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I've got 99 problems and you are all of them
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum had been busy with other things all day and it had been late when he returned back to his room. He couldn't wait to take a warm bath, put on his comfortable clothes and slouch down in his comfortable chair in the afternoon sun with Cat laying on his lap. He was daydreaming about his chill afternoon while he strode through he halls when he heard news of Myrddins accident by one of the guards. ''Accident.'' Caelums blood was already boiling by the carelessness of the boy. He didn't have any details, but that didn't matter. He would hear him out himself. He grumpled, angry that his afternoon plans had to be postponed.

Caelum swung the door open to the infirmary. There he was laying, the Captain of the Guard. Caelum huffed as he walked with angry steps towards Myrddins bed. 'What the hell is the meaning of this?!' He didn't wait for an answer. 'I hear all of a sudden you're in the infirmary, what the hell are you doing here? How did this happen? You have responsibilities, Myrddin! He shook his head, his finger lifting accusatory in his direction. 'Explain yourself.'
Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:39 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them RbKYMU2
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
After the scuffle happened between Shyam and Ezekiel, he had lost it almost completely. But luckily for him he was able to calm down in time. Another healer had to show up again, fix the things he had undone in his panic, and prescribe him another dose of painkilling medication. He had just looked at the dark haired man while it all happened. Not angry or disappointed... Or upset. But worried. He had gently tugged at the sleeve of the healer when he was about to leave, gesturing to his guard who had also been damaged in the little fight they had had. He had seen the blood, the bruises and the other damage that had unfolded all because the situation had hit a boiling point. It wasn't even that bad, but it worried him. And so he just asked for it to be looked over. Just... looked over. Because he didn't want him to suffer from something like that if he didn't had to. That would be too cruel... Especially since all eyes always seemed to go back to him. He was fine, now move on to people more important than him... Please. He was just a houseplant after all right now. Useless in every way, shape and form. Just good enough to look at, maybe... Well, maybe not even that. He looked like absolute shit right now.

The door swung open and he turned his head a bit. His eyes averting from the other as he let out a soft sigh. What was Caelum doing here? He didn't need to be here right now. Not after what had happened. It would only make everything worse if he made Shy pissed off. Everyone was on edge, including him. And he was getting tired of it. Only just a few hours ago had he been bleeding on the floor, almost ready to meet his fathers dearest. Why couldn't he even catch a break when he had almost died? It was honestly brutal. His nephew approached the bed and he blinked slowly, tilting his face somewhat upwards as to meet his gaze. He was angry... But that wasn't a huge surprise. He knew the other was just acting like this anyway. Or maybe it truly were his emotions that were getting the better of him. He wasn't too sure. That boy had always been somewhat of a wildcard anyway.

And then he went on a ramble. Myrddin looked at the ground as the other went on and on... And on. He had responsibilities. Right. He knew that much. He nodded at that, letting the rest of the words wash over him. He knew that... And then it followed, finally. Two words that no-one had even offered him since it happened. Everyone had simply assumed, pushing blame and violence on people. And whatever he had to say was just overlooked. Because, well, what would he know. He was the one that had experienced it all... So didn't he have a right to state what all this was about...? He looked up at him, trying to look brave... But failing miserably. He was so damn tired... And numbed by countless potions. He could honestly use a good nap right about now, but duty called. Sleep had to wait.

He lifted his hands as he started to sign. 'Ezekiel and I got in a disagreement, I lost control over my familiar and said some hurtful things, which caused him to use his bear,' He didn't need to add more details then that. With how he was laying her, even a toddler could connect the dots. 'I'll be back on my feet in a week, no big deal,' he finished it up his signing, as if his legs weren't broken. He laid back a bit as he sighed, closing his eyes. A week... Just give him a week... He would be fine a week. He had to be.
Fri Mar 24, 2023 11:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Myrddin avoided eyecontact, just looked at the ground as Caelum kept ranting on. Once he told him to explain himself, Myrddin lifted his handsto sign. Caelum breathed out deeply. Of course they had to get into a fight. He was angry, yes, but also a bit dissapointed. Myrddin should have known better. And so should have Ezekiel. 'You need to have better control over your familiar,' stated Caelum, thinking about both their familiars. A parrot and a bear, not quite a fair match. 'And your emotions,' he added with a sigh. Caelum looked at his younger cousin in disbelief, letting his eyes trail down his legs. 'A week, you say?' He had to do his best not to let out a chuckle and vaguely pointed at his legs. 'What is this? They look broken, Myrddin. Are they broken?' Please, don't tell me they are broken.
Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:30 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them RbKYMU2
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
He didn't want to be confronted with everything once more. But on the other hand it also felt pretty good to finally be able to explain the situation to someone who was willing to actually listen. A rarity within these walls. So he just told his cousin what had happened, stating afterwards that he would be better soon. In his own little head that would be the case. Or well, it was his wish to be. Because in the long wrong, he didn't have the time nor the patient to sit this one out until it was all better. He knew that, the others knew that much. Like Caelum had said, he had responsibilities. In a lot of ways he really was like the voice in the back of his mind, constantly pushing him back to press on and keep going on that path that laid before him. He was right, and he knew it.

The other started by the fact that he needed better control over his familiar. He simply nodded. That was fair. He had been thinking about it too, but he was honestly terrified. Whereas Ezekiel had a powerful beast that could tear bodies apart, he had a creature that was way too smart for its own good. Almost a person in her own right. Her words and ways of peaking had more calculated reason then one would think. But she was just a fraction of that most inner dialogue he could never stop. She was the thing that wanted to keep going. His flame, his passion. His emotions, his heart. And that was the scary part of it all. Because words could be so much hurtful than wounds could ever be. The incident had made that much clear. Caelum added onto his statement, which also confirmed his own judgement. He looked at him for a moment, nodding. He was trying... really. But it was hard.

The subject of his injuries had been one he would rather avoid, but his cousin had to bring it up. His legs had been put in a way that he couldn't move them or use them. With some light wood and other material, both of them had been bandaged off as to keep everything from really showing off, but also covering the splint in the process. He hadn't looked at them since, but the other had to point them out, of course. He looked at the corner of the room for a moment. Clearly avoiding the others gaze. And he nodded. Yes. They were broken. 'Healers can speed it up,' Maybe, but even then it wouldn't be a week. He was being delusional once more, but he was desperate. He couldn't stay here. His eyes trailed back to his nephew as a sigh left his lips. 'I'm sorry, I just wanted to help him,' And it had gotten out of hand... Because no-one could ever do things normally in this family, ever.
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:15 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Myrddin continued to look anywhere but at him. Caelum grew slightly more irritated, but held it in for now. He also knew that anger wasn't always getting the most out of the boy. Caelum had experienced that a genlte approach was more succesful. Didn't mean he always had to be gentle, though. He was mad and he didn't care to hide it. Myrddin seemed to understand his words though, so that was something. Or he just agreed silently, letting the words wash over him without them having much impact. Eitherway, Caelum would make sure he'd understand in the future too. When he moved his attention to his broken legs he got a nod as confirmation. Shit. Caelum shook his head. 'Even then, it won't be healed within a week. It will take time, and even then you need to strengthen up again.' He couldn't believe him. Myrddin had always been one to be in denial, but Caelum started to have enough of that. At least, in this situation. He couldn't always keep living in denial, as much as he wanted it. A deep sigh escaped the young man as he kept silent for a bit, thinking. His posture relaxed a little and when his brown eyes fell onto Myrddin again, his gaze was softer. He had just wanted to help him. If Caelum was honest, he didn't know exactly what was going on between the two. He wasn't involved with the drama that occured the past few weeks. 'Tell me why it happened,' he spoke with a soft tone. 'What was the disagreement about?'
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:49 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them RbKYMU2
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
Facing anything but the other was the best thing he could do right now. He honestly didn't really feel like... Facing anyone right about now. He was tired. And to have a visit at this time, only shortly after he had regained his conscious and had another sort of fight escalate right in front of him. He was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. He needed a break, desperately so. But he knew better then anyone else that he wasn't going to take a break, not even in the slightest. He was going to rest for a week, tops, then he would look for a way to get back on his feet. He couldn't slow down on his training, nor his duties. It was the burden he carried with him. And if he gave up now, it would have been all for nothing.

The other shook his head on his words, stating that it wouldn't be healed in a weak. He had to strengthen up afterwards as well. He nodded, knowing damn well that he had to do that. 'I'll manage, I always do' Which was true. He always got it done, regardless of the obstacles. Regardless of how much he suffered. He always pushed on, head on. This was just a set back that would take up more time than usual. And that was annoying, but not something they couldn't fix. Broken bones could be healed... And a weakened body could be trained again. All he needed was time. It was the only resource that would allow him to be better, to get better. So the less he took of it, the better.

It remained silent between them for a bit... And the blond man slowly looked at his cousin. His grey eyes weren't as stern as they usually were. Or what he usually put up for the public to see. They were soft and fragile... And deep. Deep with emotions of everything that had just happened and everything that were to happen. He knew that whatever the future would hold, it wouldn't be pretty. This was the mere starting point of a bigger disaster to happen. A start signal... Caelum finally spoke again. Asking him about the why and the... Disagreement. Myrddin averted his eyes from the older man, looking at his own hands for a moment as he tried to puzzle the incident back together. He still couldn't tell what really happened after the first strike hit him, but what had happened after had been ingrained in his mind as wild growing weed. It was the whole reason why he was dragging himself down so much.

'Ezekiel was training with a boy,' he signed slowly, recalling that morning with such clarity. 'He looked good and I felt confident to tackle an issue that we haven't discussed in a while,' He paused, slowly blinking as he tried to remember the exact words that had been spoken. 'I informed him that I wanted him to train with me, with his summoning,' Like a captain should do. And even if he wasn't a captain, it was something that he would do once he had to take over from his mother. 'He said no, I pressed on. He said no once again, walked away and...' He stopped, shaking his head as he sighed. 'I was upset he didn't listen and my familiar opened her mouth, stating those awful thoughts to him,' He hated himself for that. 'And then I got what I asked for.' He had summoned. But not in the way he had asked. In a way to hurt him, tear him apart. Myrddin took a deep breath as he shook his head, feeling a wave of nausea wash over him once more. How could he say those things? How...?
Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:55 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
The younger boy in front of him looked exhausted. He stated he would manage, because he always would. Caelum sighed. He knew he did, but one day it will be too much. But he wasn't going to argue that. Not now, anyway. In the moment they were silent, Myrddin finally lift his head to look him in the eyes. Caelum had a tinge of pity for him. He knew how much pressure he was on, being made Captain of the Guard by his mother, having a future mapped out for him he didn't want to live. Caelum felt sorry for him. He tried his best to help him with his duties the best he could. But some things he had to do himself. Yet he still needed to learn, so much. Not that Caelum knew everything, but he could at least try to guide him a little. And be someone for him he could go to, if he needed that. Caelum was hard on him, but he'd lie if he said he didn't have a soft spot for him somewhere. He would rather die than say that aloud, though. He asked about what happened, and Myrddin started to sign his story. Caelum nodded along. Sounded like Ezekiel was a dick. He scoffed slightly. 'You need to have better control over your familiar,' he repeated once again. 'But so does Ezekiel. What was he thinking??' He shook his head. 'I don't know what your familiar said or what you did, but him letting his break your legs?? Unbelievable.' He looked away, staring at a wall, his hands crossed. His brows furrowed in irritation and anger. Couldn't they get along at least once?
Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:35 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them RbKYMU2
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
With everything still fresh in his mind, it wasn't too difficult to put it down into words. But the hard part was to actually process it, live it all over again. Yet, he held on, surprisingly well even. Despite the sick feeling rolling over him in waves, he could quickly calm himself down. The traumatic event had done its damage, on more than one level, but the fact that the young heir held on so nicely was evidence on how strong he really was. He had been through hell, torn apart by a monster and seen the world shake before his eyes as he tried to put the pieces back together with shaking hands. He had been so powerless over the past few hours... And yet, he held on. He didn't collapse and cried... He didn't overflow with emotions of anger of what the people had done to him. He didn't paralyze in complete fear for what his brother had done to him. No. He held his head upwards, tilting it in a bowing motion as he still carried on with what was asked of him. Doing his duties to the best of his capabilities. Even if he was tired, even if he had been at death's doorstep just mere hours ago. But it wasn't as if anyone noticed. Perhaps the only person who would, was Shyam. A man who paid such close attention to every detail of him that he could see what he was doing, to himself and the world around him. Myrddin was already building those broken walls back up. Never, at any point in this incident, had he truly been weak. There was no weakness in being soft, after all. It was just another way of dealing with the sadness.

His cousin stated he needed better control over his familiar and the blonde man nodded in agreement to him. He had a fantastic bond with the creature, but due to her intelligence and connection they shared she could almost act as if she, herself, was a person. And he knew she could, because something she felt like a stranger. She was those intrusive thoughts, sometimes the part of him that he so hated.... BUt also the part that caught him off guard every time. She was everything he had under the surface. Ugly, mean, but also truthful, regal and righteous. In so many ways everything he had to be, but couldn't. She was him, but without that filter he held so desperately onto. Caelum went on to speak about his brother and he averted his eyes, shrugging slightly. He really didn't know. But what he did know, is that the man could have killed him if he wanted to. How did he know? Because he had told him... And those words still hurt him so very deeply. It were cruel things to state to such a fragile person. The other went on and he simply looked down at his hands... Ah...

He mulled over his mind slowly, his eyes going back to the other sorcerer as he nodded. 'I told him he didn't have the right to mock my magic if he couldn't control his own,' he signed. A heated thing that the bird had brought out in the moment. 'And then it went too far, because I almost said that Ezekiel wasn't deserving of being a Vylasar if he didn't summon,' He averted his eyes, looking down at his own hands, clearly feeling shame for what words had left the beak of his familiar. 'I was frustrated because he was saying some stupid things as well. I was just thinking it because I was frustrated I swear, I didn't mean it,' His hands started to slow as he shook his head, placing one hand against his face as he leaned back, letting out a heavy sigh as he closed his eyes. He had been such an idiot. He should have just let it all be back then. THen none of this would have happened. This is why he never trusted in himself and his judgement. 'He did nothing wrong,' he slowly signed with his one hand, shaking his head ever so slightly. In many ways he never wanted to confront Ezekiel ever again. But he knew that he had to, eventually.... ANd he was already terrified of that day.
Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
In the corner of his eyes he saw Myrddin lift his hands to sign. He turned his head slightly, moving his eyes towards him. He didn't turn all the way though, still facing the wall with crossed arms. Caelum stiffened by the words that Myrddin had said. It wasn't nice. But surely Ezekiel didn't say nice things either. It was all a big mess. Didn't matter if they meant it or not, it happened and now they had to find a way to make it right. Caelum was just hoping he wouldn't be involved in any of it, though he already was in this way. He turned his head to Myrddin, seeing him sigh heavily with closed eyes, shaking slightly. He was embarrassed, pretty much defeated, he must be tired. Caelum let out a deep sigh. 'You both did something wrong, Myrddin,'' he spoke. 'And I hope you can both make up again. Sort it out, one way or another.' Caelum didn't like fights in his family and yet it seemed to happen a lot. 'Take your rest,' he said at last, his voice soft. He needed to heal well.
Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:45 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them RbKYMU2
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
There was a point in the whole conversation that Myrddin could sense a peculiar feeling. One he was all too familiar with. It made his stomach turn, but not in a sickening way. No. It just slowly made its way past his stomach, to his throat, where he could feel the muscles tense up. But once more it didn't remain long there. As it rolled over to his head, where he could feel an emptiness grow the second that tiny seed landed. That all consuming and ever lasting feeling of self hate. It had returned once more. And as the tiny creature it was now, he knew that it would start to feast soon. Growing into one of the many monsters that occupied his mind, pushed out the good, the light and the happy. That one little space he had freed up ever since... But even that was starting to become even more fleeting, wasn't it? Everything good always left. Never remaining. It was a curse he had carried for his entire life. Never being truly loved, never being perfect enough for the people around him. He had nothing to give that the world hadn't already stripped away from him. He had nothing to look for, as he had never seen what things he should desire for. And now, at a moment where he had finally seen a glimpse of a future he wanted. Him. Just him. Not his mother's, or his cousin's, or anyone's. Just his. His perfect little dream future... Well... It just all started to crumble away. Pieces slowly dissolving before him one at a time. He couldn't figure out a puzzle where the pieces had already been lost to.

He just felt defeated. Tired. Tired of everything that had happened, but also tired of the fact that this was still the life that the gods had granted him. Tired of the never ending struggle of never being good enough. Tired of the fact that his body felt like it could shatter at any moment. Tired of the fact that he had to hide away and suffocate his own feelings. He was just tired... That he could never get a win. Never could he raise his head proudly and feel... Truly happy. And the blonde boy wasn't one to believe that everyone was out to get him. No... He had just started to see what kind of joke his life was. And for every good thing, five horrid events had to occur. When would it all be enough? When would he be at his limits? There was no reason to ask a why anymore, as he knew the answer perfectly fine of the top of his head. Anyone with just a handful of braincells could know that. Anyone with eyes could see that. No matter how blind they were. Putting in energy for something that was always bound to happen, was meaningless. All he could wish for, was to know when it would all end... So he could finally get his well deserved rest.

He just nodded as Caelum told him they both did something wrong, not having the energy to fight him back or put up a proper discussion. How many times would he have to tell the tale? How many different type of versions would manifest from his stories alone? How troublesome. The young heir averted his eyes when the man went on, clearly avoiding meeting his eyes as he did. Make up again? He was certain that in many ways, there was perhaps nothing to make up for anymore. That little sliver of trust that had remained, had been shattered in a matter of seconds. Myrddin was horrified of his brother now, even if he didn't want to be. The mere thought of the man drove his heart to beat faster, his breathing to heighten and his muscles to tense up. An old flight or fight response that would most likely never fade away. He slowly raised his shoulders, shrugging slowly. The movement so slow, it was barely noticeable. Sure, he would try. Because it was his duty to fix and make thing better. He had to be the good thing here, the one piece his family wanted him to be. He had already screwed up so many other things.

And when his cousin told him to get rest, Myrddin turned his back to him as he pulled the blanket over his head. Curling up in the bed he closed his eyes. Tears welling up as he tried to push away the awful memories of what had happened today. They were starting to intertwine with some of the good and a lot of the bad of the past. And... He honestly... didn't want to face their past selves again. The accident had already been enough for now.
Tue May 02, 2023 12:03 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them KjadvhJ
I've got 99 problems and you are all of them D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
He noticed the slow, small shrug Myrddin gave him after he told him they should make up again. Caelum knew he didn't want to, Ezekiel probably didn't want to either. Yet he still had to hear his side of the story. He was into it now, and even though he had no authority to really do anything about it, he wanted to be their for his family. For all his cousins. He was the oldest of them all, after all. He wanted them to feel like they could go to him, good or bad. But it was difficult. Caelum found it difficult to get between them. He never knew if they even knew he would be there for them. He sighed softly and told Myrddin to get his rest. He would need it, did he want to heal quickly. The young captain answered by turning his back to him, pulling the sheets over his head. Caelum looked at him for a bit,  pretty sure he could hear and see him crying. He doubted his actions. Would he say something more? Lay his hand on his shoulder in support? What could he do to make him feel better? Caelum didn't know, so he sighed again and unfolded his arms. He would speak him again soon. Myrddin would probably be left alone right now. There was nothing Caelum could do anyway, not that he knew of. So he left his room, closing the door with a soft click.
Sun May 07, 2023 9:46 pm
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