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[M] Bad twilight - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Bad twilight  - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Bad twilight  - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
If anything, those feelings of despise and frustration had been easier to navigate than whatever feeling surged through her body whenever the two of them close to each other as of now. The cycle of raising voices and sealing the argument with whatever act of sin followed had almost grown to be a comfortable routine of some sort. She knew what to expect when they were caught up in the heat of an argument, almost certain that she’d be drawn to him once more, craving the touch his hands against her skin and ragged breaths against her neck.

This time had been different. For once they had been able to talk like grown ups. To discuss an issue without losing themselves in their anger towards the world. She had always blamed the need for release onto the frustration and heat of their arguments, but even now, when there had been nothing to settle, a simple touch had resulted in that heated tension regardless, as if there simply wasn’t any way for them to be around one another without the need to explore the other even further. All of it was confusing. The situation, these newfound feelings, him. All of it drove her into the need to flee the crime scene. To retreat within her chambers to think, to ponder, about whatever war was going on between her heart and mind.

So she had been quick to take her leave, saying her goodbyes with a brief press of her lips against his cheek. A gesture which had almost started to feel natural, if it weren’t for the fluttery feeling in her stomach each time they even remotely closed the distance between them.

She halted at his comment, her hand resting atop the doorknob at she scoffed at his comment. ”Oh, I’m sure they’d be thrilled,” she answered as she looked over her shoulder once more, sarcasm dripping from her voice as her betrothed stepped forward, her heartbeat fastening at the closed distance.

The sorceress was ready to take her leave, about to turn the doorknob as she froze at the sudden touch of his hand upon her shoulder. Even though she’d witnessed and memorized the taste of this man by now, even the smallest of his touches managed to remain electrifying. She rolled her eyes at his response, however, leaning against the door as she watched him eavesdropping. ”Seriously? It’s not as if-” her sentence was interrupted by the sound of sudden footsteps from behind the wooden door, shifting her careless expression into one of more concern as she looked him in the eye. The sound nearing them before stopping at what she assumed inches away from the door to the storage room. Cautiously, she took a step back from the door, not entirely sure about her next move. By the gods, they should’ve picked her chambers instead.   
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:49 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
[M] Bad twilight  - Page 2 XuTWurPc_o
[M] Bad twilight  - Page 2 MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Peter Vylasar
I'm just trying to give the people what they want
Days at sea were Peter's favourite. The wind in his hair, the smooth rocking of the sea lulling him to sleep as he dreamt of endless ventures to come, and of course the thrill. There was nothing more satisfying to the man who belonged to the world, rather than anything else.

There was, however, one downside to his endless ventures. Peter was a man who adored his family, his wife, his children. They might not always return the favour, but he gave them everything they wanted nonetheless. All he did was for his family, so that they would be safe and sound and never had to worry about anything. If only he was home more often, so that he could see the fruits of his labour and the apples of his eye.

After the boat docked in the harbour it didn't take the tall man long to make his way through the impressive gates of the city. One letter to his second cousin was enough to make the guards open the doors to the castle promptly upon hearing his name. A smile appeared on his face as he walked through the grand hallways, how long it had been. As he wandered through the castle, however, he found himself lost trying to find any of the servants so he could ask for a snack. A piece of salami, perhaps. In a useless attempt to figure it out himself, he neared one of the doors on his right. Without as much as a doubt, he pulled the door open.

What he saw in front of him was something he hadn't expected, a closet full of linnen. Perhaps the next one, then.

He walked a little further and with the same sense of purpose, opened the next door. Now this really wasn't something he could have expected. In front of him stood his darling daughter, the youngest of his three beloved children. Next to her, her bethrothed. One he had picked out himself. It would have been a lovely sight, his daughter and her future husband, if it hadn't been for the setting. Together in a closet, it could only mean one thing. He had been like that too, he still was.

With his mouth agape his eyes went from one to the other. "Chaska," he finally spoke as he straightened his back. "Ezekiel," he then said.

"Do go on." He needed grandchildren, didn't he?

You have been caught by Peter Vylasar. He will remember this encounter in the future. It will have a negative impact on his impression of Ezekiel Vylasar, as he defiled his daughter. It will have a positive impact on Chaska Vylasar, as he will try his best to stay closeher.

Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:53 am
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