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[DMB] The Millionaire Waltz
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IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
[DMB] The Millionaire Waltz EmesTWTfredHeader
[DMB] The Millionaire Waltz EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
Uptown girl, She's been living in her uptown world
Fashionably late, as they say. Surely nobody would mind if he was. A feast like this was too chaotic and intentionally shrouded in mystery for anyone to care if the Baron of Glimmerhollow was a little too late. And he wasn't the only one; he noticed as he stepped out of his carriage. Several people, dressed in their absolute best, faces covered with eccentric masks, buzzing with excitement for the feast inside, still trickled into the magnificent castle. For a moment, he admired the Winter Palace looming over him as it glimmered in the evening lights, nervously twirling the strings of his mask, which he still hadn't put on, between his fingers. A black and gold mask, adorned with white gems from his mines, would be the final touch to his black suit, accentuated with gold-threated details and accessories. Much had changed for him since the last time he showed his face in the capital. It was time to see how much has changed for the capital and it's residents.

With a quick step of his feet, he climbed the stairs to the front door with ease, now that he didn't need his cane anymore. This wasn't his first ball at the Winter Palace, and though he admired the splendid work they had done to decorate and celebrate the Duke, it was nothing new to him. He wasn't much in awe anymore, unlike some of the middle-class citizens he passed. There were only a few things left that were able to wonderstruck him. And one of those things would definitely be a beautiful young woman, dressed in an absolute perfect gown and being precisely in her element, making her glow brighter than everyone around her. ”Miss Penelope Villiers.” He sighed in awe as he looked her up and down, before a charming smile appeared on his face. ”My, my.” He took the final two steps of the stairs, closing the last bit of distance between them without ever taking his eyes off of her. Ignoring anyone and everyone in her company. ”You, my lady, are a vision.” With one arm resting on his back, he bowed in front of her, gently taking her hand in his to press his lips on the back as a greeting. Still not breaking eye contact. ”You'd easily make one forget who we're truly celebrating tonight.”  

(& Miss Penelope Villiers)

Outfit I
Outfit II
Accessories I
Accessories II
(C) Ross
Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:08 am
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