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[FoP] Stressed Out
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
[FoP] Stressed Out CypBckU
[FoP] Stressed Out ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

Help. He knew he had to come to this festival, yet he didn't really want to. He had made some progress, he had done some things he was not especially proud off, but it had somehow helped him see a bit more perspective. And it had made him do some research and it didn't make his anxiety better. Also, the fact that his sister was married now and basically out of reach for him and his older sister stayed back at Lemuria for Lythrana knew what reason, made him having no idea who he could talk to. These past weeks on the boat didn't make it any better. He had tried to speak with Fauna, but their conversations were bland and based on nothing. Every time he tried, he felt like he couldn't breath and had to step away for a moment. The knot in his stomach didn't make it much easier and he had felt sick for most of the trip.
Now that they had arrived within Xaila, he understood why people were wearing almost no clothing. The sun was scorching on his skin and his black and white hair felt like it was on fire. How did people live here? He watched how people started to unpack whatever luggage they had taken with them, happy that he didn't have to carry anything. He wondered if he had to wait for anyone or that he could just do whatever he wanted. He knew about the festival, but it wouldn't really start till later, he believed. And thus, maybe it was better if he could just place some things in his chambers before figuring out what he wanted to do. His big plan would happen tomorrow, after all. Deimos sat down on a bench, watching others getting of the ship and moving things. He really had no intention of doing anything until the feast, it was way too warm for that.  

+ tagLumina Elaéydar
+ notes Succes
Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:20 pm
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