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Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
Chemosynthesis Pine10
Chemosynthesis Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled

Chemosynthesis NZMzUEY
As she ventured through the well-known streets of Lythrania, a certain figure walking by, was rather hard to go unnoticed. As with the way she pressed forward through the crowds she had managed to stay within Oriana's curious gaze as she balanced upon a stone wall, carefully walking over its ridge with Remi right behind her. The woman differentiated herself from the many others around her by the way the fabric of her clothes alone wwas worth more than the houses they held dear to their heart. The proud way she stepped forward was nothing less than regal, ah yes. Oriana had heard a Rizal was among them down here. For of course, Oriana knew the insides and outsides of her own home even if she hadn't been around that long. The place was boring enough to her, that any inconsistency or new thing was bound to go noticed by her rather quickly.

With a curious spark laid upon her warm eyes, Oriana leapt from the wall and made her way towards the  Royal Raveryn Woman. It was a place Oriana would love to explore one day, Raveryn, as there was much worth researching up there. So many studies to confirm and see with her own two eyes. Her mind feasted on the idea alone. "Fauna! the young red-haired woman called out to her as she followed behind her with hastened steps "Hey wait up!" Perhaps it wasn't the way to approach a Royal, but Oriana didn't feel a need for formalities today, nor ever for that matter. "Hey" the Lyrthranian woman chuckled once in hearings reach, she smiled "Fauna, is it not? I am Oriana, I believe we share a house nowadays. I returned home like, yesterday evening so we hadn't gotten a chance to meet yet" she nodded "C'mon let me be your guide for the day, where are you headed, are you headed anywhere?"


Much thank Nien x
Thu Apr 06, 2023 8:31 pm
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