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Distinct being
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Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
Distinct being   Hzqs3Ji
Distinct being   FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

Oh, how her life had changed. She’d been here a whole day now. Valerio Vylasar had told her that she should take some time to get adjusted. Of course she had to learn the basics of the wealthy life before she could come here. The Vylasar family wasn’t just a family. It was the family that ruled the City Lythrania. They were of status. With that certain manners were expected. Raelynn felt like a different kind. Nothing here felt like what was normal for her. The scents, everything she could see, the people, the sounds, literally everything was different. Valerio had asked her if she was able to read. Well, she couldn't. She’d never touched a book in her life. He hadn’t seemed surprised, but he’d also looked like he’d forgotten that not being able to read was a thing. And of course, the same applied to writing. Someone would be arranged to teach her. It made her feel uncomfortable. Everyone seemed to be better than her.

Well, she was a common whore after all and her mother was a whore too. She was a common whore who couldn’t read or write, she was a Vylasar, apparently, who didn’t even know what being a summoner meant. The only reason she was here, was because she was a Vylasar and her power made her worth something. Well, she believed she was here so she couldn’t ruin and defile the family line any further. What had she even expected? There was no way that she would ever fit in. She wasn’t allowed to talk about her past, people would be disgusted. But then she wasn't sure who knew about it and who didn't. Maybe it had already become some common knowledge. At least, all these thoughts were her assumptions based on what she had observed. She hated it here.

But she had been given a children's book, with pictures and the corresponding word. With that book she left the chamber and walked through the hallways, looking for a way to the garden or someplace surrounded by trees and other plants.

@Bonnie Willow
oona @ cttw
Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:54 am
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