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What a sight
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Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
What a sight RbKYMU2
What a sight 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I'll never be that me again ❞
After meeting Chaska and seeing that all was well with her, he had parted ways with her and her husband to be. He had expected things to be more difficult with her, but the true difficult matter was Ezekiel. The man really couldn't handle anything. He just tried to do his job, as captain and heir. In a way greeting her in his mother steed. And perhaps he was all just doing this to please the governess... Or maybe he truly did it out of the good of his heart. Oh well... Whatever it was, he at least had shown effort to the both of them. And luckily things hadn't escalated like he had anticipated at a certain point during the conversation. Chaska was an enjoyable woman to be around. Friendly and polite, something his brother could learn from. Not that the stubborn bastard would try and do anything with it. He most likely was already complaining about the fact that she wasn't rowdy enough or whatever. Because that was just the thing with the silver haired man. No matter what you did, it was never good enough. Myrddin just hoped he would comply, meet somewhere in the middle with her. It would be a shame if he broke her down so that he could feel better about himself. But something in him already knew that was bound to happen. Well... Was that part of his job... Or could he just leave them be...? No, that wasn't even a question to him. If any of them needed help he would stand by them. Even if it was that damn jerk. He hadn't asked for this, after all.

But those were all worries for later as he now was on his way to meet Chaska's brother; Deimos. A Vylasar born a sorcerer as well. He had heard they both summoned wolves. So basically just some big dogs. But that wasn't really the thing that set them apart. He hadn't heard much about her, but him... Well. He had heard from some of his guards he painted. And that was something that did grab the Heirs attention. As an artist himself he was highly interested in such matters. Not that many people knew, as he kept that side under wraps, but it was who he truly wanted to be. An artist or even a performer. Everything that had to do with the arts brought joy to his heart. It was funny, because well... He didn't really have a future with the arts and he most likely would never have one. One day he would have to follow up his mother and then... What. There would be no time for dancing and painting then, right? That's what they told him at least. He barely had any time right now to enjoy his hobbies... so it would most likely not get better with time.

He saw him in the distance and adjusted his posture to a regal one. His familiar still perched on his shoulder as she had done before. His spear and staff adjusted to his back for quick access... Yea, he was ready for another meeting. The blonde man approached the other man, bowing his head as soon as he was close enough. "Lord Deimos, welcome to Lythrania," the majestic creature spoke for him as she followed his gesture in perfect sync. They quickly recovered themselves and Myrddin showed a small smile to his far off cousin. "We hope you had a comfortable and safe trip," the same words were spoken from the creature as it had done to Chaska. Why would they have to change after all. "Master Myrddin and I would love to give you a tour of the estate, but we understand if you prefer to get some rest first," Myrddin nodded at him when his familiar spoke those words. It was mostly him that wanted a break, because this was getting exhausting.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:50 pm
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
What a sight CypBckU
What a sight ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
tag: Myrrdin Vylasar

He had finally taken a moment for himself, between unpacking, meeting other people and trying to find himself back in this chaos. He still had certain things on his mind and it was clouding his judgement around the half done painting that he was staring at. Something was missing, that's why it was perched up against the wall, but he couldn't see what. It annoyed him more than he wanted to admit, so he placed a hand in his neck and rolled his head around. Maybe it was better if he stopped looking at it and went outside for a bit, maybe than he could come back with a clear head about it. So, he took off the jacket filled with paint splatters and cleaned his hands for as best as possible, before grabbing his summonings staff and speak the short words to make Häti appear. "Hi boy, how have you been?" He asked the wolf, while scratching him behind his ear. The wolf playfully bit his hand, before licking it and walked towards the door. "Let's go." Deimos walked behind the wolf and turned around to close the door. He stretched his arms above his head and groaned when he felt joints move in ways they were not suppose to move. He wasn't even that old, yet it felt that way whenever he did this. Häti growled behind him and the sorcerer turned around, just in time to see a blonde man walking up to him. The man spoke to him , welcoming him to Lythrania and that they had hoped he had a safe and comfortable trip. It took Deimos a moment before he noticed that it wasn't the man speaking, but rather the bird sitting on his shoulder. He was a summoner as well, or so it seemed, as the bird didn't appear to have a corporeal form. Deimos missed some of the words that had been spoken, but he picked up a name Myrrdin. For a moment, the young sorcerer just stood there and stared to the two, before Häti pushed him in his thigh. "Oh, eh, sorry. Thank you very much for the warm welcome, Lythrania is as beautiful as we have been told." He spoke hastily. "I'd very much appreciated a tour, I haven't really been much out of my room." Was he ashamed? No, not at all. It was just how he was, a loner when needed. "This is Häti, by the way, I hope you don't another summon around?" The wolf peaked his ears and walked up to the man and the bird, to sniff curious around the two.

Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:39 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
What a sight RbKYMU2
What a sight 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I'll never be that me again ❞
He honestly didn't know what to expect of this Deimos. He had barely heard anything about the wolf twins. Just that they were both sorcerers with no real troublesome things that were of note. Or at least none that his guards found noteworthy to mention to him. Chaska had been a kind person, so he would assume her brother to be somewhat in the same boat... Or not... It didn't mean that if you were raised in the same house, by the same people, that you must have the same characteristics. A clear example was Ezekiel and him. Where the blonde always tried his best to please everyone and keep peace, the silver haired man in question would much rather see the entire place on fire. Chaos and rebellion. Whatever the man could do to disturb the peace around here. Sometimes it just felt like the man did it all on purpose because he hated him. And Myrddin had to bite his tongue every time when they had another argument about something. Because, once again, he much rather went confrontation out of the way than take it on. He did know that one day, he would have to come face to face with his own brother. A future he didn't look forward to. But it had to happen... For his own good.

The other man had his familiar with him as well. A wolf, just like his sister. Interesting to say the least, as this was another example of summons having a correlation with familial bonds. His own was an example of it as well, as he had a bird just like his mother. And she had a feathery companion just like her father before her... And so on. He wondered if it was also tied to the fact of their position in the family as a main branch. But he quickly discarded that idea. A bird didn't really have as much power and such as other familiars. But it did, however, have many advantages over other familiars. For him it was the fact that he could compensate through his own. A blessing. Myrddin had noted that the other wasn't really paying much attention, most likely caught off guard by the fact that a summon was speaking to him and not its master. It happened, even in the family. But he didn't mind, it was quite the peculiar thing to see after all. It did make him wonder how used this man was to more formal meetings and other things. Perhaps the two of them were raised in more humble homes? Always a possibility.

And then he finally spoke, thanking him for the welcome and praising the city that now belonged to his mother. The blonde man nodded, showing a small smile as he heard those words. It was always a great thing to hear, as both he, his mother and the many people who aided them, had put tears, sweat, and blood into making the transition from monarchy to council as smoothly as possible. He could still remember the first few meetings they had... What chaos that was. Deimos went on to say he would like a tour and the young heir nodded once more. It would seem that he was a bit similar to him in that regard. Preferring to spend time alone in his room instead of going out. Myrddin didn't particularly like staying in, as he much preferred nature and going out in them to sketch and draw, but if he had to choose between being social and being on himself... Well, the choice was easily made. Introverted by nature, it was much easier to just avoid all that social stuff if he could choose. He already had a job that required him to be quite social, so he literally took any opportunity not to be.

When his familiar walked up to him, Myrddin looked down at the creature. Deimos introduced him as Häti, asking him if he didn't mind having around. The blonde man looked up at the other, before looking back at the canine in front of him, which was now curiously sniffing at him. The sorcerer slowly extended his hand a bit, as he had seen people do with dogs. The behavior this wolf displayed was very much like one. It wasn't as sentient and civil as his own, that much was for sure. As he kept his focus on the wolf, his own familiar spoke once more. "That is not a problem at all," she said, her shining bright eyes gazing at the man in question. "You may call me Maeve," she followed it up with so that she now was also properly introduced to the other. Oh... The damn feathery creature and her etiquette. It was the one thing she could never let go. Well, at least one of them had to hold on to it, as they still had a status to uphold with the position they had.

Myrddin slowly pulled his hand away from the wolf as he lifted his gaze again, nodding at his cousin. "Would there be any place you like to visit first?" Maeve asked on his behalf. "We have already shown your sister around the beautiful gardens of the castle... But perhaps you would prefer a city tour over such things?" He wouldn't be able to show everything, that much was for sure. But he would be able to show the most important and beautiful things in the city. That was if they weren't overflowing with tourists and such. Lythrania had always been a popular destination for travel, as it was quite a sight to behold. And for good reason. It had some of the most peculiar histories in all of Odiria, on top of being the last place where dragon magic was still so clearly seen. The barrier protecting them from the ocean was created from the same energy that coursed through their veins. Laphiss' magic... It was truly one of a kind.
Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:26 am
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