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I live for the applause
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Lemuria Citizen
Raeghan Vylasar
Raeghan Vylasar
I live for the applause CSdLegg
I live for the applause ExLhrts

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

❝ unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever the fuck i want ❞
Raeghan had never been on a boat. And by the gods, he hoped he never had to again. Of course he held himself all tough and didn't complain. But he would be lying if his stomach didn't turn when he looked overboard. Staring down at the water was truly sickening to him. Perhaps because he couldn't swim. Or perhaps this was a whole new experience his body simply wasn't ready for yet. If it was the latter, he shook it off with ease, of that's what he liked to believe. At least he was good at covering it all up. That, plus his excitement, were just a great combination to remain all casual on the trip. He wouldn't let anyone know that he was scared off a bit of water and some piece of wood that was floating on top of it. This was all just a fraction in his life anyway. It would all be over soon.

And it was, because shortly after they arrived on the island with the gate to the underwater city. Ray smiled at the men that had navigated the boat and all, waving at them as he jumped off, almost shooting a prayer op to Lythrana when he felt land back under his soles. He took a couple of steps forward, tilting his head ever so slightly as he peaked over his shoulder, just to make sure that some of the sailors were already out of sight. And when he turned a corner, out of sight of everyone, he couldn't contain a smile. As it curled on his lips he quickly pulled out the things he had stolen on the trip. One was a compass he couldn't read, but he really liked the design of it, so his hand had simply took it from the captains pockets. And of course the classic was present as well; some pouches of coin he had snatched from sailors. Where he wasn't as good at stealing things from people their person, their private quarters was another thing entirely. And well. For some reason had they trusted him to roam freely on the boat. of course he had found his way in the places he wasn't technically supposed to be. But what were they going to do? He was a Vylasar now, they couldn't stop him, even if they wanted. And even if they didn't listen to that name, he always had another trick up his sleeve. Bayou wouldn't have minded to come out on a boat in the middle of the ocean. So... Why not?

Someone cleared their throat behind him and he quickly looked up as he tried to hide away the coins he was trying to count. He always had issues with counting, as it had never been taught to him. Yet, compared to reading and writing, counting was a necessity in almost every situation. It was just that higher numbers got him a bit confused and he needed some more time. But he wasn't given that time as the guard took him by the upper arm and pulled him in closer, stating he should have stayed with them instead of wandering off. Raeghan chuckled when this was said. "I'm sorry sir," he said with a low tone. "What can I say? I'm just soooo excited to see the wonderful city of Lythrania," his tone was just perfect to steer clear of that sarcasm. And luckily for him, the man in question didn't seem to care so much. As he let go of the man, he just sighed and signed for him to come with him. Ray smirked when he did, putting away the stolen goods in his pocket once more. He would have to count later then. Fine by him.

And there they were. Through the gates into the marvellous city of Lythrania. Ray blinked as he looked up at the bubble that was protecting the town against the ocean. He had to be honest, this was kind of stunning. But he hadn't come for the view, no. This was all for an opportunity he simply couldn't have let slip. So he quickly hastened his pace, so he could walk next to his sister. "Well, well, well, miss Vylasar," he said with a smile on his face as he looked at her. "Isn't it everything you have ever dreamed off?" He lifted his brows a bit as he looked at the guard that was guiding them further into the city. As soon as the man had his eyes off him, he rolled his eyes. He just knew that man wanted to make small talk or whatever and if he was being honest, he wasn't here for it. Yes yes it was all pretty, they had eyes too. No need to make words dirty on them.

Eventually they arrived at the castle and now- This was something that really got Ray's attention. As he came to a halt he lifted his hands a bit. He let a whistle be heard as he couldn't contain himself, laughing shortly after. "Well would you look at this," he said as a soft spark ignited in his gaze. "They really do have it better down where it's wetter here," He shook his head a bit as he looked at Raelynn, barely being able to contain that chuckle that kept rolling off his lips. "Mom should see this, she would love this," And that was also his goal, eventually. To get her here, to live like they were living. Because there was no hair on his head that was thinking of leaving her behind. Ain't no way, no no. But hey... Before they could do that, they first had to get some... Heh... 'Work' done. That was going to be a cakewalk if it was just summoning a bit. He had been summoning for an audience for years now, so how different could it really be?
Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:20 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
I live for the applause Hzqs3Ji
I live for the applause FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

She looked over the ship’s taffrail. It was dark and calm waves graced the pitch black water with the reflection of gleaming stars. She’d never seen beauty like this. The only thing she had seen that resembled it was the reflection of stars in a puddle of dirty water on the street. This wat entirely different. All she could see was sea, far and wide, endless. Sleeping was impossible, so she stayed awake.
Raelynn looked at her brother, who was acting super casual. She could tell, because he was behaving a bit too casual. He was way more excited to go then she was. Raelynn was hesitant. She was scared. But she was avoiding all those feelings by staring into the water and dreaming away. She dreamt about a different life, a life with her twin brother, with her mother and maybe even a father figure who’d be present.

But this wasn't the life given to them. No, they grew up with a different life and now they were thrown into another, wholly different life. She couldn’t imagine what was awaiting them. She couldn’t imagine what a wealthy life would be like. But all those thoughts intruding her mind caused a feeling of panic, so she’d stare into the water again. However, it was no longer just water that could be seen. Now that the sun was rising and it was getting lighter, she could see land in the distance. This didn’t make it any better. The adrenaline rushing through her veins did help to remain calm. The land in the distance drew closer. The ship arrived on the island and they went off the ship. She felt extremely frightened and like she could puke at any moment. She wasn’t seasick, but all the changes happening were sickening to her.

What also helped was her brother distracting her. She couldn’t find him. From a distance she heard her brother’s voice. She hurried towards him and saw a man standing over him. She frowned as she heard what her brother was saying and she knew immediately he’d been stealing again. She clenched her jaws. She noticed how she put away some things in his pockets. They came closer and Raelynn joined them as they left for the gates to the magical underwater city of Lythrania.

And yes it was magnificent. The whole city was protected by a kind of bubble and instead of clouds or blue sky you saw the ocean in which every now and then an underwater creature could be seen swimming by. She kept walking, looking around like she was hypnotized.
“Well, well, well…” torn from her enchantment, she quickly turned around, “… miss Vylasar.” It was her brother. Her face tightened a little at the mention of her new name. Raeghan seemed to like it, but she didn’t. Well, she didn’t know what she felt. But it wasn’t anything close to happiness. “Don’t call me that,” she hissed at him. Immediately, she felt guilty. “I don’t… well… sorta,” she answered giving him a little smile. She didn’t want to ruin his happiness. He deserved it and she probably did too. But it felt wrong, absolutely wrong and she felt guilty for being here.

They arrived at the castle and it literally took her breath away. She tried to keep it together, but she was shaking and there was no holding it back, so she grabbed her brother’s arm for safety. He was happy, whistling and laughing. As he was speaking, the words flew above her head. She heard his tone and she laughed for him. He was happy, away from a life that would eventually mean his death. “Mom should see this, she would love this.” And now the tears began to run down her flushed cheeks. She was tired, overwhelmed and angry. The determination in his voice gave her some comfort. This was something they bother agreed on, something they shared despite their differences. “She should be here too.” And that was her motivation to make it work here, to give this new life a chance.

oona @ cttw
Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:13 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raeghan Vylasar
Raeghan Vylasar
I live for the applause CSdLegg
I live for the applause ExLhrts

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

❝ unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever the fuck i want ❞
The way she responded comparted to him was amusing to him sometimes. She could be so angry about the smallest things while he embraced it so easily. For what could be a difficult change for her, this was all an opportunity for him. An opportunity to gain the life they were supposed to live. In his eyes, this was all more than deserved. They were supposed to be here, they were supposed to have this wealth. They hadn't asked for the life that was granted to them. Yet, their so called father had left them behind. Only for another family member to finally see the potential they had. Was it purely because they had this magic inside of them? Perhaps. But he was an opportunist in its rawest form. He wouldn't be himself if he didn't feast on such things. This was what he lived for, what he had always done. Doing the things he was good at and using to get what he wanted. This whole show wouldn't change that, ever. He was too stubborn to change anyway.

His smile widened when she responded so defensively on his teasing. He didn't mind the change in name at all. It had power to it and power meant they could anything they wanted. The mere mention of it could bring them a meal or even a respect. Now that was a huge step up from being a nobody street rat. She should be proud to carry it. She should be happy to have it. It was as a title, or even a free pass in some ways. Ray already knew what kind of ways he was going to use it. He was just the type of man that simply couldn't handle power properly. It got to his head so quickly and made him feel all kinds of high. A million ways to see the world unfold before him and he wanted all of them, at once. He could barely contain his excitement. Yet, he refrained from saying anything else. Despite it all he wasn't going to push his sister into an even more uncomfortable position. It had only been a little while since he had returned back home. He should be nice to her.

In front of the castle he really felt that excitement heighten once more. He spoke his mind, because of course he did. Why should he hold back on something like that? It was only when he turned to Raelynn that that smirk was finally wiped off his face. A frown finding its way as he stepped towards her. She was crying. The sight of her crying really got to him as that protective sense immediately took him over. She spoke, something that had been on his mind as well. She should be, but they wouldn't allow it. Not yet at least. He hummed softly, slowly placing his hands on her shoulders. He looked over her flushed face, showing her a small smile. Not one that showed his arrogance, but just genuine, little smile. "It's okay sis," he said softly as he gently tried to pull her in for a hug. Closing his arms around her. "We'll get her here, okay?" He was going to make sure of that.

He waited, until she would have calmed down a little bit. He had sensed it, because he was the same way as her in that regard. She was overwhelmed. He simply responded differently to it than her. Ray was the type of guy that seemed to have endless energy, but in reality he was just pretty good at masking what he was truly thinking or feeling. "How does a cup of tea sound?" he asked her softly as he tried to look at her. He just sounded so confident in the offer too, as if he wasn't new to this place. As if he owned it. "Let's take it easy, check out your new room, see if we could get you something you like," he halted for a moment, thinking... Before letting out a soft chuckle. "Maybe some new clothes? Or would you like something else?" They had the money for it now. That thought felt like pure serotonin to him. They didn't need to count every penny. They could do stuff like this now. Just get out and get something new. And there was no-one that could stop them. Well, maybe, technically they could. But Raeghan wasn't going to let someone ruin his sisters day.
Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:58 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
I live for the applause Hzqs3Ji
I live for the applause FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

Was it even possible to ever belong here? It already seemed easier for her twin brother than for her. Their reactions were so opposite. It frustrated Raelynn, but seemed to amuse Raeghan. But she had to try, she really had to try. She had to leave her past behind and start over new. Oh if she could only forget everything about her life. It would be so much easier. All that had happened, all the men, all the violence, all the pain and hunger and fear. If only she could just forget about all that. She was aware that he thought it was best for them. That they deserved this. She wanted to believe he was right. But she couldn’t trust it.

She couldn’t trust her new surname. Vylasar. Raelynn Vylasar. They’d have respect now. They’d have a big, wealthy family now. They’d have a big soft bed to sleep in, a room to themselves, servants, and all the food they’d fancy. It was promised to them. But they hadn't even been here a day and everything was already different, everything was already unknown. Raelynn had never seen a castle in her life. And now she just had to live in it as if nothing had happened? Like she hadn’t had to live like a whore? Purely because her mother had become a less wanted whore? She among the wealthy, she among the Vylasars, she among magic and power that she suddenly had to be a part of. She who should take the family line further. Was she just a breeding horse now? Taken into captivity because they couldn't stand a common whore like her accidentally bringing more street rats into the world? Was she here, so that there was control in how the Vylasar legacy would continue?

Tears ran down her cheeks. She was holding her brother by the arm. Only with her and their mother would he show his true, caring, and protective nature. She trusted him with her life. Well… if only he hadn’t been caught and taken away to prison. But no, she couldn’t blame him. The rich were to blame. He reassured her. She straightened her back and let his arm go, wiping her tears away before anyone could see. “Sure,” she answered. She smiled at him, to reassure him that it would be okay indeed. She’d stay strong, she always did. There was no way in the world that she’d be broken here and now, not after all she’d been through.

“A cup of tea sounds nice…” A cup of tea. Well, what couldn’t be fixed with a cup of tea. A warm, soothing beverage to take all the pain away. She chuckled. “That’s classic,” she muttered. Her brother continued to talk. Take it easy. Check out their new bedrooms. Her stomach churned. The idea of an unfamiliar room, alone, was terrifying. But her brother's confidence was contagious. She nodded at his offer. “I mean, I cannot walk around looking like this, right?” That was the only reason that made it appealing to buy new clothes. Yes, it was absolutely sickening, but it was necessary to survive here now.

oona @ cttw
Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:13 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raeghan Vylasar
Raeghan Vylasar
I live for the applause CSdLegg
I live for the applause ExLhrts

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

❝ unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever the fuck i want ❞
For Raeghan this entire situation was a golden opportunity. A once in a lifetime thing that could save his entire being, his entire life from rotting away in a cell. He now had an entirely new future in front of him. One with the promise of riches and wealth beyond his wildest imagination. And it was intoxicating to think about. The man had never been good with such things, as he had always been one to act on impulses, doing whatever the hell he wanted to do in the moment. If he wanted something, he took it. And if he didn't agree to some deeds, he stepped in. In many ways he was more than just a free spirit; he was a man who stood by his own morals. And, in more than one way, that was admirable in its own right. But on so many others it made the man only more what society thought of him; a thief, a misfit, a rebel, a criminal... One that would never adjust to the life the people of this society had built for the public. And if he could, he would shake the very core of that structure, so that people like his mother and others like them could break free. Only if, right?

And the more complex, yet confronting thoughts that his sister seemed to have, never crossed his mind. For Raeghan had always been one to live in the moment, never thinking ahead or planning anything out. If anything, she was the one who usually kept him going in a somewhat, generalized, good direction. But the boy was a wildcard, always had been, and it was hard to predict such things about a man like that. Just like how his made-up persona always seemed to melt away with the people he cared for, like his sister. Despite being born twins, Raeghan had always felt like he was more of an older brother to the family, but mostly to her. He had to be her stone, her safe haven. Because that was what brothers did, they had to protect their sisters. And as he closed her into his arms, he slowly rubbed her back, hushing her in his own way as he let her cry. It was fine to let it all out, he would be there for her, always. What had happened a few months ago would never happen again. He would tear anyone apart if they tried to do such things ever again.

And he tried, oh by the gods he tried every trick in the book to ease her pain. And it somewhat worked. He perked up at her comment and nodded. Slowly his words seemed to warm up to her and she nodded at him too. At her comment, he smiled at her. "I mean, nothing wrong with them if you like them," he said as he rubbed her back once more. "Just keep being you and wearing things you like. You should feel your best," he chuckled shortly after. "And if anyone has a problem with that, I'll beat them up, so no worries," It was only a tease, as he knew that he couldn't go around beating anyone that disagreed with them. Not anymore, at least. It would be a hard thing to adjust to. "Just know I'm always here for you, okay?" His voice lowered a bit, sounding sweet and caring which seemed to clash with everything else he had going for him. People rarely saw that side of him anyway. "I promise we'll never be separated again," Something he had already promised to himself, but now, finally, he spoke it out loud too. She deserved to know. She honestly deserved it all.

He smiled at her, slowly letting go of her as he took her hand, softly so. "Come on, let's go see how expensive this oversized dollhouse looks on the inside," he said with a smile as he walked to the door. He tried to pull her with him, but if she were to pull back, he would let go and let her be. He would never force anything on her she did not want to. Once at the door he grabbed it, pushing it open before looking at his sister. With a cheeky smile on his lips he pushed the thing all the way back, holding it open for her as he bowed his head ever so slightly. "Ladies first," he invited her, keeping that kind yet playful smile on his lips as he did.
Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:41 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raelynn Vylasar
Raelynn Vylasar
I live for the applause Hzqs3Ji
I live for the applause FyhCTdN

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student
Your Custom RPG Post Template
"Lost in a sea of stares, longing for escape."
It felt like everything was moving so fast. Her head was spinning. First, she was in her hometown of poverty, felony, and hunger. Then, she blinked her eyes, and she was being taken in a carriage towards a ship. Even the carriage was more luxurious than everything in her hometown put together. With another blink of her eyes, she was on the deck of a ship, surrounded by the sea and stars. It was as if with every blink of her eyes, she was transported to another place because now she was crying in front of a castle-like building, in a land underwater, where the stars were replaced by fish and the shimmer of moonlit water.

Her twin brother did make her feel more at ease. He showed her a part of him no one else would ever know existed. And without him, she didn’t know where she’d be, who she’d be. As she moved away from his embrace, she wiped away her tears and straightened her back to appear more stable. This was a strange and foreign place to her, and she couldn’t show any weakness. She agreed to her brother’s suggestions, telling him that a cup of tea sounded nice. She tapped into his confidence, manipulating herself to feel more confident too. But first, they had to wash away the poverty off their skins and get rid of the rags they wore—new clothes.

Her brother kept talking. Raelynn observed the stairs towards the giant doors of the castle. She felt lightheaded, but she kept moving, placing one foot in front of the other, climbing the stairs. She remained close to her brother’s side. And he kept talking. His words tried to justify their newfound riches, new clothes. How she had to remain herself, how she should wear the things she liked so she could feel her best. Oh, how clueless her brother could be. Every word he said to justify and reassure her made things more complicated inside her head—more questions she didn’t know the answers to. But as her brother spoke about beating up any person who had problems with her being herself, she laughed. There, he got it—a laugh. She came to a halt as they were just about to enter the castle.

“Just know I’m always here for you, okay?” She turned to her twin brother. “Just don’t… don’t ever leave me again…” She tried to keep her voice steady as she looked right into her brother’s eyes as she spoke. She didn’t want to tear up again, but she needed the reassurance. Ever since he was imprisoned, her life had never been the same. That was the moment when everything changed and continued to change, from working like a whore to abandoning their mother because they were Vylasar. “I promise we’ll never be separated again,” were the words that followed from her brother’s mouth. She believed him. She truly did. The way his voice sounded was a rarity, the words were true, his tone was true, the way he looked at her was true.

Her brother took her hand. “Come on, let’s go see how expensive this oversized dollhouse looks on the inside.” They walked towards the door. He was moving faster than she was, as with every step, the ground underneath her feet started to fade. He was about to let go of her hand, but her grip tightened. She needed him to take her inside with him. Raeghan seemed so small in front of the giant doors, which he pushed open. He invited her to go in first. “Oh, what a true gentleman you are, brother,” she reacted, imitating a posh voice as she walked inside.

“When will it stop?” She breathed as they entered yet another new world. “This is a maze,” she whispered, afraid to speak louder since the greatness of the entrance echoed around them. It was so big, so spacious. Everywhere she looked was something unimaginable to see.
Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:54 pm
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