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Freyja Nygård
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Freyja Nygård
Freyja Nygård
Freyja Nygård MV2TZb4
Freyja Nygård EZjF2Pm

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Druid

Freyja Nygård
“Nothing burns like the cold.”
Gender Female
Age 29
Species Druid
MagicDruid magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Huntress
P.O.B Frostcrowns pine
Residence Frostcrowns pine
Height 1.68
Build Toned
Hair colorDark chestnut brown.
Hair texture Curly
Eye Color Grey/black
Skin Tone Ivory


Freyja has the appearance you would expect from a woman who spends most of her time in the woods, hunting. Her skin is littered with scars, old and new. From the prey she hunts, or of the harsh environment she lives in. All her clothes are made of animal hides and other parts of her prey. They aren't very pretty looking, but Freyja cares not for such matters. They are practical, they keep her warm from the freezing cold and have the bonus benefit of adding camouflage. Almost always Freyja wears her hair up. To keep it out of her eyes. The styles she wears arent very intricate and can be done by almost anyone. The only form of "make-up" she knows are the blue marks she wears on her face from time to time. Its an old  tradition to do so, It's supposed to signal to other hunters to which family she belongs to.
Constellation The archer
Alignment True neutral

Freyja is not a very social individual. In fact she often does her best to avoid contact with other humans when she can. Though, that is not always possible. And when she is forced to engage into a conversation, her answers are usually very short and to the point. Despite this, she is a very calm and not necessarily unfriendly. Just mostly uninterested. Freyja is a hardened woman, she's seen and preformed some afwul actions to stay alive. And so when tragedy does come her way, she is usually unfazed by it. Shes almost animalistic in a sense, for she will always carry on no matter what. And prioritizes the survival of herself, as well as her small farm above everything else. She has a strong, "for the greater good" mentality. And therefor won't hesitate to perform actions that might get her in trouble with the law, if she deems it necessary. Since she is a huntress, she doesn't value the lives of animals. And sees them mostly as tools, rather than living beings. For this reason, she doesn't name the small number of livestock she owns.
Family Tree


fatherBjørn Nygård
mother Astrid Nygård


Brother None
Sister None


Aunts & Uncles Unknown
Cousins Unknown
Magic type Druid magic

Though, our huntress is a druid, and thus has the ability to wield magic. The can only really transform into a wolf. But this was a deliberate choice, Freyja really only wanted to possess this skill. Since she deemed it the most useful when it came to hunting. So she focused all her time and energy in mastering this particular skill. And is now able to transform whenever she likes for an extended period of time. Often her wolf form is used for hunting, since its significantly easier to hunt as an animal who was designed by nature to do so then as a human. Or to help around the farm, such a pull carts.
Freyja grew up the way her father was, on a secluded farm far from civilization. No one really knows how the family originally came to live on the small farm. There had been whispers of banishment, for a terrible crime that was once committed. But nothing can be confirmed. Since she was the only child that survived beyond infancy a lot of pressure was placed on her from an early age, she was supposed to help her family in any way she could. Since the life they lived was a harsh one, and starvation was a very real possibility. Both her parents were hunters, and as soon as they deemed it the right time. She learned the way of the hunt as well, she learned how to track, capture and kill animals for food. Something, she developed a real talent for. However, her mother died not long after her 15th birthday. Father and daughter didn't have much time to mourn her death. They gave her a simple funeral and continued on with their lives. But now Freyja was expected to fill the mother's place. She grew up alone with her father, he was her leader and the most important person in her life. Without his steady hand and wisdom, she couldn't have manged to stay alive. Though the years change, but their situation did not. And her father soon wasn't able to be the main provider anymore, their way of living had all but broken the man. And so Freyja now shoulders his burden.The huntress sometimes makes trips to the city, to gather some supplies for the family and to purchase some more advance medication for her ailing father. She is also known to accept the a job here and there, to earn some money.
-Thunder scares her
Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:53 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Freyja Nygård XuTWurPc_o
Freyja Nygård MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:29 pm
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