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Sni sna snappie
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Sni sna snappie Pine10
Sni sna snappie Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

Sni sna snappie NZMzUEY

Walking along the walls of the city, she traced her hands over its surface. It was crazy to imagine it was but a thin layer of magic, winning the fight against all that water. After all, the strength of the water was not one to underestimate. Its fierce power broke stone, carved through lands and over time could even destroy the most powerful of irons. And once down under it enough, it could break a human body within a matter of seconds- but this magic? The thin layer? It had held out for centuries against the powerful currents of the ocean surrounding it. Oriana smiled softly, it had often been a topic of study for her- both in Geology and biology the topic of water could be found. And as any topic- it had held her captivated for hours. Just as it had done now, whilst she stood at its barrier.

Fish swam by, followed by her keen gaze, she saw Thee striped Damselfish,  Orange lined Triggerfishes and more- amazing her still, after all those years. Smilingly she followed after them until reaching the spot she had planned to take seat and draw. A beautifully decorated bench, set as an outlook point to the never-ending blues surrounding them. Her favourite place to study the fascinating world of the daunting deep. She took place and tugged open the string that kept her bag closed, pulling out her drawing journal not much later. A pencil rested readily between her fingers as she focussed on a creature to study. A beautifully coloured Mandarinfish, whose body emerged from it's home in between the vividly coloured corals.

+ Ray]

Much thank Nien x
Fri May 19, 2023 7:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raeghan Vylasar
Raeghan Vylasar
Sni sna snappie CSdLegg
Sni sna snappie ExLhrts

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

? unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever the fuck i want ?
He had seen her a couple of times by now. Sometimes when he was forced in the library, he had seen her pass by. And sometimes, when he was taking another class in whatever boring subject his teacher deemed necessary, he had gotten a glance of that fiery hair. And he was fascinated by her. She stood out between the boring blacks, blondes and the astray silver haired people that seemed to reside within the underwater city. And the fact that he was fascinated made him curious. Both about himself, as well as her. He had never really had these kinds of feelings for someone. And no, it wasn't a matter of he wanted to fuck her. No. For once he was actually interested in having a conversation with a person. Raelyn would call him insane if he told her about it. Stating that this wasn't her brother and all that. But maybe the sorcerer was finally learning from his mistakes. Or maybe, he still wanted those kinds of things. It was just hidden behind a way more complex aray of feelings then on other occasions. And even though it was odd, he welcomed it. It was a nice change of pace. And after a year of being stuck in that hellhole called prison, he really welcomed those kinds of intervals. They felt as if it was a break from the odd that had become his own life.

He was already sitting in the garden, atop one of the walls he had climbed earlier that morning. As he had eaten his apple, his breakfast for the day, he had observed her closely. Seeing how she was walking along the barrier, her hand gently tracing along the intertwined force that was made up of magic and water. Some fish seemed to come by, going back and forth between coral that was right next to the road that was within this bubble. Sometimes Raeghan imagined how the magic would collapse and all of Lythrania would drown beneath the pressing water. He had heard some people to be absolutely terrified of such fate, but the dark-haired man had actually found it intriguing. After all, if something like that were to happen, he was blessed with a familiar that could bring him and his sister to safety. And that was all that really mattered. Sure, they would lose everything that they had dreamed of, and gotten in the end. But it wouldn't be a huge loss. As long as he had his sister by his side, it didn't matter what the world threw at them. They could always figure it out, together.

The woman came to a halt and brought a sketchbook or whatever out of her bag. He looked at her for a moment as he saw how she started to sketch. He had seen some other Vylasars do the same. Perhaps this kind of useless hobby was just part of being a summoner. Raeghan threw the rest of his breakfast behind him, before leaning back and clearing his throat. "You know, I could be a way better model than him," he said with a smile on his lips as he took on a slight pose atop of the wall. One of his arms giving his head support as a smile widened across his lips. "Beside, he's kind of already stealing your look," he nodded to the fish that was covered in blues and oranges. "Like dude, the lady is pulling it off way better then you. Stop trying so hard," He laughed softly before looking back at her. It was the truth. She pulled off orange better than those fishes. Perhaps even better then anyone here.
Thu May 25, 2023 7:39 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Sni sna snappie Pine10
Sni sna snappie Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled
Being trained in studying all that lived and made up the world surrounding them came with a great set of perks that made all the practice worth it. Her quick mind,  her sharp gaze, worked together almost naturally at this point, making out what was new, odd or remarkable in almost an instant. And it was so that the Vylasar did not need much time in order to spot the man ahead of her. She knew him of course, yet she could not say she knew him. A common fate among large families was not knowing one's own kin further than name, rank and a few defining character traits.

She chuckled when he announced himself in a way she could only call his own, a smart way of sounding both confident and humorous, she took a liking to. A playful smirk appeared on her face as she put down her art supplies beside her on the bench. " A study on your immense un-humanlike ego does sound profoundly interesting" she teased as she stood up, her hand tracing the wall that separated them from the sea. "Naw don't be like that, you must know this fish is particularly self-conscious about his scales Ray" she shook her head and looked at the fish beside them, perfectly comfortable in staying there knowing the wall protected it from the summoners on the other side. Though interesting to her it did not stay for long, especially not when an odd happening caught her grand curiosity in ways her sketches could not. "What brings you here? I am sure it was not the fish that led you all the way to the outskirts of town" her eyes sparked curiously as she noted a hint of adventure hanging in the air surrounding them. "you weren't spying on me were you?"

Much thank Nien x
Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:37 pm
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