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Amaro Elaris
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Xaila Citizen
Amaro Elaris
Amaro Elaris
Amaro Elaris J6d8JXz
Amaro Elaris Game-of-Thrones-game-of-thrones-37058236-245-245

Character sheet
Age: 49
Race: Mage
Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Amaro Elaris
Hearts live by being wounded.
Gender Male
Age 49
Species Mage
Magic Dark magic
Religion Odirian deities
Occupation Bounty Hunter
P.O.B Zahriyah (Xaila)
Residence Travelling
Height 187cm
Build Strong
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Messy
Eye Color Brown
Skin Tone Toned


Amaro is a tall man with a toned body and a serious look on his face. The stern look he often wears has given him a few creases in his forehead, which makes him look older than he actually is. His scruffy beard and messy hair give the look of someone who is more on the road than in society itself, radiating a 'leave me alone' look. His toned skin and dark hair and eyes easily reveal his Xailan heritage, something that he still carries with pride no matter how far away from home he is.

His movements aren't always that smooth, and sometimes he struggles with the basic things like crouching or bending to pick something up. It takes him awhile to get moving, which sometimes makes for short fights. Whenever he's warmed up however, he is an absolute menace.

The man is often covered in weapons, including knives and daggers, but his pride is the encrusted scimitar that never leaves his side. The weapon shows the wealth he once had, though it definitely isn't looking as sharp as it once had been. Besides his weapons, his clothing style is practical and often in muted colours. Amaro does his best to make sure he can blend into crowds and can often be seen with a scarf over his mouth to hide a part of his identity.
Constellation The Raven
Alignment Neutral good

Before his banishment Amaro was a loving husband and loyal brother in the Sun Sister's tribe. He smiled and joked and didn't always take things as serious as he should. Mischief was something the man was very familiar with. He was someone who loved fiercely and didn't mind showing it.

His upbringing had learned him to put women above everything else, respecting their wishes and demands, though he didn't mind teasing every once in a while. Overall he was the kind of person that wanted everyone around him happy and he would do a lot to do so. In that way, Amaro is also a determined and sometimes stubborn man who, once he has an idea in his head, cannot do anything else before he's reached his goal. When training or fighting he is focused and relentless, doing everything he can to protect the people around him.

Nowadays, Amaro is half that man. He often hides behind a grumpy and stern demeanor and he doesn't talk a lot. When he does his answers are short and curt, his voice often cold. He likes to keep people at a distance, preferring solitude over company. He's gotten to be a wary and distrusting man who does what is asked of him, making him an excellent bounty hunter. Amaro is still stubborn as ever, maybe even more so. As long as he's away from home he finds no joy in life and so, no reason to smile. His deep respect for other people around him, including women, is still a root he cannot let go of and he is not someone who you can anger into a fight because of that.
Family Tree


father Ayham Elaris
mother Karima Elaris


Brother tbd
Sister Axera Elaris

Other family

Aunts & Uncles tbd
Nieces/Nephews Sarya Elaris

Wife & Children

Wife Sherine Mehra
Son tbd
Daughter Jezebel Elaris
Daughter tbd
Daughter tbd

Magic type Dark Magic
Expertise Life transference

Over the course of many years, Amaro trained his magic in secret. As a brother he was not allowed to harbour magic, but due to his nature and desire to protect his family, he still trained. With no one to teach him and with him having no clue what he was doing, it took a long time before finding out how magic worked. Since no one told hem what was right and wrong, his magic eventually evolved into dark magic, though it took him a very long time to get aware of that. While at first he found no skill, he later realised how his magic worked and he started to work on healing.

Healing does come at a cost, as this type of magic can more or less be considered as life transference. By taking the life force of one creature, Amaro is able to heal wounds on someone different. The bigger life force he steals, the bigger wounds he can heal. He cannot regrow any severed limbs, nor bring someone back to life.

His magic often has a sickly green color to it and seems to snake from one body to the next like some sort of poison is spreading. When once receives aid from his magic, their veins glow faintly green before fading.

This magic also has drawbacks on him. If he isn't careful he adds life essence of his own during the transference, weakening himself. As a result Amaro looks a bit more older than his actual age, which has direct consequences on how he lives his life, often obstructing him from, doing more physical challenging things such as climbing and fighting.

Born as a man in the Sun Sisters tribe, his way of life was already determined before he could walk. He would grow up to be nothing but breeding stock for the tribe. From an early age he already showed his mischievous nature, often pulling pranks on the other tribe members. The young boy was full of energy and often couldn't be stopped once he had an idea in his head. This also meant that once he realised what his destiny would be, he decided himself he would become more than that.

He spied on the training the Brothers went through and often mimicked their movements. His pleads were ignored in the beginning, but eventually Amaro was allowed to follow the training and become a Brother. His sole motivation was to be a better protector to his fellow tribe members and family. Because Amaro was someone with strong emotions, he could easily get upset whenever he saw someone get hurt. Thus, it was important to him that no one he loved would ever got hurt again.

Amaro picked up fighting fairly quickly. He showed on multiple occasions to be a skilled fighter, favouring a scimitar above the spear. His fights were more often a dance than an actual fight and he had a habit of sometimes toying with his opponent when he knew he could win. This made his ego grow and made him more bold, both in fighting and in real life. The latter was about to take a turn when his eyes fell on Sherine Mehra, a tribeswoman. Amaro knew almost instantly that he wanted to be with her.

Courting Sherine had not been easy and often his flirting turned more into teasing. While she refused him many times, like the true simp he was he kept persisting. And hard work paid off as eventually the two of them admitted their love and got married. Not soon after, or maybe even before their marriage, Sherine got pregnant. Soon enough their family started to grow and Amaro couldn't be more happier. He loved his wife dearly, only having eyes and love for her. Despite the traditions in Xaila, Amaro did not bed anyone else.

While still continuing his training and duty as a Brother, Amaro became a loving and caring father. He was always there for his children, taking care of them, listening and playing along. It was clear as day that his family meant everything to him. However, at a certain moment there came a fracture. When Amaro was summoned to go on a supply run with a few other Sisters and Brothers, Sherine demanded him to stay, stating that she needed him more. Amaro refused on the ground that the tribe needed him as well and that he would be back as soon as possible. He left after their fight was unresolved and what followed were still days that he could barely remember.

What he did remember that somewhere on that supply run in a city or village he got drunk. The consequences of his drunkenness came to hit him nine months later, when it turned out he had fathered a bastard daughter. Not wanting her to grow up without him, Amaro took the baby back to the Sun Sister's Tribe.

What followed was a fight that would strain their relationship in years to come. With Sherine not accepting the child and being furious with Amaro and Amaro in return not wanting to give up on the child, a rift happened. The man promised that nothing like the birth of Jezebel would happen ever again. Sherine was his only love. Feeling like he failed her, Amaro continued to put effort into his duties as a Brother. The urge to become better was growing and soon enough he realised that no matter his fighting capabilities, it wouldn't be enough.

So, he started to dabble into dangerous territory. Magical territory. Forbidden for men within the tribe, Amaro ignored the warning and started to practice himself. With no one to guide him and with no books at his disposal, he had to do it with the magics he had seen being performed by the Sisters and what he head passing through the tribe. Soon enough, and without his knowning, turned to dark magic. With siphoning life essence from one creature, he could transfer it to another. It left him exhausted most of the time and often after practising it he returned home without saying much. It made the rift between his wife and him only bigger and the distance also started to manifest into the relationships with his children.

But the worst was yet to come. When on patrol with a few Sisters an accident occured, causing one of the sisters to get seriously hurt. In an attempt to rescue her, Amaro channeled his magic and gave the Sister the life essence she needed to survive. In doing so, he doomed another. And all could have been covered up, if not for Sherine to witness what had happened.

Amaro pleaded with her, begged her not to tell the leader of the Tribe. He promised again to do better, to be better. At first it appeared that his wife was giving him yet another chance and that she indeed trusted him to better himself. But the tides quickly turned when it was revealed she had betrayed him and had indeed reported him to their leaders. While Amaro was ready to accept death, a fate far worse was given him.


With only a few supplies packed the man had to leave the Sun Sisters tribe without so much as a goodbye. Amaro begged his wife one last time but once again got turned away. And so, the former Brother left his only home and the only family he'd never known and traveled further into the world. While he kept hanging out in Xaila in the first weeks, hoping that perhaps they would return on their decision and let him come back to the tribe, he eventually left his homeland.

Amaro traveled all over world. In order to get some money he turned to bounty hunting and helping people around him. Because despite his predicament, his love for people didn't go away. Over the course of the following months, Amaro became a shell of the man he'd been. With everything being taken from him he turned bitter and distant, rather keeping to himself. Simply out of fear that he would make the same mistake again.

• Despite everything that has happened, Amaro still loves his wife and his children dearly. He one day hopes he can return to the tribe and protect them like he'd done before.

• While Amaro isn't really a 'people-person' anymore, the man gets a little brighter whenever he's around animals. He has a great interest in birds of prey but due to the nature of his work and lifestyle, cannot keep one with him.

• His favorite color is yellow.

• Can sleep everywhere but will wake up at every little sound he hears. Therefore often looks very exhausted.
Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:43 am
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Amaro Elaris XuTWurPc_o
Amaro Elaris MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:51 pm
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