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Oskar Helvig
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Ravaryn Citizen
Oskar Helvig
Oskar Helvig
not me
Oskar Helvig GbMh4Yx
Oskar Helvig PqKUTJE

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assasin

Oskar Helvig
In hoc signo vinces
Gender Male
Age 30 YEARS
Species Druid
Magic Druid magic
Religion Odirian Deities
P.O.B Small village
Residence Traveling
Faceclaim Leo Suter
Build Athletic
Height 188 CM
Skin tone Pale
Hair color Brown
Hair Texture Slightly wavy
Eye Color Hazel


Oskar is the kind of man that leaves an impression. He has a towering height and an athletic appearance. He has a rough kind of handsomeness, with his physique and the way he dresses. Everything about this man shouts that he has worked every moment of his life to get to where he is now. With his hazel eyes and his brown hairs that gets slightly wavey/curly when it grows longer.


This depends on what he does. If he goes out hunting on animals, he’d prefer more comfortable clothes to blend in with nature. If he is working on an actual job then it all depends on the situations and who he is hunting. But on a daily base he prefers pelts, furs and warm clothing given that the man comes from a village behind the Frozen Heights and near the ocean.

Constellation The archer
Alignment Lawful neutral
TraitsAmbitious, charismatic, intelligent, rational
TraitsHothead, straight-forward, proud

Oskar is a charming and ambitious man. His way with words almost makes what he does sound like a fairytale. The man is schooled in literacy, though it being quite basic given that he comes from a simple fisherman’s village. But he is still quite well-spoken. Not that he uses it that often. With what he actually does comes a certain form of intelligence as well, he is rather quick with picking up certain things and can be seen as quite an empathic person. Though this is often a role he plays. Quite well. Oskar is one of the most rational people around, thinking rather black and white. While he often more rational than emotional on some occasions it happens. He prefers diplomacy over violence but is aware that sometimes the latter is a necessary evil. He takes pride in what he does and is a rather proud man, certainly when it comes down to where he came from.

Being quite a hotheaded person, he can come over as quite an angry lad. Something that isn’t necessarily true. Being straightforward is something he takes pride in. At times being too blunt for his own good.

SkillsHunting, wrestling, axe fighting, sword fighting, horse back riding
Unskilled atSpear fighting, fishing, keeping emotions of others in mind
HobbiesHorsebackriding, hunting, exploring

Family Tree


father Sigurd Helvig
motherÅsta Helvig


Brothers 1
Sister 1


Aunts & Uncles TBA
Cousins Cerise Helvig

Type Druid magic

Oskar can shapeshift in an arctic wolf. He is quite literally as white as snow and has the size of a full grown male wolf. The man discovered his gift when he was about eight years old so he has had the time to hone his skill. He can stay in his wolf form for quite a long while, although obviously not days. When he is up far north he often prefers roaming around in his wolf form than in his human form. But from time to time he does experience the fact that he shifts back to his human form unwanted. Which leaves well, an impression.

Weapon type Axe

While he is a ferocious fighter who is able to wield all kinds of weapons, his favorite to wield is the axe in combination with a sword. His axe is his first choice in any kind of battle. His parents would say that he was born with an axe in hand, he is that good of a fighter. Often seems like he embodies the pure rage of a wild animal while he fights.



Born and raised in one of the most northern villages in Ravaryn. Which means a cold climate. Sigurd was a remarkable fisherman like his father and his grandfather before him. A long-standing line of hunters and fishermen. On one of those trips Sigurd met Oskar his mother and the rest was history, resulting in the Helvig family growing quite large. Although they didn’t have much in the eyes of the rich, it wasn’t like they were poor either. In their own village, they were wealthy enough to live in a big house and have the best ships and materials to actually go fish. Which meant that Oskar and his family could be found at sea quite often. Sadly for his father, his oldest son didn’t quite like fishing as a whole. No, instead he had taken a liking to hunting. Not something overly dramatic given that the Helvig’s existed out of both hunters and fishermen.

When they weren’t on the boat, Oskar could be found training with his father and uncles and other villagers. There were multiple people who took a liking in the perseverance the kid showed. The way he wielded his axe and blade was quite remarkable even at a young age. A skill that would only grow as time passed. Another thing the young boy found out was his magic. Both his parents were druids and they had passed that on to their eldest and youngest. Oskar is able to shift into a white wolf.

Teenage years

While growing up, he trained more and ventured out more as well. Both in his human form and in his wolf form. On multiple occasions he prefered roaming around in his wolf form, this resulting in shifting involuntarily a few times while being in the presence of other people. Which was quite funny if he thinks back about it now. At the time well, quite embarrassing certainly for a boy who was still growing up. And boy how did he grow. By the age of 19, he was the spitting image of his father. A strong lad with quite the physique and quite the willpower as well.

While growing up the man had taken an interest in finding things. Animals, misplaced things, people. Which resulted into him growing out to be an assassin of sorts by the age he turned twenty. At first it was only in the village later it was in Ravaryn and eventually it would take the whole span of the country. Not a stone was unturned when it came down to Oskar finding and taking out his mark. Which made him quite a dangerous man to be around. While one could say he would only kill for money, the truth tells something else.

His first reall kill was when he was about 14 years old. A kill that was justified in his own eyes. Since it had been the man who had taken advantage of his sister in the most gruesome ways. The moment when he heard her screams, was the moment he had snapped for the very first times in the worst way possible. Taken over by an animalistic power he had dragged that man off her and threw him out. But it didn’t stop there. In the end it had resulted in Oskar being covered top to bottom in the blood of the other, still surging with anger not being able to calm down. But the man was dead. He had taken care of that no matter who had tried to stop that. This was probably the first moment his parents had grown scared of their eldest son. But this had also set the tone. Oskar had gotten a taste of what it was to kill. What it was to let that anger go free. Which resulted into him starting to fight more often, in a “safe” environment. Being paid to fight. Which would eventually develop into him becoming what he is today.


Over the years Oskar has become quite known for doing what he does. He doesn’t hide it. But he does only do it the legal way. Calling himself a headhunter, in the literal way of the word. His business is slowly expanding and he often roams around in Odiria. Which has given him the chance to expand his knowledge about certain things, something that he still expands to this very day. From time to time, it plays in the back of his mind to settle down somewhere, and live a calmer life. But that isn’t who he is.


Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:14 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Oskar Helvig XuTWurPc_o
Oskar Helvig MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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