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space trip
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
space trip SRiYB3K
space trip 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

Fauna had a feeling that she had already been here before-in this exact hallway. Everything in it seemed; so familiar to her. Which in itself wasn't bad. But, she really wanted to get back to her own rooms. There were still some things she wanted to get done. Writing mostly; letters for back home. She had been kinda slacking off when it came to that, but that was because she simply didn't know what to report to her family other than that she had arrived safely. Still, she couldn't leave them in the dark forever; especially not her mother. The poor woman must be worried sick by now. This was a part of the castle. The young sorceress was still rather unfamiliar with, and it showed. Since she appeared to be walking in circles. Fauna tried to retrace back her steps. However, that made her only even more confused, more turned around than she already was. The brunette bit her lip as she watched some servants scurry past her. If she wanted to get back to her chambers, she had no choice but to ask one of them for help. But by the stars what was that embarrassing. The woman almost didn't dare to ask, she'd rather find the way back on her own. Even if that took her hours. And if she didn't have better things to do; she probably would. But she really did want to finish her letters on today; so they could travel with the rest of the mail. And actually arrive back home in a timely manner. Fauna had learned that there was a schedule for these things in Lythrania, which wasn't strange. Since anything that came out of the city; had to travel via boat first. Fauna sighed softly as she gestured to one of the servants to come near her. "I'm sorry to take you out of your work like this." She began, calmly, as she looked at the maid before her. "But I was hoping, if it's not too much trouble, that you could escort me back to my chambers?"

+ Bonnie

Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:38 pm
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