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je bent net als een ster want je bent alleen mooi van een afstand<3
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
je bent net als een ster want je bent alleen mooi van een afstand<3 SRiYB3K
je bent net als een ster want je bent alleen mooi van een afstand<3 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

Fauna sat in the castle gardens, books and guides strewn all around her on the grass. She had an empty notebook before her, and a pen in her hand. Her eyes darted back from the many different books, while her hands scribbled something's down on the empty paper. All this was practice, for her fortune-telling. Since hers was a lot different from most of her kin. Fauna could indeed see the future, but not through a flashback or something similar. She had to deduce it from someone's star map. So, really; she was not only a psychic, but also an astrologer. It sounded all very fancy, and in effect it was; she could use her magic to project someone's map in her hands. Like the as if she plucked a piece of a night sky and held in contained in her hands. Everyone's own map was unique and tailor made. She could see someone's sign and so manner of other things. It was a very accurate way of telling the future. Yet so- so difficult. There were so many things she had to take in account. A shooting star might be a good omen for one, yet a terrible one for another. It all depended on how the planets were aligned, on how many starts there were, even on the color of the projection. It was so much, that there was much room for error. So her readings really couldn't be always trusted. And she hated that; she hated how she had this gift that she could barely even use. She could only overcome it by studying. By memorizing everything. Fauna sighed as dropped her pen entirely and instead picked up one of the books laying open beside her. She read the information stored within its pages over and over again in her head.

+ EzeĀ 

Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:17 pm
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