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Sneaking out to my boyfriends house at 2am in the morning to get some milk
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Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Sneaking out to my boyfriends house at 2am in the morning to get some milk RbKYMU2
Sneaking out to my boyfriends house at 2am in the morning to get some milk 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I don't know how to feel ❞
Myrddin had noticed the tension between his brother and his wife. Of course he had, they wouldn't keep their mouth about it. Sometimes he wondered why he had been the only one born mute and not the ones who seemingly never knew to shut up. Yet, the captain had nodded at them and simply shown his support. To both sides of course. On one hand Ezekiel was his closest family, on the other he was growing very close to Chaska as a friend. He could share certain things with the sorceress, but some matters still couldn't be properly discussed. Now, it was all good and well that the lovey-dovey freshly married couple had issues and he was all for support and counseling... But at the end of the day he couldn't fulfil that role fully for them. Or well, not yet. He had his own issues he had to deal with, his own matters to figure out. Well. Talking about matters, he had just returned from one of those. Having shared pleasure once more with his beloved, he felt energized again for the day. Even if he didn't get a lot of sleep because he had to juggle so many things at once.

He entered the castle through the main area, glancing around as he saw that the guards were just switching positions. Myrddin greeted them with a nod before moving to the dinning hall. It was so early in the morning, so he doubted anyone was up already. He on the other hand had been out before sunrise so he could sneek into the Efrain estate without worrying that the wrong people would catch him sneaking out. If his mother learned about all of this, he would surely be punished again. And if he wouldn't get her rage, he knew the Efrain family would face it. And he knew he would absolutely lose it if that were the case. Shyam had already gone through enough because of him, because of his messed up family. He wanted nothing more then to keep his beloved away from all of that. One day, he hoped, that they could remove themselves completely from the narrative. To go out and write their own tale without a worry of the past coming back to haunt them. A near impossible task, if you asked him.

When he walked in the dinning hall, he could already see that the servants had prepared for breakfast. Some of them were still tending to table while others were making sure food would be ready for the sorcerers once they woke up. The young heir nodded when he saw some maids glance at him. A few of them smiled brightly and greeted him back in return. It wasn't rare for the young Vylasar to be up so early, so his sudden appearance didn't raise any suspicion amongst the servants. He usually got up early to practice a bit before looking over the schedule of the day and make sure that the right people were assigned to different shifts and patrols. He had yet to do those tasks now, all because he had gotten out for some pleasure with the mage. A smile curled on his lips as he didn't feel regret for what he had done. On the contrary, he felt amazing. Even if he was behind schedule, he would surely catch up. But first some breakfast to get the day going, he was starving.

He went over to the table and grabbed some fruit, before taking a seat at the large table and digging in. It didn't take long for a young man to approach him, handing over some papers to the young captain before leaving with a stern nod. The sorcerer glanced at him, nodding back, before flipping through the papers. Some letters... More letters... An announcement. Some mail for the newly weds.... He sighed as he put all the letters aside that weren't addressed to him. Opening up the first one that had his name on it and quickly reading through it, before going on to the next one.

& Caelum
Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:08 am
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