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(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid
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Ravaryn Citizen
Cerise Helvig
Cerise Helvig
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 53zL75vk_o
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 59b158637f3776489db72cbb63ea14d5

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Herbalist/Housewifey
Here's looking at you kid
Life in the city turned out to be rough. Cerise felt trapped by the large looming walls and the streets crawling with people like ants. It was suffocating. She came from a tiny village at the foot of the frozen heights. Life had been tough out there but it had been quiet, fair. Everything in her life ceased to be the day she woke up in the forest. She had done her best to suppress the memories of that day but found herself dreaming dark nightmares. Her uncle expected her to do most of the working and cleaning around the house but those tasks became more and more difficult as her energy reserves stayed unreplenished.

So it was that she found herself sitting on a stone wall near the gates leading out of the city, tired and alone. She stared through the open gate towards the mountains visible in the distance. She felt homesick and alone. Absent-mindedly she stroked the back of her nails with her left hand as she suppressed a sigh. Life didn’t make much sense anymore. What was she to do? As she rose from her position, she accidentally felt her leather bag slip from her fingers and land in front of her in the mud. Right in front of a stranger.
× notes ×
Elyon ©
Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:58 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid HdukYTo
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

I can hear the wolves, they're howling.

He'd done it again. Judging by the silence that followed him as he crept into one of the smaller alleyways of the city of Ishguard, he was alone. Vox had shaken off the guards that were meant to protect hem once more, believing that he could very much defend himself. After all, he was the vile creature that they hid away in the dungeons during full moons. It was only normal for him to disappear a little sometimes. It wasn't like he was going to transform in the middle of the street. And he would be careful and look out for any murderers. Not that he knew what murderers looked like. Apparently nowadays they could be anybody.

As the royal nephew snuck out of the alleyway, he saw the gates that gave entrance and exit to the city looming in the distance. Sure, why not go for a beautiful walk outside? Some fresh country air surely would do him good. Then finally some red would go on his cheeks instead of the constant pale white and dark circles that were permanently stuck under his eyes. Then maybe his family would be a little proud of him.

Vox hurried along, ignoring most people as he crossed the streets and made his way further out of the city. It wasn't until he was almost there that he noticed something strange. A bag right in front of his feet. A small one. Probably held some coins or other valuables. Shiny things. Vox looked at how it was stuck in the mud and then looked up at the woman across from it. "Well usually I have to steal things like these, it isn't every day that they just drop in front of my feet," he joked with a lazy smile.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:13 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Cerise Helvig
Cerise Helvig
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 53zL75vk_o
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 59b158637f3776489db72cbb63ea14d5

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Herbalist/Housewifey
Here's looking at you kid
A soft gasp escaped Cerise as she shot a bewildered look up at the stranger in front of her. A tall, pale stranger. She almost didn’t catch his words as she was too preoccupied staring at him. People in the city normally didn’t really talk to her. They all seemed too preoccupied with their days to stop and talk, let alone say hello. On her first day she had tried to greet everyone she passed but only got silence and confused (read: angry) looks in return. She quickly stopped after that.

“I-uh-” She let out an awkward laugh. “Please, I implore you not to. It’s all I have and it isn’t much. Besides-” Her dark eyes focused on the guards who stood in the distance on either side of the gate. “I can scream really loud and make sure the guards will lock you up for attempted thievery Maybe they will hang you or cut off a hand.” She said it with a glimmer in her eyes but realized that she probably would be too shocked to cause a scene if he would actually do it. The penalty for theft was steep and she would feel bad to condemn a stranger to such a fate. She had already felt dizzy when she witnessed an actual burglar running off with a bag of coins and being grabbed by guards. No, not again.
× notes ×
Elyon ©
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:29 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid HdukYTo
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

I can hear the wolves, they're howling.

Was he going to grab the bag and run off? Probably not. It was a long run back to the castle and on the way towards it there would be an awful lot of guards. And wether he was royalty or not, they wouldn't really make an exception for him. Maybe they wouldn't cut off a finger or a hand, but they sure would him behind bars for a little while. Just until one of his family members would come and pick him up. He would get a stern look and some scolding, he would be told how dangerous and reckless he was. And then they would hug it out and Vox would d it all again tomorrow.

But this stranger already warned him. Screaming loud, he wondered if he could match her. "I'm not sure about the hand thing, but I definitely can guess they would happily throw me back behind bars again," he spoke with an eyebrow wiggle. Then he bent through his knees to pick up the muddied bag, handing it back to her. Vox barely cared about getting himself dirty. "There we go, all yours," the young man said, baring no mind to how dirty the leather bag was now. "On one condition, though," he then said, pulling the bag back when she would reach for it, looking at her mischievously.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Cerise Helvig
Cerise Helvig
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 53zL75vk_o
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 59b158637f3776489db72cbb63ea14d5

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Herbalist/Housewifey
Here's looking at you kid
The stranger had friendly eyes, tired, absolutely, but friendly. She felt her attention lingering on the word ‘again’ implying he had been to jail before. Was he still joking? Ah, there it was the eyebrow wiggle. He was joking. Makes sense, he didn’t strike her as a master criminal. (Nevermind that Cerise her judge of character was as accurate as a blind archer). He bent and picked up her bag and Cerise was already reaching or it, when he pulled back and effortlessly kept it out of her reach. Her small frame had her once again at a disadvantage and she narrowed her eyes at him. She weighted down her options before she decided not to give up without a fight. Her plan had been simple. Put her hand on his shoulder, hoist herself up and reach for the bag- that seemed too far out of reach though (literally) as trying to hoist herself on his shoulder already proved too difficult for her short legs and minimal strength. Red cheeked she felt her mood shift as irritation bubbled to the surface and she crossed her arms and looked at him suspiciously. “Name your price.” She said slowly, carefully.
× notes ×
Elyon ©
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:44 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid HdukYTo
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

I can hear the wolves, they're howling.

There was no reason for him to be this annoying. But after all those years of feeling lost and distrusting of his surroundings, this was his way to cope. Vox was simply someone who just loved to get all the attention he could get. Right now this woman was his unfortunate victim. By the looks of it, she looked less and less amused by their accidental meeting. That only made the grin on his lips even wider.

The woman was smaller than him and that put her at a grave disadvantage. For example, it was incredibly easy for him to keep the bag out of reach. Vox even dared to wiggle it a little a bit in his hand, just out of spite. "I was hoping you'd say that," Vox grinned, twirling the bag before hopping it from one hand to the other. "I want something from this bag. Something that is yours." At that point he tossed the bag back to the woman, a little unprompted. "Small, big, whatever you want." With those words he crossed his arms, kept grinning and patiently waited for her answer.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Cerise Helvig
Cerise Helvig
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 53zL75vk_o
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid 59b158637f3776489db72cbb63ea14d5

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Herbalist/Housewifey
Here's looking at you kid
He was loving this, she could tell. He even had the audacity to throw it from hand to hand, far out of her reach. What a- But there it was. His price. Of course he wanted something, of course he couldn’t just be a helpful citizen here to hand a lady back her fallen purse. She thought of a few colorful remarks she could make but, alas, mother had raised her to be a lady not a farm maid. “That sounds an awful lot like stealing, sir.” She said sweetly, eyes shining for she knew what to do. Nevermind the growing panic when she remembered she had her handwritten notes about the night of her awakening tucked away in the bag. “- and I’d rather not give you a single thing.” She finished. Cerise weighted her options. “Come on, cut me a break. I don’t want to get nasty.” She pressed, dark eyes shining as she looked up at him. With her 1.59 meters and tiny frame she must look as intimidating as an angry dormouse.
× notes ×
Elyon ©
Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:01 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid HdukYTo
(Vox) Here's looking at you, kid Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

I can hear the wolves, they're howling.

For Vox it felt good to do this. Everyone around the castle was moping and being sad about the death of his nephew, or their brother, or their son. Vox was done dealing with grief. He'd been dealing with those feelings for years and no one had bat an eye. And now suddenly his nephew was dead and everyone had to cry and be sad about it. To him that felt unfair. But he would never speak those words. He would forever pretend to be the happy, chaotic and dumb nephew. Mostly because he indeed was chaotic and dumb, and often very happy as well.

The man tilted his head when she didn't agree to his request. So she had some fight left in her after all. He wouldn't really have guessed that, with her height and all. Bemused at her empty threads he raised his brow. "But what if I want to see you get nasty, huh?" he grinned, implying both things that could be implied with that word. "I'm holding all your cards, lady. Or well, bag, I guess. Bag is a more fitting word, don't you think?" Vox mused, temporarily wandering off the topic they were talking about, distracted by his own thoughts.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:42 pm
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