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So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2
Time will tell
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Avalon Citizen
Lauriel Sythaeryn
Lauriel Sythaeryn
.. guess
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 MFGhj4C
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 QJaTJb1

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Bard
Diamonds in my eyes
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
Would she do it? The question lingered in her mind, as well as on her lips. Only a person like Lauriel could debate on all the possibilities that came with a kiss as if they were unsung songs, untold stories. There truly would be no profit if she did not take the chance, she told herself. She had felt like this before; the tension in the air made her beam with excitement. What if, what if, what if. It would be her loss if she did not give into her own hopes, so she did.

Sparks flew as she kissed him and filled the air around them. It was but a short moment, a thought that had so easily provoked action. But she did know how to make that moment last, even afterwards. A smile toyed on her lips as she watched his awe form. "I think that would be both." She whispered and a chuckle much like his escaped her. "Perhaps there is more where that came from." She told him. Whether that was the kiss, or the diamond. She leaned back a little against the bench, taking her time to look at him. "Would you care to find out?" A question that few would be able to say 'no' to, when it was her asking. But something wanted him to say 'yes', because he wanted to chase the possibility with her.

Hele hete taylor outfit
Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:53 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 KjadvhJ
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Her comment made him chuckle softly, because it was true. He was impressed with the creation of the little diamond. But he was even more impressed by the soft but magical kiss they shared. It was his first ever kiss and the feeling that still lingered on his lips brought a pinky blush to his cheeks. His eyes shot up to her when she continued, asking if he would be interested in more. Interested in... What, exactly? I mean- He thought he knew what, but... He felt his cheeks burning up and was sure they turned from a light pink to a dark pink. Surely she didn't mean something that meant they could stay here. Where would they be going? Or was he thinking things that weren't at all true, was he making this up? Caelum felt his chest tighten slightly and the butterflies in his stomach started to flutter almost aggressively. 'U-uhm, ye-yes, I would,' he managed to stutter. Damn it Caelum, be even more charming right now. He cleared his throat, trying to pump some confidence into his whole demeaner. 'I mean, yes, I would love to,' he said then and a smile formed around his lips. He let out a soft chuckle anyway, not being able to hide his awkwardness entirely. He just hoped she wouldn't dislike it too much. 'What uhm, where..?' he started but trailed off, not sure what the right way to go about this was.
Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:00 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Lauriel Sythaeryn
Lauriel Sythaeryn
.. guess
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 MFGhj4C
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 QJaTJb1

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Bard
Diamonds in my eyes
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
It had definitely been the right choice to kiss him just now. Lauriel couldn't help but think she had made a lot of good choices lately. Coming here had surely been one, chatting the sorcerer up had been one too. Would her luck ever run out? She decided that tonight would be the perfect time to test that theory. What made that even better was the gorgeous gentleman in front of her.

The way she seemingly made him nervous was enough for her to push it a little further. As he mumbled, possibly gathering the courage to agree to her request, her fingers toyed with the collar of his blouse. Finally, he agreed. Her eyes started to twinkle when he did and she showed him a bright smile. "I must be honest and say I do not exactly know where the Zinyra's house is." She told him as she bat her eyes innocently. "I hope you don't mind." She tried, her eyes silently asking for mercy. "So why don't we go to my residence here in the city?" She mused as her face got a little closer to his. "We can't miss it." She promised. The royal palace was without a doubt easy to find.

Hele hete taylor outfit
Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:11 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 KjadvhJ
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Her fingers toying with the collar of his blouse did not, in fact, help with his stutter. He was sure his blush would get more prominent with each passing second as he was trying to form a coherent sentence. When he did finally form one, he was left stranded with the second thing he tried to say. He didn't actually know where. And what, for that matter, though he had a vague idea, but he was too scared to entertain that too much, what if he was wrong about that? And asking her would be even more embarrassing. Caelum decided it was best to just follow her and... See where he ended up.

He tried to hide his slight panic at the mention of the Zinyra's house. It was where he was staying, but so was his family. And Caelum did not plan on getting caught with a girl by his family in Xaila in a house of someone else. So he was relieved to hear Lauriel wanted to go to her place instead. Caelum smiled and nodded in agreement. 'That sounds good.' Of course he had no idea yet where the Elf was staying, but that was a moment of panic for later. Now, the Vylasar stood up, handing her his hand. 'Let's get out of here then, heh,' he smiled. Caelum tried to not be too awkward, but it was hard. But the fact she wanted him to visit her residence, well, that would mean he wasn't doing too bad right? He had actually no experience in this and the more he was thinking about it, the warmer the room got. But then he was distracted again by her radiant beauty and wondering how he even ended up this lucky.
Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:05 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Lauriel Sythaeryn
Lauriel Sythaeryn
.. guess
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 MFGhj4C
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 QJaTJb1

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Bard
Diamonds in my eyes
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
Lauriel couldn't help but notice the charming mixture of nervousness and excitement in Caelum's demeanor. Was that all her doing? How very adorable. His bashfulness only added to his allure, and she found herself quietly baskign in the power she seemed to hold over him. As he agreed to accompany her, she couldn't contain the playful glint in her eyes, delighted by his compliance. She returned his smile with one of her own, highlighted with a hint of utter mischief.

It was time to take their leave. Lauriel took her time to gracefully put her hand in his and rise from the seat, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "It is not a long walk, I promise." Leading him out of the bustling tavern, she couldn't suppress a grin at the thought of what the night might hold. As they ventured into the moonlit streets of Xaila, Lauriel couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps her luck truly knew no bounds. That, or she was just so effortlessly charming. She supposed it was a mixture of the two, as the gods had always seemed to smile down upon her. When one only had to follow the roads that led to the palace, which towered above the rest of the buildings, it was not hard to find home. She stopped at the main gate, offering Caelum anoter smile. "Well, this is it." She told him casually, and as she spoke her smile turned into a grin. Perhaps she ought to thank her in-laws, because this surely was better than whatever place he was staying at.

Hele hete taylor outfit
Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:44 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 KjadvhJ
So It Goes... (FOP) - Page 2 D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
He wondered for a moment if his world seemed to slow down when he offered Lauriel his hand. She took her time to lay her hand, delicate and soft, in his and standing up. Caelum only smiled, not minding it at all. It felt like the world was in slow motion and only his heart wasn't participating. A shiver ran up his spine at the thought of tonight. What would it hold? He once again didn't want to entertain any fantasies, but the tight but good feeling in his stomach told him he might be not too far off.

They left the tavern and Caelum was greeted with a wave of fresh air. He took a deep breath, taking in the fresh night's air, feeling like his chest opened up again. Before he could take another deep breath, Lauriel took him through the streets of Al-Qahil. She was much better at navigating the city as he was. Caelum didn't pay any attention to his surroundings though, he only had eyes for her. The smile on his face never left him and he made sure not to let go of her hand as she led him to the palace.

The... Palace. Caelums eyes widened at the sight of it. Suddenly they were standing in front of the front gates of the palace. He had been relieved he didn't had to bring her to his own estate, but the palace wasn't a place he even considered. Did she know the royals? Was she someone he should have known about? He shook the thoughts off though, smiling at her instead. The alcohol was thankfully helping him with the nervous feelings, though he wouldn't say no to another glass in this moment. 'Nice place,' he managed to say with a soft laugh, not quite believing he would be entering the palace for this reason. Would it be okay, though? 'I didn't realise you stayed here.'
Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:30 am
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