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Through the painting [-CW afterparty]
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Through the painting [-CW afterparty] CypBckU
Through the painting [-CW afterparty] ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

He had listened to the ceremony, but it was still to early for his present. It would take up most of his time after the ceremony, but it was all worth it. He had been practicing this for the last couple of days, working in stages before being happy with the final product. Now, now he had to redo everything. But the young summoner already had something in his mind, how he wanted it to look like. This was for his twin sister, after all, so it had to be extra special. It had to look perfect. Deimos wasn't paying the best attention to the ceremony, his head was with his present. It almost made him miss the mark of the end of the ceremony, where he quickly disappeared and started gathering his things.
Just before the people started gathering for the after party of this whole ordeal, he had set up his easel just after the entrance. Now he wasn't in the way of anybody, yet everybody could see what he was doing. Very carefully of his suit, he was working on the painting. He had made the outline already, so that he didn't have to lose time over that. Now it was just the task of doing the line work and the colouring. He had to make some adjustments, because he didn't know what kind of dress his sister would be in. But that was easily done. Deimos smiled when he got some "Ohh"s and "Ahh"s from people who watched him paint. He had chosen this spot so that he could place the newly weds in front of the venue, and he could study the lightning withing the hall. He had also seen his older sister with the man that still made his blood boil. But he wasn't allowed to do anything about that right now. He had to trust Aniu that she had made the right choice to bring that man to this venue. Chaska and Ezekiel hadn't been seen anywhere and as long as they wouldn't be here, they couldn't see his work. And thus, the painter continued on with his work.
Once he was done with the work, he stood up, stretched his back and placed the painting in a secure spot, so that it could dry and nobody could screw with it. Now it was his time to find his sister, who he had seen in the venue somewhere. He nodded to Aniu, who he had seen arguing with someone behind the bar, before finding his twin sister. He walked up to them and nodded to Ezekiel. "Can I still my sister for a moment?" He asked respectfully to the newly weds. "You're allowed to see it afterwards." He grinned to Ezekiel. He held out his arm for his sister to take and started walking towards the place where he had hid the painting. "Not sure if you had noticed it, I haven't seen everyone who walked inside, after all. But I hope that with this, you won't forget me." He told her softly, while holding up the painting. A painting of her, with her new husband, dancing in the venue.

[Speelt zich af na het ceremonie topic en vóór het drunk sib topic <3]

+ tagThe Bride, aka, Twin<3
+ notes Proud twin <3
Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:36 pm
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