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haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana
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Xaila Citizen
Keres Rizal
Keres Rizal
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana R4dj4eY
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana EP35j7b

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Assassin
( I'd sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the blade )
Keres had wormed her way into the castle easy enough. Even if she wasn't in the exact way she wanted. The woman had taken on the role as a maid, an admittedly good way for her to spy on others. Being able to traverse the palace rather without much trouble. And hear gossip, from both other servants and the people she was supposedly working for. The downside was that it was expected of her to do the actual work that came with it. Which Keres found rather degrading. She wasn't a lady by any means, despite her fancy last name. But she also wasn't some retainer. Taking orders from others like a dog. Keres was able to dodge her so-called "duties" most of the time but, sometimes, she had no choice but to strap up her sleeves. Like now, for example; as she was cleaning someone's room. Dusting the shelves, putting away clothes, making the bed. All menial tasks, and yet Keres had to do them. The sorceress did have the conciliation, though, that this job wouldn't be permanent. Once the rime was right, she would confront her brother. And finally be able to throw off this cover. 

Keres was sure Zuhayr had no idea she was here too, working as a skivvy. The heavy servant clothes were a very good disguise. The woman was just about done when she heard someone enter. The very owner of the room, in fact. That wasn't so strange unto itself, but- Keres knew her. They had met before, back in Xaila. Keres narrowed her eyes a little as she walked past the red head. Keeping her head down. 
ft. Eifuku-mon In
— Somewhere far away

Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Pine10
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana NZMzUEY
Her room was as a sanctuary to the woman. Huge windows let in a golden light due to the gold glass pains that were beautifully laid within the steel foundation. Oriana had insisted on getting the closest thing to sunlight they could get down here, and having seen enough of it down south, she now knew how close of a match it truly was.  Huge bookshelves were forced upon two walls within the room, filled to the brim with all the books her little curious heart could wish for and plants decorated most nooks and crannies od the room. Oriana smiled as she walked among them, it had been such a long time since she had been in both her bedroom and study and though not a fan of the familiar, it felt great to be back home again.

Upon walking in, however, a certain unfamiliarity caught her eye in the form of a maid hiding away her face- a detail that was quick to get noticed by the quick witted Valysar. Her eyes widened slightly upon noticing it- a smile perked up on the corners of her lips. "Oh hey!" she greeted the working woman kindly "Leaving already? We didn't even get to meet" Oriana continued as she stepped towards the stranger "I'd like to know the hero that looked after my plants while i was away, whats your name?" she asked trying to get into the woman field of vision-  it was here however that the familiar crept back into  place as her jaw dropped a little "Keres?!" She smiled more "What are you doing here? Whats with the dress up? Did you miss me so much you snuck in here?" Oriana teased eventohugh a little uneasy had a hold of her thoughts. What was she doing here?

Much thank Nien x
Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:41 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Keres Rizal
Keres Rizal
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana R4dj4eY
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana EP35j7b

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Assassin
( I'd sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the blade )
The sorceress was a little surprised about the familiarity with which Oriana addressed her. Keres, was just a servant after all. Not an equal, the redhead could just completely ignore her and no one would bat an eye. The Vysalar did explain her kind approach by telling Keres that she wanted to meet the person who had been keeping a watch on her plants in her absence. The Xailain narrowed her eyes, something told her that the redhead wasn't being entirely truthful. That she was after something more rather than a simple conversation. "Please excuse me, madame," she said, changing the tone of her voice to one she never really used before. "But I have other business to attend too." She wouldn't indulge the curious little ginger.

Yet it seemed that, shutting the girl down, wasn't enough. Since, a spark of recognition twinkled in her eyes, and then her jaw dropped a little. It seemed she was finally able to lay the link. Keres could almost hear the little "click" her brain made when it put the pieces together. "Keres?!" The woman exclaimed with a smile. But Keres didn't smile, she didn't have any meaningful reaction whatsoever. The only thing she did was hold her head high. Since there was no point in shying away now. Oriana made some stupid joke that almost made Keres cringe. But she kept herself still. "I work here now." She simply said as she walked away from the woman, and towards the door. Keres wanted to get out here as quickly as possible.
ft. Eifuku-mon In
— Somewhere far away

Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:18 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Pine10
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana NZMzUEY

An absence of emotion caught Oriana's keen eyes as the woman in front of her held her head up high. It was nothing new for Keres, as for as long as the two women had known each other, never had Oriana felt as though she really knew her conversation partner. And thus- trust was not easily given when she simply stated to be working there, especially not with how fast she tried to escape her. The red-haired woman tilted her head with a little chuckle to her disposition "You work here? Out of all places?" she frowned a little as she curiously hopped after the woman- her familiar following her loyaly- every step. "That is an awefull long way away from home"

Then again- Keres' jobs had always been rather- odd. So that weird it hadn't truly been for her to just pop up here, given a job in cleaning their rooms, aiding where she could. Oriana smiled as she continued to walk alongside her, her eyes sparkling in the dim blue light of the hallway windows. "What made you come all the way over here? The scenery?" she continued sticking her nose in the other's business. A trait of hers rather known by others. "Family perhaps?"

Much thank Nien x
Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:43 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Keres Rizal
Keres Rizal
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana R4dj4eY
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana EP35j7b

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Assassin
( I'd sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the blade )
Oriana chuckled when Keres had told her that she held a job at the palace. It wasn't in a haughty way, but the sorceress couldn't help but see it as such. Especially with the way the red head held her head in angle while doing so. Which stopped Keres from leaving, the Xailian stopped dead in her tracks in front of the door. Her hands wavering above the knob. Keres had her back turned to the red head. That way; the Vylasar, couldn't see her brow furring further and further by every question she asked. Keres knew she really should go, but she simply couldn't now. She didn't know how, but something had changed. Where she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible before. Now she wanted to stay, actually engage in the conversation. Though why, exactly; the woman couldn't say. Perhaps it was because she didn't want to leave the redhead with too many questions. Curiosity could be a dangerous thing, and she didn't want this woman to do more digging on her than she was currently already doing. Or perhaps, somewhere, Keres did like talking to someone who wasn't a complete stranger to here. "Yes here." The woman said as she turned around and took a step away from the door. Her demeanor remained as cold and distant as ever. "I don't consider Xaila my home." She was born there, yes, grew up there- but she didn't have a particular attachment to the place. To the culture. It was just like any other place to her. She had no true home, in essence, no place where she longed to return to. Where she felt at ease, safe even.

Hahaha even een time skip want ik had al een stuk geschreven en helemaal niet door dat Oriana mee liep haha en ik heb geen zin om alles opnieuw te schrijven dus we doen het even zo sorry sanne x

The conversation went on, and eventually the two of them did find themselves in the hallway. Keres, with Oriana walking beside her. Who's eyes seemed to twinkle in the lighting that the dim passageway provided.  "What made you come all the way over here? The scenery?" The Vylasar said with a smile. Keres narrowed her eyes slightly, but then shrugged. "I needed the money." A lie, she was never in need of money. Not anymore. Oriana then asked if she was here because of family. The Xailan looked locked eyes with the woman beside her, but her face betrayed nothing. "Family?" She reiterated. "Why would I be here for that?"
ft. Eifuku-mon In
— Somewhere far away

Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:06 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Pine10
haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

haar flirten consists of chemosynthese uitleggen - Sanne over Oriana NZMzUEY

Money could be made anywhere in Ordiria- Maids were needed everywhere there was royalty and rich folk. Her reply di not exceed in explaining her choice of location to the quick-witted Vylasar- and if not for family, if not for her, why had Keres come all this way just to make a couple gold coins? Oriana tilted her head whilst walking alongside the woman, she did not buy it. There were other reasons, there had to be. Keres was not one to just- be. Atleast Oriana did not take her for one. And thus, the Vysalar shrugged a little, her smile not faltering whilst walking alongside the new maid.

"Money can be made anywhere" she replied "Why here? So far from home if not for the sights or Family?" she mused whilst keeping her sharp eyes onto the woman. "I am just curious, is that really so strange when you just.. show up here without given  a single solid reason?" the woman continued "Do not get me wrong, u provide with me a fun challenge here, the mystery and stuff. But i would like to know how close my guesses were up until now"

Much thank Nien x
Wed May 03, 2023 10:52 am
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