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Cruel Summer [FOP]
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Julie Zinyra
Julie Zinyra
Cruel Summer [FOP] So7lmQY
Cruel Summer [FOP] RHuclgI

Character sheet
Age: 24 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Responsible sister
Julie Zinyra
Since the Zinyra woman had an early rise and shine on the second day of the festival due to a particulair individual, known as her twin brother, Julie had dedicated the day for what it was mostly meant as. She went back to bed, slept in until the afternoon and apart from some drinks in the evening, she kept it civil. Julie didn't want to sit through the whole festivities at the arena with a hangover, after all. While she made her way up to the tribune to find her seat, she wondered what had come of Rhysand. Where would he have gone now? Not that she had much time thinking about that, as she made her way to her seat. She saw she would be sitting next to her older brother and in front of her parents. She gave them a quick but polite nod before she sat down. The relationship with her parents was a bit complicated nowadays, though she didn't really try to show it. Julie knew what they thought about her brother, but he was still her brother, how stupid he had been. She also didn't really feel like conforming to their standards anymore, but she knew she couldn't throw away all her hard work for that. She had to find a way to gain her own voice, hopefully being able to influence them in not arranging a marriage she didn't want. But that wouldn't be done in just one day, so Julie sighed and looked out over the big arena. Let's just enjoy the last day of the festival without thinking about difficult parent daughter and twin relationships, she thought. Luckily the Zinyra got distracted by the woman walking up to the seat next to her. 'Briseis, hey!' she greeted the other with a smile.
Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:27 pm
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