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Ravaryn Citizen
Accalia Rizal
Accalia Rizal
What Am I To Say? Beautiful-abstract-background-sparks-looped-072618019_prevstill
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Character sheet
Age: 35 years old
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Blacksmith

Accalia Rizal

Bo-ring. So awfully boring. She finished all her work in her smithy and even the bookwork she loathed so much was up to date. All that was left to do was 'man the shop'. The one thing she neglected most of the time. Where was the fun in waiting for someone to show up? Most of the time people knew what they wanted so it was just a 'I want that, ok that's that much' conversation and they were gone again. She really wanted more commissions, weapons to fix or just.. something else to do.

Accalia's eyes lit up as someone entered the store. "Welcome to the Arctic Anvil, how can I help you today?" she said with her best customer service smile on her face. One that did not quite reach her eyes. Because why would she smile if she didn't find it genuinly enjoyable?
"The tempered blade is the strongest"

[First post for Vox]
Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:40 pm
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
What Am I To Say? HdukYTo
What Am I To Say? Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

Free Reign.

It wasn't smart of him to get out of the castle and into the city. But then again, Vox was never been considered the smart one in the family. So far, so good however. No guards were tailing him, no spies were spotted so far, but he wasn't really paying attention. He just wanted entertainment as he sat out his time during the day. Only a few more days and then this whole wretched hellfest would begin again. Absolutely horrible.

And so it came to be that Vox found himself near some shops. Nothing really interested him to be honest, it all kind of felt dull. The shiny items behind glass didn't nearly excite him as usual. But he kept being on the move, a restless anxiety pushing him to continue forward. It didn't take long for him though to do something else than walking. Which was going into a shop. What shop? He didn't know. But he was soon reminded of it when the shop clerc announced the name. "The Arctic Anvil?" Vox repeated with a disbelieving smile and a raised brow, standing in the doorway. "That sure is a... name." And a pathetic one at that.
Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:31 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Accalia Rizal
Accalia Rizal
What Am I To Say? Beautiful-abstract-background-sparks-looped-072618019_prevstill
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Character sheet
Age: 35 years old
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Blacksmith

Accalia Rizal

"The Arctic Anvil?" She didn't like the way he repeated it. The smile and the raised eyebrow seemed mocking. "That sure is a... name." Alright, he was officially the worst customer she'd had in quite a while. There was absolutely no need to treat the name of her shop that way. Especially not because it was the same name the shop had at the time she was just an apprentice. "If you're just here to mock the decades old name, then I'd like to request you to leave. If you're buying, then focus." While she was bored out of her mind, she felt absolutely no need to amuse this man. But clients were clients and she wasn't going to chase him out just yet if he was actually planning to buy something.
"The tempered blade is the strongest"
Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:21 pm
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