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it's always ily and never tmabwiotbtmybfitmbowiseaiwhtbmw
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
it's always ily and never tmabwiotbtmybfitmbowiseaiwhtbmw Tiz0hA0
it's always ily and never tmabwiotbtmybfitmbowiseaiwhtbmw 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
Lionel walked alone, through the darkness of the night. The lanterns around the stone covered street lit his way. The midnight air did him good, it finally allowed him to relax. Gather his thoughts. Something he really did need, especially after the wedding. He hadn't really enjoyed himself, He frankly hated such events. It seemed too terribly fake to him, all those people with makeshifts smiles on their faces. Gorging themselves on the free flowing wine. And not to mention the bride and groom, Lionel couldn't shake this feeling he had that the match really was a poor one. The fact that his uncle - who Lionel always had a strange feeling about - would marry this much younger woman, who really didn't have a say in the matter. Just rubbed him the wrong way. So he was glad it was over, he was glad he could finally escape. And hopefully now things could go back to normal. The man reached for his pocket when they reached a grand building. For his walk, other than letting off some steam that had building up for the entire evening. His little stroll also had another purpose. Soon enough, the vide admiral brought forth a handkerchief. With the initials PV embroidered with gold thread on the side of it. The piece of cloth was silky soft and heavily perfumed. Which made him smile a little, because it smelled of her. Sweet and floral. Penelope Villiers had left his behind- and he was determined to return it. 

The blond man stood in front of the door of the magnificent Villiers home, it wasn't the first time he'd seen it. Yet it was still a marvel for his eyes. He could sense that there was something going on inside. But he honestly didn't really care to find out what exactly. He was simply here to drop off an item, and then he'd be on his way again. Lionel moved to announce his presence, but before he could knock on the door. And soon enough, a maid answered. Lionel bowed his head in respect as he handed the item to the woman. "I came to return this to the Lady Villiers." He began calmly. The woman took the handkerchief from his hands and thanked him. And then, and then she asked who he was. Lionel smiled a little as he shook his head. "No one important." He simply stated. As he took a few steps away from the door. He was clearly getting ready to leave again. "Please make sure she gets it back right away." He said, right before he was about to.
Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:06 pm
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