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Hits different [FOP]
Time will tell
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Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Hits different [FOP] FryYapa
Hits different [FOP] F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member
Long live all the magic we made
Bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
The day turned disastrous when Vasilisa found out one of her suitcases was seemingly lost. Now she had nothing to wear for the last day of the festival, for which she had meticulously planned each and every outfit. It was important she represented her family well, now that neither her father or eldest brother could attend. After those two she was considered the most important Aerendyl, and it would be a an absolute debacle if she did not look the part today.

Thankfully, her appointed Xailan servant had provided her with a new dress, courtesy of the royal Daetrys family. She could wear it if she wished, but she wasn't sure she indeed would. The small statured moon elf had put on the dress, which fit her perfectly, but to her horror it was made of rather sheer fabric. It was a beautiful dress, truly, if it hadn't been for the fact she could see almost every curve of her body. Even her chest felt.. exposed. She was still looking at herself in the mirror, the door to her rooms partly open. She did not know if this was the Xailan way, but this could not possibly be right, right?

& Temple boy

Veel te hete jurk
Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:40 pm
IC Posts
Head of the Lemurian Council
Ezriel Elaéydar
Ezriel Elaéydar
Hits different [FOP] US9JF1to_o
Hits different [FOP] Ez10

Character sheet
Age: 26 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Council Head

he lulls me to sleep
and kisses my eyes
The royal palace of Al-Qahil didn't fail to take his breath away, and so did his betrothed. He had caught himself shooting glances her way, perhaps a little more than usual. The desert kingdom and its people looked uniquely beautiful compared to what he was used to in Lemuria, but the small and elegant moon elf lady which now sticked to his side at every formal occasion couldn't help but stand out. The Xailan sun did her features justice, though he was almost afraid that its rays would eventually bring her more harm than good. Perhaps he should try to carefully suggest her to cover up a little, just to protect her pale skin from the harsh rays of Xaila's patron.

So he casually made her way to the room where she was staying, his hands stuffed away in his pockets, trying not to look suspicious as he halted before her door. The scandal of throwing Lemuria's monarchy overboard had been enough reason for the Xailan royals and staff to keep their eyes on him. He didn't want them to accuse him of inappropriately touching his betrothed before marriage on top of that.

"Vasilisa," he carefully announced his prescence as he knocked against the door before realizing that it hadn't been closed at all. "I'm coming in." Stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, he was relieved to find his betrothed dressed. Though it wasn't a dress he recognized from her wardrobe. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, he was quick to avert his gaze, attempting to hide his flushed cheeks as he searched for the appropriate words, forgetting about his actual reason for visiting. The dress was made out of a sheer fabric, leaving not much for the imagination. In those split seconds he had laid eyes upon things he wasn't able to witness before their wedding night.   
don't tell anybody that the big bad wolf
is just a puppy in disguise
Thu Aug 24, 2023 6:39 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Hits different [FOP] FryYapa
Hits different [FOP] F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member
Long live all the magic we made
Bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
Was this truly the Xailan way? Vasilisa knew the country's inhabitants were as free as the nature surrounding them. But inspite of that the lady hadn't seen any nobles as scantily dressed as she now was. Even though the dress covered her body, it left nothing to the imagination. Seeing as it was a gift of the Daetrys family, from one of their princesses nonetheless, she could only suppose this was somehow the latest fashion. She surely ought to honour that?

When an all too familiar voice reached her pointy ears, the moon elf found herself easily panicking. What would Ezriel think of her attire? Was there time to cover up? It seemed there wasn't. From her view in the mirror she saw the tall man appear in her room and she quickly turned around to face him. He must have seen how she was dressed, oh how foolish of her. "Ezriel," she stammered as she looked at him. "I, uhm-" What could she even say that would make this right? "It was a gift from one of the princesses." She finally managed to say, in the hopes he would at least look at her. Or was he too disturbed by her appearance to do so? He must be, if he was staring at the ground this much.

"Do you like it?" She asked in a whisper. By Lythrana, she hoped he did not mind how she currently looked.

Veel te hete jurk
Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:07 pm
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