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royal regalia
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Ravaryn Citizen
Christina Astalli
Christina Astalli
royal regalia H0mzcaZ
royal regalia FaxCtWv

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Noblewoman

Golden skies

Christina, walked through an all too familiar part of the castle. She'd been here hundreds of times. Mostly because her close friend, the princess Adaliah had her rooms here. Christina hadn't seen the royal for a time, well; not after the Frostcrown ball. Something the woman herself had not attended, for various reasons. But the dark haired woman wished she had; with the knowledge she had now. So she could've supported her friend better. Sadly there was no going back, and when Christina had heard of what happened she immediately wrote a letter to her dear friend. Promising to visit her as soon possible. And so here she was-standing in front of the doors that would lead her into the princesses chambers. Christina held a necklace in her hand, it was a gift. She knew that Adaliah hadn't been the one who was attacked, nor did she find a dying man in the gardens. But surely the whole event had been deeply shocking for her. And so she could use something nice, no? The dark haired woman placed the jewelry away. Hiding it in an hidden pocket inside her dress. After which, Christina made her way into the princesses room. Her eyes fell almost immediately on a familiar figure, she was with a maid. One who was doing her very best to lace Adaliah's gown. Though it was clear she wasn't very good at it. Christina ventured that she was a new hire; judging from her young age. The noblewoman stepped forward and shot the servant an icy stare. "I'll lace the princesses dress, you may go." The young muttered a soft "yes, my lady" as she quickly left the room. Slowly, Christina took the threads that held the royal's dress together in her hand. And got to work, tightening them. Before she weaved them together. "It's good to see you again." She spoke, her voice gentle and kind. "I was so worried." The women went on as her hands continued to moved nimbly. 

Tag; Ada<3

Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:25 pm
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