimidating. He has a characteristic scar on his right shoulder and just above his left hip from other fights, that left such an imprint that it's also visible in his animal form.
Besides shapeshifting, Valhir also works with weather manipulation, but it's not as strong as his other magic. He likes to keep people away from his cabin by surrounding it with local snowstorms and thunderstorms. These are relatively small, and he only uses this magic when he notices people coming to close for his liking. He also has some basic knowledge in healing and making potions.
- Born within the Blue Moon Tribe as the oldest of four kids.
- Quickly adjusted to the nomadic life, tracking through the forest.
- Got taught in the magic of shapeshifting from his mother.
- Got lessons in weather manipulation from his father.
- Shapeshifting went better, so he focused on that.
- His mother bore three more kids. A twin, boy and girl, and another sister for Valhir.
- As the eldest, he helped taking care of the kids. Teaching them what he already knew.
- He voiced his wish to be traveling outside of Avalon to the tribe chief when he was jus twenty years old.
- The chief made him an emissary for the tribe, urged him to travel to Raveryn.
- Valhir did just that, he travelled north, through the forest, past the ruins and ignored Aeredale.
- Arriving in Ishgard, he had no idea what to do. He had no knowledge of the city or her people outside of the forest.
- Got into a few fights for asking for help, never seeing the Royal family or explaining why he was there.
- Fled into the woods of Frostcrown's Pine and made himself a home there.
- Thinking he had failed his mission, he was afraid of going back to the tribe.
- Build a cabin for himself, hunted and gathered what he could and decided that this would be his new life.
- Years went on, his shapeshifting skills expended, his favourite form changed from a leopard to a polar bear, as it attracted less attention.
- He started patrolling the woods of Frostcrown's Pine, defending it from lycans and other ill-willed humans, who threatened to destroy this peace of nature.
- In both Ishgard and Norwyn he got a reputation of the hermit of Frostcrown's Pine, or just "The Polar Bear".
- People started making him offerings, bringing small pieces of meat, fish or whatever they could miss, as a thanks for protecting them.
- At first, he didn't want to accept it, but eventually had to.
- Just a short while ago, he found a wounded young girl within his woods. He decided to nurse her back to health and against all odds, let he stay within the woods.
- Is quite content with his life as a hermit.
- Does not crave any human contact, but likes to make a talk sometimes.
- Prefers fish over meat, like a true polar bear.
- Ever so often forgets his also a human, not just an animal.
- Isn't sure if he's allowed back in the Blue Moon Tribe, but also doesn't want to leave this place.
- Helps those in need within 'his' woods, patching them up and sending them away again.
- Doesn't allow people to stuck around for longer than a few days.
- Taught himself how to swing a sword, but prefers his animal form to fight.
- For a druid of the Blue Moon Tribe, Valhir has difficulty accepting lycans, as he sees them as a curse of nature.
- Valhir is illiterate and thus has no way of contacting his family back in Avalon.
Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:10 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Valhir Vorrijaard XuTWurPc_o
Valhir Vorrijaard MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:42 pm
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