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Crown Princess of Xaila
Nymeria Daetrys
Nymeria Daetrys
Footlose F10
Footlose 3f082b7bfed34d0b4509368c3fda9e97

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Crown princess
It is my own, and i will keep owning it
By Xeion, if her sister had only a little bit more nerve, she'd burn the whole castle down. With an annoyed sigh the older woman passed through the shining halls of her home, in search of her unruly sister. Persephone had a habit of being absolutely unfindable when wanting to be, despite her out there character. Something her older sister had been quite jealous of growing up, for she could never disappear. Everyone knew where she was always, as she couldn't afford the luxury of going past them unnoticed, even if she had the slightest bit of hiding skills her sister had. And normally she'd accept this trait of hers. Normally she would have been fine having her run off to that little illegal fight club she prided herself with in the dark. Or fine, with her outrunning her responsibilities in favour of some adventure- because really, she wanted her sister to be able to do anything she could not.

However, it became annoying when she was looking for her, when it became personal. Because then it meant she had to go to all her favourite spots she resorted to when pressure or boredom was applied. And many that were. They had planned to go out on a ride together today, but it seemed her little sister had forgotten that within the storm that was her brain. And Nymeria was not one to let that slide out of pure laziness. Xeion, she'd search the whole castle in order to make Persephone follow through on the plans she made with her. Even if it meant missing her afternoon tea with the ladies of court. Everything being said there was stuff she'd already heard from the cleaners and staff anyway. A big bore it usually was to her, sitting there with a cup of tea in her hand like some sort of grandma. But she had to admit, it was worth the talks about motherhood sometimes- her own mother was busy ruling a country after all. And thus it was nice to talk to mothers of her own ages at times.

The sun smiled shortly upon seeing her sister's shadow move across the floor, it was the last place she probably could've been around the castle and Xeion was she glad she was. As it meant she at least hadn't gone out to go do god knew what. However, that same smile faded rather quickly when she actually saw the curly haired woman. "Persephone!" her soft yet powerful voice echoed through the hall, as her look turned into that of an overbearing older sister. "Have you forgotten something perhaps? Hm?" she crossed her arms and lifted her chin a little whilst looking down onto the freespirit. Wondering what excuses she had.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:09 pm
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