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name one hero who was happy
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Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
name one hero who was happy Kameel10
name one hero who was happy 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead

slow down
you're doing fine

Persephone hesitated as she raised her fist to knock on Xahena's door. Ever since she became the advisor of the Crimson Dawn it felt like there was never time to do anything together. They used to be attached to the hip, a package deal, but now they were.. whatever they were. Sisters that saw each other during breakfast and dinner and nowhere inbetween those times. Persephone was always outside spending her time as far away from home as she could before someone found her and brought her back to her mother. They wouldn't today.

Persephone knocked on the door after a few seconds. "Xahena?" She knocked again, impatiently. "Cancel all your plans for today because you're spending the day with your favourite sister. That's me, by the way." It was a beautiful day and there were so may things she wanted to show her. The new things she learned, what she found and most of all her trying to overcome one of the fears she had since she was a child.

you can't be everything
you want to be before your time
Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:07 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Xahena Daetrys
Xahena Daetrys
name one hero who was happy Doja_h10
name one hero who was happy X12

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, advisor

You're all gonna watch me
disappear into the sun
It was early in the morning, but the blazing sun had already awakened, shining his morning rays across the city and the palace. The cold Xailan night had once again made way for the usual heat, and the youngest princess had already kicked her silky bedsheets aside to cool off. Xahena always used to be an early bird. Being awake before dusk was a usual occurence, so for the first time in a while she had actually slept in. Ever since being appointed advisor of the Crimson Dawn, her days had been busier than before. These new responsibilities paired with her desert adventures seemed to wear her out more than expected. Perhaps she had to take a step back from her passion and fully focus on her newly found occupation

A few knocks on the door had prevented her from sleeping in even further, but the familiar voice that followed instantly made up for that. It was a voice she would recognize anywhere. "Per? Come in," she replied in a sleepy voice, followed by a big yawn. She wondered what these sudden plans were all about. As she stretched her arms before sitting up straight, she wondered what her sister had in mind for the day. "I have a meeting scheduled with the first general today, but if you insist.." she paused for a second, waiting for her sister to enter the room and meeting her eyes. "Perhaps I could reschedule it for my favorite sister, if she happens to have a good reason." She continued teasingly, wondering what today would bring.
@ Persephone Daetrys
Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:37 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
name one hero who was happy Kameel10
name one hero who was happy 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead

slow down
you're doing fine

Sometimes it felt like both her sisters had an actual goal in their life and she was just... there. She was still living the same life she was when she was eighteen years old without a real job like hers, Phaedra who had joined the army and Xahena who was busy with the whole Crimson Dawn thing. Honestly sometimes she just felt useless. But then at times where she felt like that she tried to look on the bright side of life and think about the somewhat illegal fight club that she had started in Xaila and she felt a bit better. Persephone wondered if her family knew, since she had never told any of them about it.

"I have a meeting scheduled with the first general today, but if you insist.." Persephone let gravity pull her down on her sister her bed and gave her a smile. Somehow her bed always felt softer and comfier, even though they had the same bed. Maybe it was just because it was not her own bed that made it better. Her sister said some more but she ignored it really. "You already know it'll be fun so cancel the plans and come with me for today." Persephone looked at her sister with the best big, round puppy dog eyes she could. It always used to work, but it had been a while since she had to use it on Xahena and she was a bit rusty. There were so many things she wanted to show her that she could do now, magic wise and 'stepping over her fears' wise.

you can't be everything
you want to be before your time
Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:33 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Xahena Daetrys
Xahena Daetrys
name one hero who was happy Doja_h10
name one hero who was happy X12

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, advisor

You're all gonna watch me
disappear into the sun
Her sisters' anwser brought a grin to her face. Nothing she didn't expect of her dear Persephone. Still always up for mischief and adventure, as they always had been as kids. Once two halves of a whole idiot, the two seemed to find less and less time to spend with eachother. Especially now that she had a goal, a duty to fulfill as advisor. Both of them were growing older and had to shove their free spirited natures to the side in order to serve their kingdom.

Those puppydog eyes, though.. How could she reject an offer paired with those? "I'm sure it will be." Adventures with her sister used to be her favorite, back when carelessness still ruled over her capability of thinking rational thoughts. With the same grin, the youngest princess shook her head. "But what will I tell the Generals?" Partly a serious question, but she was curious to see what kind of far-fetched excuse her sister would come up with. Perhaps, if it would be a good one, they could relive the old days once more.
@ Persephone Daetrys
Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:41 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
name one hero who was happy Kameel10
name one hero who was happy 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead

Slow down you're doing fine

You can't be everything you want to be before your time 

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out. You got so much to do and only so many hours in a day ,but you know that when the truth is told that you can get what you want or you can just get old
There was so much she had to show her sister, so much she still had to tell her but couldn't in the presence of their mother, of maids. Every time they got some time alone without people listening with them, something always came inbetween. She wanted to tell her about her magic, what she learned, show her what she could do. That was something she always did hoping that it would convince her to practise more. And then there was the whole camel thing. Persephone was working on that fear. Slowly. Very, very slowly. There was still a lot of fear when they came close to her, but she was brave enough now to sit on their back and explore more of Xaila. They were made for the terrain after all.

"That they should thank Xeion that I'm only asking for your time today. You are my sister and I've barely seen you since you became advisor."  Persephone huffed and crossed her arms, clearly annoyed about the fact that she never had time for her anymore. "And if they have a problem with that then they can come to me." Part of her hoped they would. There was this bubbling annoyance and anger towards the Crimson Dawn. There were moves she had practiced with her magic, but to fully unleash them on people would burn them to a crisp. If they complained one of them might get the honor of being her first guinea pig.
Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:54 pm
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