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Ashmoor Citizen
Xander Thatcher
Xander Thatcher
Satellite 9fhwJKT
Satellite Lil_header_gif

Character sheet
Age: 30 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: crime
Xander Thatcher
Xander had eyes and ears throughout the whole lower ring, so it was only natural that the appearance of a new boy had gotten his attention. Xander had been keeping an eye on him for a while now. He was annoyed when he discovered he had formed a sort of alliance with someone else. It meant his chance was gone, or at least, it made it a whole lot more difficult. It didn't discourage Xander from looking out for him though. His sudden appearance sparked his curiousity and he wanted to know where he came from. Because from what he had gathered, he wasn't from Ashmoor. And seeing how he cleared some jobs, he might have some sort of trick up on his sleeve. Xander was planning on spying on him for a little while longer, so he made himself comfortable leaning against a lower brick wall while he watched the young man near the water.

+ Charlie Sinclair
Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:35 pm
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