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Sebastian Edgar Hamilton
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Ashmoor Citizen
Sebastian Hamilton
Sebastian Hamilton
Babe the pig
Sebastian Edgar Hamilton EmesTWTSebasHeader
Sebastian Edgar Hamilton EmesTWTSebasIcon

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Human
Occupation: Jockey, heir to papa's fortune

Sebastian Edgar Hamilton
Do you need a reminder
Of the love that I gave you?
Don't worry
You're walking away
But I'll always be watching you
Gender Male
Age 27 y/o
Species Human
Magic "Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile"
Religion Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Dawnmire Aristocrat/Jockey
P.O.B Dawnmire
Residence Emerald Eden (Dawnmire)
Height 1.73 m
Build Muscular, fit
Hair color Brunette
Hair Texture Luxurious, slightly wavy
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Warm beige


Sebastian might not be the tallest gentleman in Ashmoor, but he more than makes up for it in looks.
He is objectively a very attractive young man, and he knows it. With his dreamy blue eyes and that ridiculously charming smile he knows exactly how to use them to his advantage. He's strong, athletic, and muscular, but not in a burly way. He is in the prime of his life and loves flaunting it in more expensive attire. Often dressed to the nines, clean shaven and smooth. He can come across as rather posh, believing that the upper class is superior to the lower classes.  
Constellation The black widow
Alignment Neutral Evil

Sebastian is truly an arrogant snob. As an only child, he grew up believing that everything was his for the taking. Spoiled rotten by his mother and grandparents, he never learned the meaning of the word “no”. As a young boy, he was quite overweight due to his sweet tooth, which nobody ever denied him. As he grew older, his parents did try to teach him that not everything would be handed to him on a silver plate. Which he partially learned, but it actually made him more manipulative and, as a result, more dangerous, especially in his adulthood. If he was denied something, he learned to find other ways to get it. He mostly uses his charmes, and because they work so well, he can wear them as a mask. To the outside world, he is portrayed as a charming young man, handsome and dedicated to his job as a jockey. Next in line to inherit his father's fortune and estate in Dawnmire. A real catch so to speak. Someone you want in your inner circle. A reputation he maintains very well . Mostly because he loves the attention, which he prefers to have on him at all times. Underneath it all is a vengeful narsicist who will go to any length to get his way. If charms don't work, he will make use of his sharp tongue and influential power. If that doesn't work, the final layer peels away, revealing his most vile and dark side. A cruel sadistic spoiled and angry little man. Only a very select few have had the priviledge to meet that side of him, and only behind closed doors and in private. None of them dared to blabber their mouths about it. Nobody would believe them anyway. How could Sebastian Hamilton, who is so charming and well-spoken, be anything other than what he appears to be? Not even his mother knows him any other way.

Sebastian, on the other hand, did not become this way by chance. Deep down, he struggles as well, despite the fact that he appears to have everything he could ever want. Being an only child and the only heir to Emerald Eden and everything his forefathers worked so hard to accomplish is a heavy weight on his shoulders. He is meant to continue and broaden their wealth and name. Secure it deeply in the roots of their family tree. The problem with that is that Sebastian is not attracted to women whatsoever. Something he realized fairly early in his adolescence. It's his deepest secret and most private desire. He tried to bury it, live a normal life, and do what was expected of him. With disastrous consequences for the continuation of his name. The stress causes him to reach for the bottle far too frequently, though he denies being an alcoholic. With his aristocratic life, it isn't too noticeable, luckily for him. Less lucky are the people closest to him, who have to endure his drunken fits of anger... or worse... It truly brings out the worst in him. Peels away that last layer of humanity.

Parts of that outer mask is true though. He is a hardworking man. He is well-organized, punctual, and self-critical. But mostly very critical on others. Usually blaming others for his own mistakes or accidents. And because he has such a way with words, most people believe that they are to blame as well.

TLDR; On the outside, he's a charming attention-seeking rich pretty boy; on the inside, he's an angry narcissistic cruel sexually frustrated man who barely passes for a human when his true colors shine through.


Snob | spoiled | charming | alcoholic | workaholic | sadistic | narcissistic | cruel | possessive | dangerous | well-spoken | elite | social | prideful | conceited | spiteful | arrogant | manipulative | high maintenance | dominant (especially over women and animals) | horny for attention (and Theo.).


Racing | drinking (more out of habit and slight addiction) | socialize with other rich people (except the Grimaldi's) | hunting | horse back riding | working out
Family Tree


father Woodrow Hamilton
mother Odelia Hamilton née Baux

Grand Parents

Grandfather Arnold Hamilton
Grandmother Patience Hamilton
Grandfather Grayson Baux
Grandmother Lilian Baux


Aunts & Uncles Rina Baux †
Cousins Luca Winter, Esther Baux †
Career Jockey

Sebastian's hobby, which began as a way to pass the time (and lose weight), has evolved into a full-fledged career. He is rather famous and a well-known jockey in the racing world of Ashmoor now. He is ambitious and talented on horseback. With many prices, titles, and records to his name. His office is adorned with numerous trophies and medals.

It all started at his home. The birthplace of the best race horses in the district. Emerald Eden. Founded by one of his ancestors in a measly barn just outside Dawnmire, grown into one of the richest and biggest of the Ashmorian equine industry. Breeding horses, racing them, selling them to the highest bidders. Sebastian grew up amongst all of it and was taught the ways to one day inherit it all. He is somewhat known in the breeding process and their studbooks. But his biggest interest lies in racing, since that gives him the most attention. The horses are a mere means to an end, so he doesn't feel very bonded to them. All he sees is their exterior and their talent on the race track. If a horse doesn't have one of the two, it is of no use or interest to him. A mentality that seemed to have worked for his father and grandfather, so Sebastian happily continues that way.

You won't find him mucking out stables or brushing down the horses. He has workers and servants for that. Sebastian sits 70% of the time on horseback, training. The other 30% he dedicated to the business and breeding side of it all.
Sebastian was born as the first and only child of Woodrow and Odelia Hamilton. He never learned the reason why they never had another child and was quite content with that fact. Being absolutely spoiled from the moment he opened his eyes. Sebastian grew rather large (and fat) fairly quickly and did in fact get teased by his peers for it. So he started to ride on horse back from a young age. It was the first step towards his carreer as a jockey.

He won his first race when he was about 16 and was the youngest winner in history. It fueled his ambitions. He loved the attention and praise it gave him, so he became even more serious about it. Fortunately, it was the ideal arrangement for his father, who would be teaching him everything he needed to know about his future and the responsibilities that lay on his young son's shoulders. He became a bit of a gem in the high society of Dawnmire, especially among the young girls. Sebastian basked in the attention on a daily basis. But he quickly realized he didn't want anything else from those girls than the public's attention. Plenty of girls tried to throw themselves at him, but he never fell for it. He was secretly more interested in the stable boys.

During his adolescent years, he experienced the beginning of his sexual confusions and frustrations. His advances weren't welcomed, naturally, and he soon learned to keep that side to himself. Putting that frustration to other uses, like racing. But soon his parents started to expect other things as well. They spoke of marriage and grandchildren—not something he was looking forward to at all. He had no choice in the matter, so he decided to take it into his own hands and secure himself a pretty little wife with high standing. Giulia Grimaldi. She was rather easy to seduce. After years of the attention he got from the girls, he knew exactly how to play into her weak spots, so to speak. Playing the perfect suitor. Be the perfect boyfriend. Making her laugh and talk for hours about the most boring subjects. She was only 16 and he was already in his early 20s when they met, so the match was easily arranged.

He married Gigi right after her 18th birthday, when he himself was 23. At first, he didn't mind the marriage too much. He had her all to himself. She was his now. Living under his roof and bearing his surname. So naturally, he expected she would listen to every word he said. She was there to polish his impeccable status. To serve his every need and, most importantly, to bear his children. Gigi started to have the annoying habit, however, of stealing his spotlight or disobeying. She was no longer a Grimaldi. She was a Hamilton now. An extension of him, like his mother was to his father. She hardly acted like it. It enraged him to the point of exploding in the privacy of their home. But what frustrated him most of all was their marital bed. He wasn't able to perform unless he had been drinking heavily. She didn't always cooperate either, so he just had to make her cooperate. It was her single most important purpose to give him children, if not willingly, then unwillingly.

He despised the act and, without Gigi's knowledge, frequently looked elsewhere to satisfy his desires. Still there was the situation of procuring offspring. He got pressured by his parents, who wondered why their son hadn't presented them with a grandchild yet after two years of marriage. And since it clearly didn't work between him and Gigi, Sebastian just arranged for someone else to.. help out. Gigi tried to disobey again, pushing him to the edge once again. It was clear he had to make her listen, and if the only way was to do so with violence? Then so be it.

Sebastion quickly regretted that dicision. Not because he felt remorse or guilt. No, he regretted it because she disappeared not long after. A truly humiliating fact that had the potential to ruin him. It was scandalous for a woman to leave her husband in that fashion. So, rather than announcing it to the world, he kept it a secret. At first he made up some story, that she was traveling for some time and would soon return. He truly believed she would soon return, because why wouldn't she? How could she survive alone without him? Over time, he came to realize that she wasn't going to come home, at least not of her own accord. So he came up with a new lie. He told his parents and friends how Gigi had returned from her travels with an illness. She was very ill and couldn't leave the house or receive visitors. It would give him the opportunity to secretly look for her. He still hadn't found her after months of searching. He refused to go to her family for help. Or anyone for that matter. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of ruining him. Nobody needed to know that his wife had been missing for over a year. But he was going to find her. That he was sure of. And when he does.. she has hell to pay.

  • He has a sweet tooth
  • He works out every day, sometimes more than once.
  • He has no love for animals
  • He believes that, in a way, he loves his wife. Not romantically, of course. More as his property.
  • He is afraid of being infertile.
  • He smokes, but not as much as his wife
  • He has disdain for the Grimaldi family
  • He hates birds
  • His favorite tool is a whip
  • His hands and fingernails are always impeccably clean
  • MBTI-type: ENTP-A

Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:27 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Sebastian Edgar Hamilton XuTWurPc_o
Sebastian Edgar Hamilton MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:00 pm
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